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does anyone else think they were foreshadowing don and peggy hooking up with the humping dogs?

don seems to have lost respect for megan due to her selling out for that ridiculous looking advert. we're back to classic don draper and scdp has even moved up a level in their building. there's still another two seasons to go though so there's obviously more bumps in the road ahead.

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Only just started watching and I'm loving it!

January Jones is the new love of my life, I mean how have I not noticed her before.

I barely recognized Allsion Brie in it as the young guys wife, as she has came on leaps and bounds in terms of looks so far. (<<< exhibit A)

The favourite one liner so far was 'I need you to get a large cardboard box...and put your things into it' :D

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What season you on jambo?It gets better and better as it goes on.

Still working my way through the first since Sunday. I've had the boxset on me for a while but I've had that much stuff on the now that I've barely had a chance to get into it. Oh it does, does it? Swell :D

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  • 1 month later...

Finally, finally caught up. So I might go a little bit crazy here in my thoughts.

Originally, from the outside looking in, Don Draper seemed like a hero. But he's actually the perfect metaphor of advertising as a person himself. I thought kick on sir, shagging everything in sight, but there was much, much more to it. Obviously, he loves to be in control, there is no way about it. He seems to have come a long way from 'I won't stand to be talked to like this' from Betty, to being practically under the thumb to Megan. Fair enough, he's been through a lot, he still retains that side of grief from Dick Whitman, and because of his continuious berating from his arsehole father and resentment from his step-mother, I think no matter what happens, no matter how happy he maybe for a certain period of time, he'll always be, well, broken. It's his hypocrisy that gets me, sometimes he'll show incredible restraint, and other times he'll lash out, moreso at the people who close to him. Quite frankly, until he admits to himself his problems over his stubborness he'll always be this way. I think the last couple of episodes really shattered his faith with women. Joan selling herself broke his respect for her, Peggy leaving shattered his trust in putting complete faith in her, and no matter how much he'll give Megan when she demands, one day it will probably not be enough and he probably fears her one day leaving. I think he thought with giving Megan what she wants, it would not turn to resentment like it did with Betty, who at the start I could sympathize with, but now hold spite for.(i) There is also the matter of Lane killing himself. I can't believe someone would let their pride be the reason he killed himself, when Don would have gladly helped but instead burned the bridges, even though he offered him a way out with his repuatation in tact. It's was nicely portrayed with his half brother showing up in his head as a subtle way of saying he repeated his mistakes. Although he thinks he showing a kindness, he doesn't completely understand the depth, nor the ramifications of what the person will do from this. Only with Peggy has he got it right.

Like someone said, all the characters are in some way lovable and hatable. It's quite refreshing and something I think we can all identify with. I think that's what makes a character so entertaining, is like most people we all have our own ups and downs. The character development for me is very cyclical. We seem to see most of the main protagonists going through ups while others at their lows and vice versa. See Roger(who for is the funniest character in the show) going for miserable in marriage, that superb episode of his LSD trip and the lease of life it give him, and finally him falling back doing LSD alone as if he's trying to find that high again.

Then there is Pete. We all know he'll never be happy with what he has. The last episode arguably showed more depth to him than we've seen. Why he wouldn't be happy with Trudy, I'll never understand(I mean come on have you SEEN my avatar?!) I think he mostly resent Don's apathy at work, because he still lives for his approval. It's clear that he uses him as a template of the man he'd like to be, but sometimes even Don doesn't like being Don. I think through this to have everything, he'll probably run the agency or another one day. I like how the series opened with him on the train with the guy and him fighting him on it at the end. He really should get some pugilist lessons though, I'm surprised his nose isn't squint with all the beatings he's taken.

We'll probably see the lash out, teenage rebellion of Sally Draper in the next season or so. Not only does she resent her mother, but a combination of that and it still being the sixties just has the writing on the wall. It's quite refreshing to see the world through her eyes, as if to say we're seeing this interesting world and the new things about it in the same way.

Hopefully, Peggy will still be around. That scene with her counting the money that got from bribing Roger was pleasing.

I guess with I expect to see it being a bit more full on 60s next season. Even though it feels like nothing has changed, I've still to see a Beatles haircut for a start, or full on hippies. Either way I feel this hiatus has left a massive gap of television to fill, and I'm gutted I wasn't more prudent with it.

Glad I got into it, fantastic show. The highlights for me where without question the Megan dance, the secretary running over that guy's foot with a lawnmower, and the old lassies one liner 'If I wanted to watch two negros fight, I'd throw a dollar out my window'.

(i)Her meddling, her envy at Don, not to mention piling on the pork and ruining my ideal of her being perfect. It must be so hard in her mansion being given everything she wants and being loved even though she's a hippo. I did like that Henry is still intimidated by him by neglecting to tell her about him phoning her out of worry during her cancer scare.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

pumping the bird down stairs behind your wife's back, befriending her husband, turning up wrecked to your 'friend's' mother's funeral and seemingly having no contact with his kids over christmas. the last season of sopranos chipped away the humanity from tony and left the monster on show, i think we're heading that way with don. there weren't many redeeming qualities on show.

they are still teasing us about a potential suicide out the office window. 'the jumping off point' was a heavy wink and pete and don both said they didn't see the connection, one of them are taking the fast way down eventually imo. stan's response when don asked if it made him think of suicide was great.

good to see betty being a bit more assertive and getting out the house. henry's jumper was a highlight as well. the episode loses marks for no trudy.

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Does Betty have a thing for that wee lass? I certainly thought that was what it was alluding to. She certainly has a bit of beast to her as she had previous with a young boy in earlier seasons I think?

Haven't watched the new series yet (downloading it and saving for a 24 hour viewing), but I suspect that Betty is attracted to kids cos she is one herself. At the start of series 5 she insisted on still seeing the child psychologist instead of the adult one recommended. That was very telling.

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