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is no one watching mad men anymore?

i am liking the new assertive harry crane but i fear for him as joan is weiner's darling.

Up to episode four. Harry Crane is an interesting character. Not one of the partners likes him, but he was smart enough / lucky enough to take up the TV mantle early in the 1960's, and no-one realised how important that would be. They can't get rid of him now, so Joan better watch her back. Harry may yet turn out to be the rise to the top throughout the whole seven seasons that we thought Peggy was.

Here's my predictions for the end of season seven:

Someone's going out the window. I hope it's Pete, but I fear it's Don.

Don's almost certainly going to be unmasked to the world as Dick, and get into trouble for desertion and fraud.

Peggy is going to end the last episode of the last season by getting Don's job.

Megan is going to leave Don.

Don & Joan will get it together at some point and it will be a disaster for both.

Roger is going to die.

As is Cooper.

Harry Crane will be a partner. A senior partner.

Edited by The Shire Voice Of Reason
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Since SKY don't have rights to stream Mad Men on SkyGo I went ahead and watched tomorrow's episode. Amazing. Don Draper is back to being his selfish and arrogant best, Roger is constantly finding new and interesting ways to screw over Pete. Both of them seem not to give a f**k about being stable and reliable instead searching out the next stupid, challenging hair brained scheme.

More spoiler containing posts once it airs.

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plenty to chew on from that episode. i wasn't sure about the direction though and it was a bit more sleazy than usual with the upskirt and a few other moments.

this merger seems like a terrible idea. i suspect that it won't last long.

also megan telling don to jump off the balcony.

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How long has Roger being paying this air hostess and is she the only one? He is just going out and chasing anything he can get. I think he knew Don was going to drop Jaguar at the dinner whether he was there or not, hence getting rid of Pete. He didn't even really care about the dinner since he blew it off and was more interested in Megan's mum once he heard she was in town. Just Roger's amazing luck that he stumbles into another car opportunity and even though it is the same shit lead that they got from Heinz.

Don and Teddy somehow swing a merger overnight. Add in the fact that when Peggy gets called into Teddy's office to be recruited she is surprised he is back so fast. It begs the question do the other partners at SCDP know they have been merged yet? It is possible that Roger and Don own more than 50% of the company depending what happened to Lane's stock. Cutner and Chaugh are 2/3rds of CGC (intimated earlier in the episode) and with Gleason sick they have a big bill coming, if they can share that out amongst the new company partners that is better for them. I hope Don and Roger have screwed over everyone. The partners meeting for the official vote could be great now that Joan has broken the silence over Don's behaviour.

Peggy just can't get away from shit either. I don't see how she can get out of this situation. Last year it was her and Don vs Teddy, then she joined CGC so there isn't a option for a separated agency where she head of creative. Not that she wouldn't stand a chance against the Teddy and Don duo but there doesn't seem that there is such an opportunity inside the confines of the show. Her and Teddy moving away together would be against the point of the merger. And it isn't like Elizabeth Moss can leave the show since her and Joan are the only constant compelling female characters.

Pete Campbell is an idiot.

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No chance do the other partners know about the merger, this is all Don and Roger just doing whatever the fcuk they want! The other 3 may try and oust them I reckon

They can't oust them if they have more than 50% which they most definitely have if they bought out Lane and returned the shares (math below). However Lane's insurance was only worth $175000 which would only value SCDP at $1.4m but for the IPO they value the company at around $20m so even if growth and a stock market bubble has increased the value by 4 fold in under a year the partners would need to find the best part of $500K to buy out his wife. Pete struggled last time to meet the investment needed before they landed Jaguar but maybe Don covered his part and SCDP obviously aren't struggling for money now since they gave Harry $23K without really caring.

