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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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FFS. Personally, I have made my own thoughts on it known to my club, using the channels of communication open to me. My best mate of 36 years standing has already renewed his season ticket, and even if our board throw down a red carpet with 'Welcome Newco' on it - he still wants to go and watch his team. Entirely opposite view from mine, but I understand and respect his view.

I don't expect my view to be shared by other St Mirren fans, some may agree, others may not. There's a snowball in hell's chance of me even attempting to rabble-rouse other Saints fans into 'action'. Who the fcuk would I think I was? Each to their own - I understand the view that not renewing your ST damages your own club. Last time I looked, on the St Mirren forum B&W Army, the vote to renew or not renew was tied at 43 votes for each.

No-one has voted to accept a newco, there is no newco, there's been no vote on further sanctions, Rangers have not even been bought yet, there's been no result on the EBTs or BTC yet...

I don't pretend to speak for anyone other than myself, and I have my own views on what is obviously a divisive issue.

Edited by pozbaird
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No I will not the soccerball team Glasgow of Rangers gub us, I shall not go to those for certain.

There is a very good chance I shall see the soccerball team Miidden Saints of Paisley gub us though.

Doh - the point was who would know why you'd be gardening or playing golf or whateveva - lost in the ether of your indignation here instead of your chairman's understanding of why it was not just an odd email/indignant post here but a group expression.

Bash on tho - you'll have fun with the Govan Utd if that's yer way

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They are one group eg. Rankers fans, we are 10 separate groups of fans....

Yeh, very true but don't hide behind that as an excuse . Keeping an unpunished Rangers is going to accelerate the death of our top flight. You , and many like you, will be tormented in later years thinking that maybe we just had this one golden chance to change things but f ucking blew it . One standard response put together by everyone ( ie Hibs fans , Aberdeen et all ) sent to all clubs , local newspapers and MPs would do for starters . Take the momentum from there but probably too late .

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Doh - the point was who would know why you'd be gardening or playing golf or whateveva - lost in the ether of your indignation here instead of your chairman's understanding of why it was not just an odd email/indignant post here but a group expression.

Bash on tho - you'll have fun with the Govan Utd if that's yer way

I think the point about 42 teams or 10 in the SPL opposed to one set of semi-united fans answers it.

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I e-mailed Falkirk outlining my concerns whilst stopping short of saying I wouldn't be back. Difficult for fans of lower-league clubs - if the SPL vote FC Rangers 1690 into the league I'll never go to an SPL game again. But this will only punish Falkirk who, after all, aren't going to have any say in the matter either way.

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FFS. Personally, I have made my own thoughts on it known to my club, using the channels of communication open to me. My best mate of 36 years standing has already renewed his season ticket, and even if our board throw down a red carpet with 'Welcome Newco' on it - he still wants to go and watch his team. Entirely opposite view from mine, but I understand and respect his view.

I don't expect my view to be shared by other St Mirren fans, some may agree, others may not. There's a snowball in hell's chance of me even attempting to rabble-rouse other Saints fans into 'action'. Who the fcuk would I think I was? Each to their own - I understand the view that not renewing your ST damages your own club. Last time I looked, on the St Mirren forum B&W Army, the vote to renew or not renew was tied at 43 votes for each.

No-one has voted to accept a newco, there is no newco, there's been no vote on further sanctions, Rangers have not even been bought yet, there's been no result on the EBTs or BTC yet...

I don't pretend to speak for anyone other than myself, and I have my own views on what is obviously a divisive issue.

FFS bash on - I fully expect the odd email to any Club saying not renewing to be forgotten 5 seconds later. I would expect an association of supporters sending an open letter to the papers and Chairman to be treated more seriously and infuence their thinking.

But keep bashing-on here 30,000 word theses - I'm sure thats gonna help as everyone knows harsh well-written words on Pie will make the difference - hope ye enjoy a HOMER against Rangers Soccerball

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I e-mailed Falkirk outlining my concerns whilst stopping short of saying I wouldn't be back. Difficult for fans of lower-league clubs - if the SPL vote FC Rangers 1690 into the league I'll never go to an SPL game again. But this will only punish Falkirk who, after all, aren't going to have any say in the matter either way.

It's a tough one for lower league clubs. My view is that we're ultimately chasing a place in what will be a plainly rigged league, so it does affect us in some way (even if we have made a complete tits of things for seven seasons in a row).

