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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nothing wrong with some vitriol, ya wee Jambo c**t. The bit that rips my knitting is the repetitious airheads.

I'll be saving my vitriol for when we sew up the Championship Title! ;):P

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Aye mate, could be a long wait, but reckon most of us are up for it over the long haul, a United front amongst our support will make all the difference, Follow Follow!

:o Will that be the same 'United front' from the Tannadice boycott?

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Seeing the hashtags getting thrown about on twitter, can only think now 'is this another fritzl moment?'

Is the light at the end of the tunnel just a train coming their way?

Does DK have the readies to save them from MA's onerous contracts and levies on the loans?

Should start seeing action in here with gloating from either side depending what happens.

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Seeing the hashtags getting thrown about on twitter, can only think now 'is this another fritzl moment?'

Is the light at the end of the tunnel just a train coming their way?

Does DK have the readies to save them from MA's onerous contracts and levies on the loans?

Should start seeing action in here with gloating from either side depending what happens.

I saw an interview clip where DK says it needs £20M but that he won't be putting all of that in - other wealthy investors will be involved. Any idea where the wealthy investors have been hiding for the last 3 years?

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King is NOT the answer but he's helping to stop the problem....which is people seeing our club as a money-vehicle rather than what we are: just another football team.

My stance is perfectly prosaic: Have a Rangers who are talked about for footballing reasons.

I've asked quite a few times on here about KIng but I think yours is the first post I've read from a 'Rangers' fan actually explaining why you see him as different to all the rest - I don't know much about him, his involvement with the previous entity was back before the circus came to town so I wasn't all that interested, but my understanding is that he didn't lose as much as he claims he did so surely that is already an indication that he might actually be like the rest!?

I know not to expect 'news' from the Scottish media (their style is more 'Hello' magazine) but they've championed King from the off without really presenting things impartially which is pretty much what they did with Green and Whyte and we all know how that turned out.

Happy Xmas anyhoo.

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Spiers on Sport: The Dave King "issues" that won't go away
Graham Spiers
Thursday 5 March 2015

A few months back I had a conversation with a City analyst, who loves football, and who has been watching this Rangers saga from afar.

A few months back I had a conversation with a City analyst, who loves football, and who has been watching this Rangers saga from afar.

"City analysts", by the way, are fallible. I'm not quoting this guy as if his word is gospel on Rangers. Nonetheless, this is what he told me about Dave King's aspirations for control of the club.

"It is the Nomad [the club's Nominated Adviser] that will be the key to it all for King," he said. "The stock market has to be kept clean - that is one reason the Nomads are there on the AIM. In my view many Nomads will harbour reservations about King, given his recent convictions in South Africa."

I have kept re-playing that conversation in my head since the announcement that WH Ireland, the beleaguered Rangers Nomad, removed itself from the scene on Wednesday, thus suspending shares-trading in the Rangers International Football Club.

It was just one more embarrassment for a club that is now stretching the word "farce" to its very limits.

Between King and WH Ireland it was in fact a two-way street. King knew of the Nomad's reservations about him, and last month turned the situation on its head, claiming the Nomad itself was "not fit and proper" and was set to be replaced. So no love was lost on either side.

King's "two hurdles of integrity" at Rangers - being deemed suitable by both the London Stock Exchange and the Scottish FA - have proved more troubling than he has previously blithely stated.

With WH Ireland gone, King can certainly shop around until he finds a Nomad to take him on - and there are plenty out there who would have the chance to claim the lucrative ticket of Rangers as their client.

But if market analysts are correct, a Nomad taking on Rangers with King at the helm may also be taking a risk. The Nomad himself has to be seen by the Alternative Investments Market to be doing its duty in keeping the market clean.

Of course, everyone knows the alternative to all this - that of de-listing Rangers.

In this case the club would just revert to what it was before, an unlisted PLC. In this scenario King would have no cause for a Nomad to be onside, so that particular monkey would be off his back. Indeed, this might suit him very well.

That would just leave the SFA to deal with his "fit and proper" suitability, in line with their regulations.

On this score, enough has been said already. My view is, Dave King is an all-singing, all-dancing "fail" in terms of the SFA's Article 10.

