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MIKE ASHLEY is taking the SFA to court.

SunSport can reveal that the tycoon has demanded a full judicial inquiry into the decision by the beaks to pass Dave King as a fit and proper person.

The bombshell news comes just a week after the Sports Direct supremo launched a legal move to have the Gers chairman jailed.

Mike Ashley is taking the SFA to court

Mike Ashley is taking the SFA to court

The case, to be heard at Edinburgh’s Court of Session, is scheduled for a first hearing on Friday, December 11.

It could eventually lead to the original decision being overturned by the sitting judge.

Ashley is understood to have served legal papers last month calling for a review of the SFA ruling handed down on May 19.

He wants to examine the process Hampden’s hierarchy went through before clearing King.

Seething Gers fans will view the MASH Holdings v SFA case as a clear attempt to further disrupt the rebuilding process at the crisis-torn club.

King was able to take up the role of Ibrox chairman when he was passed fit and proper by the SFA.

Just two months before May’s ruling, he had led a successful bid to oust the previous regime.

However, the game’s governing body still needed time to assess the businessman’s suitability given his tax convictions in South Africa.

The fact he’d sat on the Light Blues’ board prior to their administration in 2012 was also considered by Hampden chiefs. At the time, the SFA consulted the relevant authorities in South Africa and Scotland, including the police, South African Revenue Services and HMRC, before allowing King to become chairman.

But that hasn’t satisfied Ashley, who has declared all-out war on King and his board.

The petition will already be in the hands of the SFA. Judicial reviews generally look into whether processes behind decisions made by public and private bodies are legal and fair.

It promises to be another messy affair in this never-ending saga with Ashley also dragging King through the courts.

Their feud exploded publicly last week as King insisted the costly legal fight against Sports Direct would continue.

Ashley’s lawyers then argued King breached a gagging order — obtained by the Sports Direct chief in June — in an interview with Sky Sports’ Jim White.

The latest twist comes less than a week after HMRC, at the third time of asking, won their appeal in the “Big Tax Case” and Gers’ annual report confirmed they need an additional £2.5m to survive the season.

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Some would say I have a pedantic side. That I ignored your tragic use of 'it's' rather than calling you for it shows my tolerance.

You're, again, confusing the legal with the moral. Being uncooperative is wrong but, again, neither illegal nor immoral.

OK on a (rare) evening when no drink has been taken here's my braindump on EBTs and title-stripping, criminality and morality - much of which I've said before but it is (in my head) worth repeating.


Perfectly legal. Even when shown to have failed (as in the CoS judgment) nothing illegal has been declared.

The process is simple: HMRC present a bill to BDO and get pennies in the pound. Same as any other creditor.

Title Stripping

Done to death by LNS. Nothing has changed. He and his peers judged that players were properly registered and no sporting advantage was gained. The CoS decision doesn't change this.


Utter bollocks. No crime was committed over the use of EBTs. A few pea-brains try and posture but no one with even a hint of sanity would even consider it.


We are cunted here. We spent over the odds and are architects of our own demise.

Anyone who thinks paying Dan Eggen £68K or Christian Nerlinger £1.8M ok is clearly deranged.

Were EBTs good for Rangers? Absolutely not - our hubris brought the club to its knees.

Were EBTs illegal and/or criminal? Don't be fucking silly.

A good post that achieves some clarity.

Your argument however that the LNS view is not altered by the CoS decision - although being an outlook I share- does mark a shift from yourself. You thought that the title stripping investigation should have been halted in the wake of the FTTT decision. It seems that you're only now, clinging to the idea of the two verdicts not being closely related.

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pages and pages of Olympic gold medal standard deflection taking BRALT into a discussion of the definition of 'criminality', all to avoid the central fact of Dave J's 13 word sentence.

The reason all trophies 'won' during the EBT decade should be struck off.

Full details of all players contracts must be lodged with the football authorities. OldDead,Adminstered AndLiquidated Rangers deliberately did not do this. To gain an unfair Sporting Advantage.

Rendering the money that all scottish football fans spent following a rigged / uneven playing-field sport during that era pretty much wasted.

This is about the size of it. I'm yet to see a single attempt to disprove this that doesn't basically amount to pretending not to understand it, from journalists, club employees or supporters.

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"Seething Gers fans" :D

Oh goody those are my favourite kind of those.

Not happy about the SFA being taken to court, but they had the option of publishing their note of reasons why they passed a convicted criminal and a former director of a liquidated club as fit and proper. Hopefully we'll find out now, should be interesting.

Just another greasy black stain on our sport courtesy of Continual Disgrace FC 2.0

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Our use of EBTs was in our annual reports. it was never a secret.

This is where there's a difficulty though.

In legal terms, it can be argued that there was no secrecy, although there was hardly openness either.

In football terms though, there certainly was secrecy. That's what the side letters were about and what 'title stripping' is about.

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This is about the size of it. I'm yet to see a single attempt to disprove this that doesn't basically amount to pretending not to understand it, from journalists, club employees or supporters.

There's just one thing I don't understand...

If the EBTs were openly declared in Rangers'accounts and, presumably, to the taxman, why did they feel they had to hide the existence of the side-letters from the football authorities? Why did it matter if they told them that they were paying Mr Dodds 20K per week plus another 3K in EBTs?

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There's just one thing I don't understand...

If the EBTs were openly declared in Rangers'accounts and, presumably, to the taxman, why did they feel they had to hide the existence of the side-letters from the football authorities? Why did it matter if they told them that they were paying Mr Dodds 20K per week plus another 3K in EBTs?

It matters because i'm pretty sure... thems the rules.


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There's just one thing I don't understand...

If the EBTs were openly declared in Rangers'accounts and, presumably, to the taxman, why did they feel they had to hide the existence of the side-letters from the football authorities? Why did it matter if they told them that they were paying Mr Dodds 20K per week plus another 3K in EBTs?

Same reason why they blocked and stalled HMRC for years on end, deliberately dragging out the process for as long as possible.

They knew - or at very least strongly suspected - that if they fully revealed their financial dealings, they'd have to pay all their taxes, just like every other club in the country. And they couldn't afford to do that, because they were deliberately operating a scheme designed to let them field players that were well beyond their ability to pay for.

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If it is then I expect criminal charges to be brought.

You diddies are being utter cretins tonight. Rapists, criminals, plummy accents et al. What a fucking mess The Big Thread Diddies and their Plastic pals are in.

Are you suggesting that all criminal activity results in charges?

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"This latest ruling by three judges at the Court of Session upholds HMRC's position and renders the EBT arrangement illegal."


"The Court of Session in Edinburgh held the corporate entity which formerly housed Rangers, now in liquidation (oldco), had illegally used the scheme between 2001 and 2010 to pay £47.65m to players and staff in tax-free loans."

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