That, added to the fact that i'm pretty disillusioned with football as it is, means i'll probably go to watch the local juniors before i'll pay through the nose to watch senior league football again.

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Do you still think Chic Young is a St Mirren fan?

Any time I've met him at our players' golf days or spoken with him in relation to the article he wrote for our last club book, then I have no reason to doubt that. What I've heard on the radio about Rangers from him, and Traynor & Dodds, has had me seriously wondering what kind of drugs all three are on. Absolutely cringeworthy.

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I e-mailed Falkirk outlining my concerns whilst stopping short of saying I wouldn't be back. Difficult for fans of lower-league clubs - if the SPL vote FC Rangers 1690 into the league I'll never go to an SPL game again. But this will only punish Falkirk who, after all, aren't going to have any say in the matter either way.

Yup - difficult for me to criticise from Div 2 as we reasonably have no voice except to complain to politicians. It is great that many fans from many levels feel strongly - I think my point was that playing a great game on Pie is not the answer and no matter what a blinder you play here, that is useless cos youre only speaking to quiet like-minded folks.Clever point scoring or theory is just lost unless someone gets it pushed in the local newspaper

Edited by Claymores
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FFS bash on - I fully expect the odd email to any Club saying not renewing to be forgotten 5 seconds later. I would expect an association of supporters sending an open letter to the papers and Chairman to be treated more seriously and infuence their thinking.

But keep bashing-on here 30,000 word theses - I'm sure thats gonna help as everyone knows harsh well-written words on Pie will make the difference - hope ye enjoy a HOMER against Rangers Soccerball

I genuinely have no idea what the fcuk you are blabbering on about. Anyhow, each to their own. Gie's a shout when the revolution starts and we're marching on Ibrox to raze it to the ground.

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To renew or not to renew, that is the question. . .

If we don't renew we simply hurt our own club but if we renew we appear to be colluding with their decision. If we demand a season ticket minus the OF then our chairmen will simply sell those tickets to the OF and perpetuate the "we support Scottish Fitba' myth".

So why don't we buy a season ticket that includes them - then don't go to the game. Humiliate our boards live on TV. Imagine it - Sky at St Mirren Park, or Rugby Park or Tannadice et al , the camera pans from 1 or 1.5 stands full of troglodytes to a ghost stadium. All those programmes and pies wasted, the chairman embarrassed as the pundit asks "where are your fans?"

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FFS bash on - I fully expect the odd email to any Club saying not renewing to be forgotten 5 seconds later. I would expect an association of supporters sending an open letter to the papers and Chairman to be treated more seriously and infuence their thinking.

But keep bashing-on here 30,000 word theses - I'm sure thats gonna help as everyone knows harsh well-written words on Pie will make the difference - hope ye enjoy a HOMER against Rangers Soccerball

I can assure you that Kenny Cameron has not forgotten about nor disregarded any fan's thoughts on this matter, I am satisfied that all my thoughts and the thoughts of my fellow fans have been taken on board and considered for what they are worth but he has a duty to our club to do the best for them. He is aware of what actions I will take should Zombie Gers be admitted to the SPL and is sympathetic with my stance. If he decides on the balance of things to support their admittance then I trust he will have done so having taken all scenarios into consideration, I shall not return but he knows and respects my view. I'd hate to be an SPL chairman ATM they have the hardest decision in the history of Scottish football to make, all we can do is help them by letting them know where we as fans stand.

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I think the point about 42 teams or 10 in the SPL opposed to one set of semi-united fans answers it.

Oh right - you've taught me on 1 web-board so that'll have a huge influence. Well done, gonna go back to occasional chant next?

You're just asking for it if the only thing you do is have a wee chant at the odd game then expect the world to be super-duper n fair doing zilch

As a 2nd Div person, I could easily say you deserve what you will get.

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FFS bash on - I fully expect the odd email to any Club saying not renewing to be forgotten 5 seconds later. I would expect an association of supporters sending an open letter to the papers and Chairman to be treated more seriously and infuence their thinking.

But keep bashing-on here 30,000 word theses - I'm sure thats gonna help as everyone knows harsh well-written words on Pie will make the difference - hope ye enjoy a HOMER against Rangers Soccerball

Are you suggesting joint action from all ten supporters' associations or ten individual SA statements? Our SA is currently waiting to see what happens before they think about putting anything into writing. I completely disagree with that, but then I've never got actively involved and this is proving to be a divisive issue. I can't see them teaming up with the other nine in an act of solidarity any time soon. In fact, at least one Killie fan resorted to handing the Dons SA statement to Michael Johnston because we don't have our own one. In such circumstances, I don't see what more I can do than email Johnston myself to tell him my opinion.

