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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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HMRC has never won an EBT case, no doubt they will keep trying, I am not worried at all.

Bottom line is it was tax avoidance, all tax avoidance is legal, the loop hole was open, HMRC closed it and they want to apply retrospective punishments, that is not how justice works, the 2 lawyers understood this of course and were 100% correct to rule against HMRC.

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Party time

Guilty of.......Sweet f**k all

Hopefully this means we can all move on, surely the SPL`s case is now well and truly fucked

You are absolutely spewing,you're fucking gutted after all the crap you posted day after day. So here is a GET IT RIGHT FUCKING UP YOU,TOSSPOT.

Incredible, every anti Rangers fan on here said we were guilty of Tax evasion and the result of the big tax case was a formality and a damming guilty verdict

Where are the apologies?


You're trying too hard,the plc won the case and after all the crap we've taken this result is very pleasing and welcome and as to your last sentence,no they are not morally responsible.

Aye sure just like we were guilty of TAX evasion.....GIRUY!!

Mason,they are trying very hard to justify this whole thread now as can be seen by the examples of the two posts after yours. To a man,every one of them had the plc guilty of this EBTcase. Now each and every one of them got their eye wiped.
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