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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007) (V)

The sequel to the terrible 1999 film House on Haunted Hill, this time made straight to video with a cast of no names (except Erik Palladino), has a far better plot, more back story in the reasoning behind the house, far better acting. Just all round a better film, sadly they left it open for another sequel. Made in Bulgaria (instead of the USA like last time), with a cast of Bulgarian extras for cheapness, but with the money they saved on actors (no Famke Janssen, James Marsters, Ali Larter, Geoffrey Rush, Marc Blucas (deleted scenes)) they plowed it in to making a more enjoyable film.

6/10 (Same as the original HoHH)

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Ive watched a few this last few weeks.

Blazing Saddles - 10/10 - nuff said.

Young Frankenstein - not one of Mel Brooks best, but still funny. Now i understand why my wife wanted to call my cat Abbie Normal. 7/10

Talladega nights - the shite that is Ricky Bobby. There was nothing on TV this morning, so i watched this. Wish i had watched nothing - what a load of crap. 1/10 as im feeling generous.

Harts War:- Interesting storyline if i hadn't read the blurb before hand that told the story really. Bruce Willis in another heroic i will die instead scene. 6/10.

Also recently watched apocolyptico - for all the poor reviews, i thought it was pretty interesting view of life in that time. The jokes played on the fat one that was firing blanks was funnier than anything in Ricky Bobby. 8/10.

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Prom Night (2008)

Brittany Snow does a very good job as the Sydneyesque character in this very good Scream imitation.

Good cameo of Ming Na (Dr Chen in ER) as a doctor!

Very good movie of this kind, probably as it kept the gore to a minimum and spent a good bit of time building up the suspense.


Prom Night - Cinema

I enjoyed it thought it was quite good people may think differantly...


Nope, completely agree.

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In Bruges - 9/10: Surpringly superb film, very good performances from the main two characters makes the film. Plot not the greatest but very funny and a must see.

The Happening - 2/10: This film is absolutely terrible. It is so bad you must see it. :lol: Dreaful plot with so many holes in it, infact at the beginning of the film I'm sure there is a piece of wire or mic that they left hanging by accident from the ceiling of the house. Dire ending, 'The Happening Again'...I hope not. <_<

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Planet Terror

Not sure what to think about this film but i loved it :lol: 8/10

Stop right there, I agree with you. Now follow the following advice.


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Stop right there, I agree with you. Now follow the following advice.


Thats only the second time you have agreed with me :o:D B) . Although im going to have to ignore your advice and watch that tomorrow :P .

Lucky Number Slevin

Really good film and plot 8/10 :)

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Kung Fu Panda (2008)

Average rating on IMDb = 8.1

This proves to me that Americans only have an attention span of around 10 minutes, as the last 10 minutes were about 6.5/10.

However the 70 minutes of mind-fucking boredom that preceded it does not allow me to rate it in such a way.

I was falling asleep all the way through it, and now I am so tired that I cannot sleep.

Don't waste your time with this!


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The Incredible Hulk

The only thing ive ever known about the hulk is that he turns green when mad. So from that i loved the film. Has Edward Norton playing the lead role and as he is in 2 of my favorite films. This is a 8/10 from me. :)

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[rec] - watched this the other night and wasnt sure how it would transfer with subtitles going along with fairly fast paced action. Thought it was very good though, very watchable with the 'shaky cam' and it genuinely felt like you were a fly on the wall rather than watching scripted actors.

There were some standard scares and standard horror techniques but i thought there were some brilliant moments and it was genuinely chilling at times. The last 20mins were particularly good and all in i'd say it's one of the best horror movies i've seen.


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I had not seen any trailers for this but was so looking forward to it as I'm a huge fan of Shyamalan's movies. Sixth Sense (10/10) is a classic, Unbreakable (10/10) was just brilliant, a great idea and so well executed, The Village (8/10) was great and the twist was fucking sweet, Signs (7/10) was my least favourite but still very entertaining and Lady in the Water (7/10) was also good.

So, went along tonight with great anticipation...and I have to say I've never felt so let down by a film. What an utter pile of shite. Wahlberg was so dreadful. I always thought he was pish until I saw The Departed where he played the cocky cop so brilliantly...but it's back to form for this wooden bawbag.

And the lead actress in The Happening must be mildly retarded, she was fucking woeful. The film is full of terrible moments of comic relief and you don't feel the least bit of emotion to a single one of them.

This film is a pile of donkey balls. Shyamalan has lost the plot and I hope he goes away for a good few years and writes another good story, coz this one is dire. 1/10..and it breaks my heart to say that about a Shyamalan film,

As a side note..has anyone read the Stephen King book Cell? This movie started very similarly to the book and I thought it was goign to be really good, then 10 minutes in it became apparent it was pooh. Cell is a great book, well worth reading and would make an awesome film.

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I had not seen any trailers for this but was so looking forward to it as I'm a huge fan of Shyamalan's movies. Sixth Sense (10/10) is a classic, Unbreakable (10/10) was just brilliant, a great idea and so well executed, The Village (8/10) was great and the twist was fucking sweet, Signs (7/10) was my least favourite but still very entertaining and Lady in the Water (7/10) was also good.

So, went along tonight with great anticipation...and I have to say I've never felt so let down by a film. What an utter pile of shite. Wahlberg was so dreadful. I always thought he was pish until I saw The Departed where he played the cocky cop so brilliantly...but it's back to form for this wooden bawbag.

And the lead actress in The Happening must be mildly retarded, she was fucking woeful. The film is full of terrible moments of comic relief and you don't feel the least bit of emotion to a single one of them.

This film is a pile of donkey balls. Shyamalan has lost the plot and I hope he goes away for a good few years and writes another good story, coz this one is dire. 1/10..and it breaks my heart to say that about a Shyamalan film,

As a side note..has anyone read the Stephen King book Cell? This movie started very similarly to the book and I thought it was goign to be really good, then 10 minutes in it became apparent it was pooh. Cell is a great book, well worth reading and would make an awesome film.

Cell is being made by the talentless c**t that is Eli Roth.

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