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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Wild Rose 7.5/10

Screen Unseen showing, a story about a young single mother (Jessie Buckley) who’s been in jail for chucking heroin over into another jail, who dreams of making it in Nashville as a Country (NOT Country and Western!) singer. Julie Walters is brilliant as the long-suffering granny who has been looking after the kids for the last year - they barely acknowledge their mum when she reappears. It’s a lovely film about balancing chasing your dreams with accepting your responsibilities, and while at one or two points it did ALMOST lose me with some seemingly preposterous plot developments, the film addresses them in a way which isn’t trite or forced, and it pulled me back in. Even though Country is not a genre I enjoy, the songs here were very pleasant and drew a tear or two. There was a nice if somewhat cringeworthy cameo from Bob Harris. (cinema) 

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Fighting With My Family

Went to see this to cheer me up after this afternoon's soccer debacle. And cheer me up it did. I knew a fair whack of the story beforehand, but that didn't affect my enjoyment. Thought Florence Pugh was excellent as Paige, and Nick Frost was brilliant as her dad. Two odd bits though - was the nickname The Rock called Vince Vaughn's character a subtle nod to some Paige antics? And Zelina Vega playing AJ Lee was just plain weird!

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Fighting With My Family
Went to see this to cheer me up after this afternoon's soccer debacle. And cheer me up it did. I knew a fair whack of the story beforehand, but that didn't affect my enjoyment. Thought Florence Pugh was excellent as Paige, and Nick Frost was brilliant as her dad. Two odd bits though - was the nickname The Rock called Vince Vaughn's character a subtle nod to some Paige antics? And Zelina Vega playing AJ Lee was just plain weird!
Did a quick wiki search of Paige after it and the 'sex tape' thing immediately made sense
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I heartily enjoyed it. Was surprised at how much Knight family baggage was made known. Especially the Roy stuff. No holding back on anything. 

A lot of belting UK wrestling cameos in there. One for fans and non fans to enjoy.

The sextape reference was majestic. Worked in the context of the movie as a standalone gag and works as an injoke for fans too. Very well played.

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The Kid Who Would Be King 3.5/10

So this is a kids’ film almost entirely and I get that. I was expecting more though - it’s Joe Cornish (and there was a lovely little cameo from Adam Buxton). Ok so the positives first, there were things to enjoy - the themes were all positive: England is divided, and that’s the key for the villain, Morgana (Rebecca Ferguson) to reappear and take control, enslaving the country. And yea, England IS divided. And there are powers ready to take control. There’s a good thing about joining together making people stronger. The lead is Andy Serkis’s kid and he was solid. There’s a nice bit about just being honest with each other - parents, friends, etc, and that will make you stronger too. Angus Imrie (Celia’s son) is the highlight of the cast as an eccentric, teenaged Merlin. But there are big problems with it. I went in wanting to like it but without any expectations. First of all it really wasn’t that funny at all. There were a few laughs but nowhere near enough and for the first time in a long time I considered walking out. The kids just weren’t likeable, even after they reconciled and became allies, the themes were hidden in the background, and the CG was just appalling considering the budget especially Morgana’s demon form. She was completely wasted, as was Patrick Stewart as older Merlin (the idea is that he gets younger as he ages; he transforms from old Merlin to young Merlin to an owl every time he sneezes, which has some limited comic value but not enough). I guess ultimately the messages about honesty and goodness do carry forward but the whole film was a bit of a mess. I didn’t hate it but it was proper poor. (cinema)

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Got a credit from Sky for a "free" film. 

Really like Steve McQueen's work so was looking forward to see what he'd do with a fairly straightforward-sounding heist movie. You can enjoy it for the plot - it's a decent crime caper with some good twist/slants on the usual approach but it's elevated to another level by McQueen's touch. Daniel Kaluuya is "just" a henchman but some of his scenes are straight out a horror movie he's so nasty. The women are all like "real" women, not 4 other-worldly Hollywood beauties but their beauty starts to shine through as they begin to show they can out-do the guys. Colin Farrell is really good too. 

His films seem to stick in my head and impress me more as each day goes by. 

Would maybe have chopped about 10 mins out the running time but no other complaints. 



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On 02/03/2019 at 23:19, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Independence Day 2.
Jesus fucking Christ.

Nearly five years posting on P&B and this is the first time I've come into this thread, in the hope someone else watched this travesty at the weekend. This might be the worst film I've ever seen.

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Went to see Free Solo at the GFT tonight. It’s absolutely excellent. A couple of the scenes are full on heart in mouth stuff.

It’s available for heehaw on demand. Watched it the other night. Ended up watching the first 15 mins then getting very bored and fast-forwarding to the last 20 mins for the actual climb. His burd is a total piece though.
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Captain Marvel



Loved Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther and especially Infinity War so war really looking forward to this. Underwhelming is the word that repeatedly comes to mind. For me the best parts of the movie come before and after the film itself. The updated Marvel Studios scroll that they have at the start of every movie would bring a tear to a glass eye, and the first post-credit seen was the only other time in the 2+ hours I felt emotion of any other kind. 

