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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I might be wrong, but aren't there rules on dual financial interests in clubs in Scotland?


Probably, but that wasn't the point The Tedi was making.

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Probably, but that wasn't the point The Tedi was making.

The point that Tedi was making isn't the whole story though.  It is the same in England as in Scotland, the League Board have the discretion to allow a person to have interest in multiple football clubs.  There is also a question over how enforceable these rules are when they are only applicable to UK clubs and if such a restriction is compatible with EU law.

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The point that Tedi was making isn't the whole story though.  It is the same in England as in Scotland, the League Board have the discretion to allow a person to have interest in multiple football clubs.  There is also a question over how enforceable these rules are when they are only applicable to UK clubs and if such a restriction is compatible with EU law.


That doesn't surprise me either!

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Is there anything to stop Ashley from just 'giving' his shares to a mate?


Don't know, probably not.


Didn't Ogilvie 'give' his Rangers shares to his Wife when at Hearts?


Don't know, could have done.

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I've said it before: Although obviously less serious, this dispute is like that in Syria - there is no good guy.

You're comparing a retail dispute with a conflict which has caused countless deaths?

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You forgot to quote the bit where I said King was playing you like an old violin.


I'd worry about your own club before anyone elses, especially if the rumours that administrators will be getting the keys to Tannadice any week now.  Still at least you'll have a season of empty stands and your Edinburgh Hibs brothers to look forward too.

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Please stop. You're simply telling everyone that you support a team because they win lots. That's an incredible admission of personal inadequacy. I don't think you should be showing everyone.


Nah, I'm telling you I support a team that knows how to win trophies.  Unlike the majority of this forum.

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Yes, which is why I was at pains to qualify it when doing so.

Seriously, is it a comprehension issue, or are you just being wilfully daft?

Keep comparing Rangers with something really negative, i get it well enough Cletus, just in this case it's rather scummy.

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