SCDP had 5 partners: Roger 25%, Don 25%, Cooper 25%, Pete 12.5% and Lane 12.5%. Lets say that Joan gets her 5% in proportion that leaves the 3 major partners with 23.75% and minor partners 11.875%

Once Lane dies his stake is bought back in proportion giving senior partners 26.95% (27%), Pete with 13.475% (13.5%) and Joan 5.765% (5.5%)

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Impressive maths, I'll take your word for it. Rather than buy them out though, they could effectively vote them out of decisions like the merger couldn't they. Assuming the 5 of them each have 1 vote on board decisions, surely Pete, Cooper and Joan could just out vote Roger and Don on.anything

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No chance do the other partners know about the merger, this is all Don and Roger just doing whatever the fcuk they want! The other 3 may try and oust them I reckon

I think we saw with the going public thing that Pete & Joan want to be rich. A bigger agency (even if they hold less of a stake) will do that for them.

What will the new agency be called. Merging SCDP & CGC is awkward even if you drop the P for Lane Price. One of the CGC guys has cancer & wants out but still 5 letters may be too much.

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They can't oust them if they have more than 50% which they most definitely have if they bought out Lane and returned the shares (math below). However Lane's insurance was only worth $175000 which would only value SCDP at $1.4m but for the IPO they value the company at around $20m so even if growth and a stock market bubble has increased the value by 4 fold in under a year the partners would need to find the best part of $500K to buy out his wife. Pete struggled last time to meet the investment needed before they landed Jaguar but maybe Don covered his part and SCDP obviously aren't struggling for money now since they gave Harry $23K without really caring.

SCDP had 5 partners: Roger 25%, Don 25%, Cooper 25%, Pete 12.5% and Lane 12.5%. Lets say that Joan gets her 5% in proportion that leaves the 3 major partners with 23.75% and minor partners 11.875%

Once Lane dies his stake is bought back in proportion giving senior partners 26.95% (27%), Pete with 13.475% (13.5%) and Joan 5.765% (5.5%)

You don't get posts like that with "Made In Chelsea".

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the last bump makes it great. this plus the fight last season makes vincent kartheiser a comedy legend.

i like the analogy about mutually assured destruction with his father in law. trudy's dad saying he would do the right thing was the most misguided statement ever. trudy was clearly ready to let him back in her life step by step and seemed pretty happy to see him unannounced but pete decided to blow up his marriage anyway on a stupid point of principle. he has completely self actualized and embraced the seedy, dishonest side of his character.

pete and harry are clearly both meant to be warnings about what corporate culture and privilege does to people.

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Up to date now. It all happened in that last episode, but am I the only one who thinks they are not allowing things to grow slowly at the pace we all love. As far as I see, there have been no seeds planted in previous episodes about selling shares or Chevrolet. How did Joan, Pete & Burt get in a meeting without Don & Rodger? Surely one of them would have went to Don, Joan at the very least? The beauty of Mad Men has always been that things happen slowly, and they don't show you everything, treating the audience as smart enough to fill in the gaps.
This series is in danger of letting the whole thing down.

That said...I'm excited to see where this is going next. There's a reason that SCDP have lost Vicks, Jaguar & Heinz this season, and now Chevrolet are their only real big account. If it goes tits up, they are fucked. Which means it's going to go tits up.

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Just watched tonight's episode...

WTF is Don playing at? Dirty old b*****d. And now rejected as well. I've never seen Don beg a woman before.

The dynamic between Don & Teddy is superb, and I can see it going on for quite a while. The plane journey was fantastic, and Don is in danger of not being top dog anymore...even in the bedroom.
Merger going through, and everyone shitting themselves over keeping their job.
Will Joan and Bob get together? Certainly, he's been hanging around in almost every scene, and I'm still not sure what his job is.

After a poor start, it's getting good....

Edited by The Shire Voice Of Reason
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Just watched tonight's episode...

WTF is Don playing at? Dirty old b*****d. And now rejected as well. I've never seen Don beg a woman before.

The dynamic between Don & Teddy is superb, and I can see it going on for quite a while. The plane journey was fantastic, and Don is in danger of not being top dog anymore...even in the bedroom.

Merger going through, and everyone shitting themselves over keeping their job.

Will Joan and Bob get together? Certainly, he's been hanging around in almost every scene, and I'm still not sure what his job is.

After a poor start, it's getting good....

If you're going to post before it's on UK TV put it in a spolier!! :thumbsdown

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