I guess the overall thing about the movie is that it's kinda boring. You keep waiting for it to get going but it never truely does. People were leaving their seats to go to the toilet and I caught myself on Facebook a couple of times.  Character development is very one-dimensional, acting seems pretty poor, there's no subtlety about the music (which to be fair brought back some nice memories personally but along with the references to slow internet are the only reminders that the film is supposed to be set in the 90s) or the "humour". Most strikingly though is that Brie Larson's character is just pretty annoying. She's obnoxious throughout and generally comes across pretty unlikeable. 

It's not a bad movie by any means, just cliched and, well, average. Marvel has raised the bar recently and there is so much expectation on this movie that it kind of failed to deliver IMO. But not long to wait until the next Avengers movie. Captain Marvel will make a tonne of money then by the time people realise that it isn't actually all that good, it'll be time for Endgame. 

The second Post-credit scene is a monumental waste of time. Like Ant-Man and the Wasp drum-playing bad. The movie's failed "humour" at play again. 



Edited by Booker_d
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2 hours ago, 8MileBU said:


It’s available for heehaw on demand. Watched it the other night. Ended up watching the first 15 mins then getting very bored and fast-forwarding to the last 20 mins for the actual climb. His burd is a total piece though.


Aye I saw that but I was in town anyway and thought it was worth seeing on the big screen. I thought the whole thing was great tbh. I really enjoyed seeing his preparation and that. One thing that's for sure is that he's definitely on some sort of spectrum as his attitude to the whole thing is just wild. 

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On 01/03/2019 at 15:46, Principal Flutie said:


So Sky have now put a movie out today in the cinema and on Sky itself. So I thought I'd give it a whirl. Where to fucking start with this. I usually always start with performances so let's start with that I guess as I'd say it's the movie's undoubted success. Not worth singling anyone out, other than Jason Clarke, who's sort of 2D arsehole doesn't really give him much to work with. Then onto the plot... which starts in a fairly basic place and you think you know what the deal is, that doesn't last. Despite the basics of the plot being pretty simple at the first glance, the weirdness is still there to see. Both in the weird performances, and the actual location itself, and some wee guy with glasses that keeps popping up from the very beginning. I won't say much more than that. What I will say is that I got a kick out of the weirdness of it right off the bat. The first scenes with McConaughey and Hounsou and their "clients" is great fun despite being completely mental.

I'm willing to go thumbs a bit on up on this one, but I get the sense a lot of people are going to HATE this.


Just watched this...utter pish 


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Total Dhamaal 5/10

A screwball comedy like the Lampoon films mixed with that Rat Race road film. It’s so different to them though. Like most comedy lines are accompanied by the Indian equivalent to the slide whistle, and at one point the sad trombone. The CG is laughable, but that works because the whole thing is so ridiculous. It’s Total Nonseense but because it’s all done with such enthusiasm and such a good heart it’s hard not to enjoy it. What really struck me, and this was also the case with the other two Bollywood films I’ve watched recently, is how much of the dialogue is in English. Indeed there are lines spoken in English which are translated differently! The screen was half-full of Hindus who laughed all the way through and I’m certain that I missed several jokes which only make sense if you speak Hindi, but I had the last, or rather first laugh beacuse I was able to read the jokes before the Indians heard them. There were white actors both in the song sequences and non-song sequence!  The women in the song sequences is one thing but there were obviously white males speaking Hindi and I don’t know how normal that is but it did strike me as odd. (cinema)

The Virgin Spring 7.5/10

Ingmar Bergman film from the 1960...flipping brutal this, full on despair, not what I was expecting at ALL. Inspired Last House on the Left apparently (never seen it) and also had shades of Hard to be a God’s medieval grotesque. Max Von Sydow really was a bluddy weird looking lad. (YouTube)

Old Joy 7/10

Bonnie Prince Billy and budget Adrien Brody go for a walk in the woods. *slowcinema* inasmuch as not a lot happens (they meet up, get lost a bit, walk in the woods, go home) but there’s lots of little threads to pull on here. Students hated it, they wanted obstacles overcome and DRAMA and called it “weak”. Sure it isn’t Citizen Kane but it’s a suggestive and atmospheric film, and pleasantly short too (1hr 13). Will Oldham is a good actor. (YouTube)

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The Hole in the Ground (2019):
Adapted from the hit TV show Hole in the Wall, HITG takes Ireland's favourite celebrities Scarlett Johansson and Haley Joel Osment and tests their ingenuity and flexibility by requiring them to squeeze through the titular holes in the ground.
This is a laugh-a-minute romp for the whole family to enjoy.

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