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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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5 hours ago, stanton said:

Pure escapism last night night   Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows  , parts 1&2  . followed by Mission Impossible Rouge Nation . Seen both plenty times before , but still find them both  fairly watchable .. One thing I'd say is part 2 of the Deathly Hallows  imay be a wee bit to long  .The  Mission  Impossible films are always pretty easy to watch and don't really require to much thought but are pretty enjoyable if that's your thing 

You made that up.

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Rise Of The Footsoldier 4. 

Cockney overload. They all say c**t a lot. Plenty gratuitous violence for you if that's your thing. Some tits too. 

3/10 and only 3 because Emily Wyatt is seriously fit else it's a 2.

This just in............, they leave it open for a ROTF5 :o 


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The Wind That Shakes The Barley. Decided I'm in a bit of a Loach mood, so watched this on Amazon Prime. Decent enough, but not one of Ken's best.
I've lined up The Angels' Share for tomorrow's down time - might get round to The Navigators as well.

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Fired through all of the Jurassic Park movies last week.

There's an over riding them throughout them all, and it's one of stupidity. There are so many seriously stupid characters doing stupid things in every film, with the same, inevitable consequences. Quite a bit of arrogance as well, which also has the same, inevitable consequences.

Malcolm of course had it right from the very start, continued to be right in the second one and remained right in the last one. If he's in the next one he'll maintain being right. 

Yet they didn't listen to him. 

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Movie 24 (Missus) -- Clue 6.5/10. Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn (wid) and Christopher Lloyd chew their way through the scenery for an hour and a half in this 1985 caper. Decent enough fun with a few laughs and I haven't seen it in about 20 years so I couldn't remember a couple of the three endings.

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Detoured from my prequels rewatch to watch Solo: A Star War's Story which I've never seen before. It was fine. 6/10. Probably right in the middle of the Star Wars movies, not reaching the heights of the series or plunging the depths of the prequels and Rise of Skywalker. Some of the music in it is genuinely great as well with it sounding like it was inspired by Nier Automata, the Japanese hack and slash RPG. Donald Glover is also always welcome in anything I see him in. 

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Remake of French film Force Majeure with Will Ferrell who takes his pain in the ass wife and 2 miserable sons to the Alps for a skiing holiday. Something happens which turns the wife against him and it does go downhill after this point. Meant to be a comedy but no laughs and nothing to like about any characters. I won't bother seeking out the original film either.

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Just watched Contagion, a bit far fetched! I can’t imagine anything like that would ever happen!
I mean where was the panic buying of toilet roll!
The bit at the end though where they show how it started and a bat was involved was rather prophetic considering what is going on right now.

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Blinded by the Light

As a massive Springsteen fan, I somehow missed this in the cinema but caught it yesterday on Prime. Classic tale of the strict South Asian father who wants to control his son before seeing the error of his ways at the end. Except this time, with the Boss providing the soundtrack!

In all seriousness, a well acted, uplifting film with just enough emphasis placed on the songs to avoid becoming a cringe-inducing musical. Good stuff.

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on Tuesday, The Girl in the Spiders Web tonight . Daniel Craig version of the Dragon Tattoo is ok but is nowhere near as good as the original Swedish made trilogy of films and not as good as the books . It's a pity they missed out on the follow up books when they decided to make the sequel seems a bit  strange but I'm not sure if there was a rights issue on the books , I know a sequel was planned but it got cancelled , before someone else decided to make the spiders web  film . Both ar very watchable but not for those of a squeamish disposition or those who're not keen on violence, Lisbeth is not someone I'd want to get on the wrong side of . 

For those who enjoy Ealing comedies Whisky Galore is on tomorrow afternoon on BBC2 at  3:25 pm 

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54 minutes ago, stanton said:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on Tuesday, The Girl in the Spiders Web tonight . Daniel Craig version of the Dragon Tattoo is ok but is nowhere near as good as the original Swedish made trilogy of films and not as good as the books .

You're being kind.  I thought the original trilogy was terrific as books and films and that the Daniel Craig version was a bit embarrassing.

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The Platform

New Spanish film on Netflix. I really enjoyed it. If you want a horror to be gross, have some gore but also make you think deeply about society, then this is your film. The missus doesn't like watching subtitled films so I changed it to the English dub which takes some of the impact away IMO. Brilliant wee film. And the old guy puts in a cracking performance.


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Movie 25 (Kid #1) -- Hobbs & Shaw 5.5/10. Mindless pass-the-time stuff, I suppose, and I'll have forgotten 90% of what I just watched by the end of this paragraph. Way too long, too stupid, too many corny lines honking their way out of The Rock and Jason Statham, way too may close ups of Statham's feet as he changes gear or slams on the brakes, way too much Kevin Hart (who's in it for maybe three minutes). Another one that was good for catching up on Words with Friends and I completed the 2020 Census. Yay me.

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On 07/04/2020 at 20:53, Trackdaybob said:

Rise Of The Footsoldier 4. 

Cockney overload. They all say c**t a lot. Plenty gratuitous violence for you if that's your thing. Some tits too. 

3/10 and only 3 because Emily Wyatt is seriously fit else it's a 2.

This just in............, they leave it open for a ROTF5 :o 


I thought it was a lot funnier than the others

I give it a 5

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The Wave (2008)

German movie set in a High School, an idealistic social sciences teacher has to teach pupils a week-long project, on Autocracy.

Some kids are hooked, one or two others rebel.

Things start to spiral out of control rapidly.

It's a very good movie which is seemingly based on an experiment carried out in a US high school in the 1960's.

Recommended 8/10


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