On two of its torchlight issues - convictions worthy of a prison-sentence and involvement in a previous insolvency at a club - King falls foul. It is impossible to soft-soap it.

That said, this is a continuing nightmare for the SFA. They want this Rangers saga resolved, and King appears to be the club's only option.

Others - Jim McColl, Bill Miller and more - have come and gone from the scene. At Rangers it is Dave King or…what?

My money is on the SFA wilting over King's "fit and proper" status, and duly waving him through. There will be scorn heaped on the organisation for it, but that will only be one more bruise to the face.

It will be wrong, but I can't see otherwise.

For Rangers fans who back King - and there are legions of them - this is all highly frustrating. He has means, he has wealth, he has the popular vote, he appears to have plans for the club.

The fans' argument is: "For God's sake, would people just get off the club's back, and let us move on." They attest to constant persecution.

Others call it an unrelenting persecution-complex.

If Dave King is waved through, and is free at last to set to work on Rangers, then a point will be reached to let him get on with that. Rangers have suffered enough. Some kind of rebuilding of the club must take place.

But, until then, the integrity issue over King will linger. As much as he declares otherwise, it won't go away.

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Bloody hell, did King not get the memo about ethereal entity clubs.

Littered throughout his interview are references to the "clubs finances", the "clubs NOMAD" etc, etc.

Davy boy, that's not how it works, the club can't enter contracts or own assets, that's the COMPANY you Castlemilk twat!

I think we can safely say that there will be a lot of the RangersEtherealEntity FC fans giving me plaudits for correcting such utter diddy bile!

Honestly, you'd think by that Dave King interview, this notion that the club runs the ethereal entity stuff, was a load of made up b0llocks.

He should be told!

Yours, ever helpful


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I suspect this morning that the board will announce before the EGM that they have taken the extra £5m, state the reasons why, which will show what they have spent it on.

Will King and Co be in the same room as Lambias and shareholders today?

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He lost £20m which is what he claimed he lost. SARS took that £20m and declared it as £20m income for tax purposes the same as they did for all his large purchases including the painting which kicked this whole thing off, basically king declared his income at low level for a number of years and SARS pointed to the large purchases and said if you spent this then you must have earned it.

Sounds like you've been on swallow swallow again listening to your favourite bigoted blogger Tinfoil Heed......here you go......

.SARS spokesman Adrian Lackay said yesterday the taxman stood by its tax assessment for 1990 to 2001. "There is nothing wrong with the tax assessments. They are based on benefits King received from the assets - not the assets themselves."

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Sounds like you've been on swallow swallow again listening to your favourite bigoted blogger Tinfoil Heed......here you go...... .SARS spokesman Adrian Lackay said yesterday the taxman stood by its tax assessment for 1990 to 2001. "There is nothing wrong with the tax assessments. They are based on benefits King received from the assets - not the assets themselves."

That does not prove your point.

Look it is fairly simple, if King received a penny from Rangers then it would be in the accounts, there would be a receipt for it, please show me the payment to king in the accounts.

Agree with Tedi on this one. It was poorly reported in the South African press by someone who misinterpreted the "£20m income that was invested in Rangers" as "£20m income from Rangers".

I think in the end he got some benefit from losing it as he was able to write it off as a loss, reducing his tax bill in the end, but he didn't receive the money back from Rangers.

King basically made a c*nt of trying to con the tax man. He let his ego get the better of him and couldn't help himself but to splash his cash.

Edited by Ross.
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That does not prove your point.

Look it is fairly simple, if King received a penny from Rangers then it would be in the accounts, there would be a receipt for it, please show me the payment to king in the accounts.

I don't have access to Dave Kings receipts, but, SARS spent years forensically examining them and they say he recieved income from Rangers to the tune of R200 .

Now Kings mouthpieces will tell you he lost his £20m investment in Rangers, correct.BUT he got about £13m income from Rangers also.

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(Taxed on benefits from those assets)

King holds that he cannot be taxed on assets he does not own and it is on these grounds that he will take the case to the Income Tax Court. But SARS contends he can be taxed if he obtains benefits from those assets...

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You have access to the accounts...they are all online

Let it go mate. He is a crackpot. There is only one King.

Looking forward to having our club back and attending every game at Ibrox.

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