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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Munich - 7/10

Drags on a little in places, but generally superb. The way it was shot with the long, shaky, zooming in shots gives it the feel of the period. Really well acted, too. Some of the minor characters could have been a bit more fleshed out, though.

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Kingdom of Heaven - 7/10

Was alright, enjoyed it. What I fail to understand is how easily Jerusalem fell. It took the Romans bloody ages taking it against little more than a bandit force - I would have thought they would have been able to hold for a little while longer than what seemed only a couple of days.

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Cannibal Holocaust - 4/10

Nothing in the way of a logical plot and unnecessary attempt at a shockumentary.

I don't see why they really needed to kill 2 monkeys, a turtle, a pig, a tarantula, a snake and a thing they called a muskrat but it wasn't...

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Hadn't seen it before but the GF put it on for us last night, thoroughly enjoyed it. Duchovny's wee X-Files nods were great for geeks like me and Orlando Jones put in a good comedy performance as well as looking like Jon Tickel from Big Brother a few years back.


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Guest Tim-Robino

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. Good documentary they could teach you a thing or two about cooking the books ;)

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Guest Hampden Ton

Capote - 8/10

Bought this on Monday along with 'Good Night, and Good Luck' (which I reviewed a few pages back after seeing it at the Flicks).

A very well made film but may only be truly enjoyed by anyone who actually knows who Truman Capote was. Capote wrote 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' and pioneered True Crime novels with his book, 'In Cold Blood'.

The movie is about Capote writing 'In Cold Blood'; from his reading about the murders in a newspaper to watching the men responsible being hung. It shows how Capote (due to his unusual persona) was at first snubbed in his enquires, and then welcomed into the community where the crime takes place. He even befriends one of the killers mainly to find out the gory details of what actually happened.

Capote crumbles as he realises that he wants the 2 men on death row to live as he has befriended them, but also wants them to die so that he can have an ending for his book.

'In Cold Blood' becomes his masterpiece but he suffers as a result (he never finished another novel).

Philip Seymour Hoffman does a great job as Capote and is backed up by other fine performances from the rest of the cast. Definitely worth a look.

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Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 - Dead Man's Chest


I literally cannot find a fault with this film at all. The visuals, plot, characters, twists, turns are just bloody amazing. Give that man Depp an Oscar NOW!


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Watched The Lost Boys again there. Thanks for minding me about it this morning LJ. :rolleyes:

Yeah, it looks a bit too much like Miami Vice a bit, especially Corey Haim's outfits, but still, what a fantastic movie.

It took me ages to find and hook up the VCR though, must get it on DVD sometime soon. :lol:

One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach, all the damn vampires. ;)

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Watched The Lost Boys again there. Thanks for minding me about it this morning LJ. :rolleyes:

Yeah, it looks a bit too much like Miami Vice a bit, especially Corey Haim's outfits, but still, what a fantastic movie.

It took me ages to find and hook up the VCR though, must get it on DVD sometime soon. :lol:

One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach, all the damn vampires. ;)

How close is that to Kilsyth :lol::P

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Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 - Dead Man's Chest


I literally cannot find a fault with this film at all. The visuals, plot, characters, twists, turns are just bloody amazing. Give that man Depp an Oscar NOW!


So you quite enjoyed it then?

Looking forward to going to see this - loved the first one.

I think I must have been a pirate or navy officer in a past life - I really enjoy films like this.

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Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 - Dead Man's Chest


I literally cannot find a fault with this film at all. The visuals, plot, characters, twists, turns are just bloody amazing. Give that man Depp an Oscar NOW!



All the reviews i have heard about it are awful. Apparently it had half of the people leaving the cinema half way through, with the other half sleeping :o which is dissapointing considering how good the first film is. Will probably still see it, but im not holding my breath expecting anythign brilliant.

Last film i saw was Hostage, with Bruce Willis.

Thought it was a great film, with almost everything you want to see (no hot women in it is the only thing i thought was missing). Good story line and plenty of action.


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