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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Da Vinci Code - 3.

Pish. Nothing exciting to report.

Mission: Impossible III - 7.

Far from the train wreck I expected after how woeful Two was, good entertainment and some amazing action scenes. Overdid the luvvie bits though. Well worth a look if it's your thang.

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Bought the "Walk the Line" DVD yesterday and watched it last night.


As a Biography it was shallow, as a celebration of Cash's music it was, frankly, pish and I thought Phoenix's Cash was more Freddie Starr! :blink:

I suppose to the younger generation who don't really remember Cash all that well, it would be a half decent film, but to me? Nah!

Would have prefered original Cash play-overs.

4 out of 10!

Anyone want to buy a DVD?

Edited by LiviClyde
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Went to see Once In A Lifetime the other night. Tis a documentary about the rise and fall of the New York Cosmos in the American Soccer League. It was very good and done in a reasonably light-hearted way, and shed light on a story that I knew little about. Rodney Marsh is particularly amusing with a couple of tales. The soundtrack is amazing as well, loads of 70s funk and disco. 8/10 :)

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I`ll buy it Livi I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Are you serious? On both counts?

If you are, PM me your address and I'll send it to you.

You can send me back a cheque for what you think it's worth - as long as my postage is covered!

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I enjoyed Walk The Line as well, I don't think it was meant to be a comprehensive biopic. It was more a love story about Cash and June I thought, and as a result was probably more watchable to people who aren't fans of his music. I won't pretend to be a big fan (although I loved my dad's vinyl copy of Live At San Quentin and his rebirth with Rick Rubin stuff was brilliant), but I think Phoenix did him justice, he captured the mixed persona well. Maybe not as great overall as the public reaction has made out, but a very watchable film.

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Chicken Little - it seems compulsory for all animated movies to 'work on two levels'. This is okay when it's natural and original, but in this film it seems very forced.

It's still a decent film with some really funny lines, but some adult references seem shoehorned in.


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Da Vinci Code - 7/10

Haven't read the book, thought it was a decent enough story. Numb bum rating of 9/10 though, goes on for quite a long time !! And if another 70 year old sitting near me said "When does Rosslyn appear" I would have started smacked them !!


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Da Vinci code 6/10

It was a fairly good story but it was overly long and trying to take itself overly seriously.

I was so uncomfortable in the seat I was in.I,m 6`5" and I was bent double.

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