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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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OK OK folks I just remembered something and did some checking into my messages folder to confirm my suspicions about something.

Some posters will remember a wee spat I had with Tedi a while back about him deleting a post in a match thread that would have him travel to a game in under 30 minutes when in fact he would have had to travel well over an hour to Govan, I think or other place as far well over an hour by car. The result through claiming he did not delete said post was he posted a pic of an ST card for Bar72 to which I then wound him up that it was someone else's card he got a pic of.

Now !, I know No8's first name and quelle surprise it does in fact begin with an "A", so now we have a situation !, did No8 come to Tedi's aid and supplied Tedi with a pic of No8's ST card ?

Not only that Tedi was caught during a match thread during the match dishing out red dots he said he was attending. when at the time it was impossible through the mobile app to give out rep on a mobile.

So is Tedi really a total lying piece of shit ?

I really enjoy your posts on BRALT, Hellbhoy, but today you need to get out and enjoy some sunshine instead of waging war on the Tedi Comedy Product. ;) Edited by Dr Koop
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I for one believe that pretending to have been at a football game that you didn't actually go to is utterly disgusting behaviour and Michel Platini agreed with me when we discussed it at half time during the last World Cup Final

Aye he told me that he was fed up with all the lobster and caviar with all the worlds best champagne , at half time in the vip section and was choking for a Dunfermline Bridie and a Capri sun

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I for one believe that pretending to have been at a football game that you didn't actually go to is utterly disgusting behaviour and Michel Platini agreed with me when we discussed it at half time during the last World Cup Final

its as bad as benny posting numerous posts about sevco,and has probably never stepped a foot inside ipox.

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OK OK folks I just remembered something and did some checking into my messages folder to confirm my suspicions about something.

What a thick, tragic, slavering mess of a poster you are. You should take a couple of weeks away from this place if this is the sort of shite that goes through your head mate.

Oh, and....

The Treble :lol:

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Is there any truth to the rumour he dressed in women's clothes when posting as Vicky?

Well I was talking to Angela Merkel on the way out of a MSV Duisburg vs hertha Berlin reserve fixture and she's pretty certain that he's been stealing her underwear of the washing line (Wäscheleine). She says she knows it's him because only the red white and blue ones go missing permanently. The green ones have always been hidden.

I told her that she should be wearing patriotic Black red and yellow as chancellor but she said that when she and Joachim get down to sexy time she preferred to forget about running the country entirely, to the point of pretending to not even be German, indeed she used to dress up in orange Lingerie and clogs and put on a Dutch accent while Joachim was dressed as a Turkish Sultan. The orange underwear was the first to be stolen.

She also said something about the CIA apologising for bugging her phone and giving her a betting tip that Inverness would reach the Scottish Cup final but I didn't pay much attention at the time. Duisburg probably had the better of the play but a breakaway goal just before half time and a late penalty saw the Capital side win 2-0

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What a thick, tragic, slavering mess of a poster you are. You should take a couple of weeks away from this place if this is the sort of shite that goes through your head mate.

Oh, and....

The Treble :lol:

Both arsecheeks are horrendous on here lately.
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Well I was talking to Angela Merkel on the way out of a MSV Duisburg vs hertha Berlin reserve fixture and she's pretty certain that he's been stealing her underwear of the washing line (Wäscheleine). She says she knows it's him because only the red white and blue ones go missing permanently. The green ones have always been hidden.

This is patently fictitious. Everyone knows that the Germans hang out their washing on the Siegfried line.

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