If you've got an idea of how to get the SAs working in unity, by all means, tell us. It just doesn't seem at all practical to me at the moment.

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Just a wee aside from the main topic. I'm a bit fed up of being tarred with the same brush as other more extreme internet users by journalists. James Traynor whom I usually have time for was at it today.

I've seen plenty of "exclusives" broken in the press a few days after they were on here. The Records league reconstruction idea is a straight lift from HJ on here.

Do you have to be journalist to have an opinion? Or how should non-journalists express opinions.....maybe the phone ins, to be sport for the cut you off to look clever gang. Phone ins are for people who can't write.

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I can assure you that Kenny Cameron has not forgotten about nor disregarded any fan's thoughts on this matter, I am satisfied that all my thoughts and the thoughts of my fellow fans have been taken on board and considered for what they are worth but he has a duty to our club to do the best for them. He is aware of what actions I will take should Zombie Gers be admitted to the SPL and is sympathetic with my stance. If he decides on the balance of things to support their admittance then I trust he will have done so having taken all scenarios into consideration, I shall not return but he knows and respects my view. I'd hate to be an SPL chairman ATM they have the hardest decision in the history of Scottish football to make, all we can do is help them by letting them know where we as fans stand.

That's comforting and glad youz made a difference - others on here seem willing to moan on a board then expect it will magically come round their way.

I know it's a hard decision for youz, but not to us really...........2nd Div will be the same with or without the mighty Gers Soccerball

I'd rather Scottish fitba took the pain and income loss and get on a low footing .

Da Rangers paid more for Flo than Tennessee Bill is bidding on the Club

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I posted this earlier, seems to me the only thing we can do which doesn't seriously hurt our clubs, whether they'll listen unless they're being hurt is another matter:

To renew or not to renew, that is the question. . .

If we don't renew we simply hurt our own club but if we renew we appear to be colluding with their decision. If we demand a season ticket minus the OF then our chairmen will simply sell those tickets to the OF and perpetuate the "we support Scottish Fitba' myth".

So why don't we buy a season ticket that includes them - then don't go to the game. Humiliate our boards live on TV. Imagine it - Sky at St Mirren Park, or Rugby Park or Tannadice et al , the camera pans from 1 or 1.5 stands full of troglodytes to a ghost stadium. All those programmes and pies wasted, the chairman embarrassed as the pundit asks "where are your fans?"

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For me, i would.....

Last game of the season.

For the first half only- clap the players in and out, yes and if yer team scores... nothing else.

For the second half- give them the full vocals an cheers (including no to newco !)

Anyone else have any idea ?

We cant just roll over and let it happen !!

I'd say the half time walk out is required, everything will be settled by then and if it's not then the fans whose teams are involved in important matches should be excluded if they wish. We could bombard the media outlining the plans and flier our fellow non internet fans to let them know our plans, print off 20 or 30 copies each and hand them out around the stands. Pick either the 2nd half kick off or a set time in the second half for the walk out, wait outside chanting so your team knows you are in support of them and the empty stands will certainly draw attention on Scotsport or the SPL show on Sky. I really cannot think of any other way to bring the country's attention to how we feel.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Are you suggesting joint action from all ten supporters' associations or ten individual SA statements? Our SA is currently waiting to see what happens before they think about putting anything into writing. I completely disagree with that, but then I've never got actively involved and this is proving to be a divisive issue. I can't see them teaming up with the other nine in an act of solidarity any time soon. In fact, at least one Killie fan resorted to handing the Dons SA statement to Michael Johnston because we don't have our own one. In such circumstances, I don't see what more I can do than email Johnston myself to tell him my opinion.

If you've got an idea of how to get the SAs working in unity, by all means, tell us. It just doesn't seem at all practical to me at the moment.

Nope I'm not - did you see how long it took for the currant buns to make any co-ordinated voice within one club?! I was hoping that say the Mirren Supporters Assoc, Aberdeen one, DUFC one could maybe get together to write one frigging letter to Chairman/Board to tell them why the are getting disparate emails/calls cancelling STs and publicise this to local press.

If that's too much to expect, then god help yez

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If it's any help, I intend to piss off as many Rangers fans as i can in the last game. Maybe some Newco shit as well then.

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