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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Sex Drive

Got outvoted with the couple of folk I went to the cinema with and ended up watching this. Couple of bits were mildly entertaining but not worth the cinema entry fee. Wait til it comes on sky movies if you were thinking about going to see this one.


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I'm pretty sure this is the reason cinemas were made.

If you have never watched BBC$ before do yourself a favour and go and watch Iron Man or something aimed at plebs.

Otherwise enjoy.

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The Motorcycle Diaries.


Based on Che Guevara's journals of his trip around South America in 1952 which formed his political views. A highly moving film, especially towards the end when he works in San Pablo on the Amazon River as a doctor.

I'm heading to Glasgow tonight to see Che:Part One so I thought i'd give this a quick swatch before I see it. Well worth a watch to see who the man actually was instead of just a "symbolic" image that idiotic middle class kids wheel about.

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The Wrestler

Very slow film but very authentic. The wrestling sequences are very well done and the "backstage" parts of the film are like a who's who of the indies. I found the bit where they go to the bar after a show and Rourkes having a drink and chatting up women with Ron Killings a bit surreal. Also thought the subplot with his daughter was a bit contrived (a bit Jake the Snake-esque?).

Easy to see why guys such as Mick Foley and JBL complimented it, it looks VERY realistic.

Rourke is absolutley fantastic. Really brilliant. By god, Marissa Tomei (sp?) is getting old.

Hard for me to judge properly, being a bit of a wreslting geek in times gone past. When you go to see it remember it is a very slow film, almost documentary in style. Im not really sure whether it will appeal to non-fans.


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Since I've been busy having babies the last few years my cinema going activities have been heavily curtailed. I'm now embarking on a DVD catch up frenzy and started with the Dark Knight at the weekend.

It's very good, but I'm uber-critical about movies so it gets an 8/10 from me :D

Thought Heath Ledger was brilliant :(

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Thought Heath Ledger was brilliant :(

He wasn't. It was just a very well written character that he happened to play pretty well. If he hadn't died, no-one would have given a shit about his performance. Gary Oldman is far better in both the Batman movies.

I am just after watching Memento again. For me, the best film ever. Also directed by Chris Nolan, as it happens. I knew what happened at the beginning though.

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i thought ledger was great and made the part his own as has been said gary oldman is excellent and had a large part to play in this film but christian bales intensity as a character walking a tight rope with his own morality has been over looked some what with everyone swanning over heath ledger

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i thought ledger was great and made the part his own as has been said gary oldman is excellent and had a large part to play in this film but christian bales intensity as a character walking a tight rope with his own morality has been over looked some what with everyone swanning over heath ledger

I may be alone in thinking this, but the Batman character is the least interesting character in Nolan's two attempts at the franchise so far. The Wayne character is the best ever portrayed on screen.

Very good director is our Mr Nolan. He has got the interest spot on. No-one really cares about Batman, we know he will always win. We always want to know about the back story. That is where all the older Batman films failed, they were so flimsy. When I watched The Dark Knight, I wanted to know more about the Wayne character, he is far more interesting.

Eddie Murphy to play someone soon, possibly Robin.

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I thought the Batman character was excellent in Begins, but I have no idea how it took such a step down to TDK. As for Heath Ledger, he won a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and I can see why. Nolan allowed him to go all out with it, meaning that it was a performance on the spectacular side. His death has made his performance even more acclaimed than it should be, but it also makes people under-rate it, using the whole "people only like it because he's dead" approach.

Anyways, I'm rambling.

Domestic Disturbance ( 2001 )

This movie is another reason why I'm disappointed Vince Vaughn has ended up doing dodgy comedies. He's always played a convincing psycho. He was the highlight in the dire Psycho remake and this is another great piece of baddy playing. The movie isn't the best as there is holes that are too big for even me to ignore, but the plot is pretty good, and Steve Buscemi comes in with a cracking wee part as well, as he normally does.


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I thought the Batman character was excellent in Begins, but I have no idea how it took such a step down to TDK. As for Heath Ledger, he won a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and I can see why. Nolan allowed him to go all out with it, meaning that it was a performance on the spectacular side. His death has made his performance even more acclaimed than it should be, but it also makes people under-rate it, using the whole "people only like it because he's dead" approach.

Anyways, I'm rambling.

Domestic Disturbance ( 2001 )

This movie is another reason why I'm disappointed Vince Vaughn has ended up doing dodgy comedies. He's always played a convincing psycho. He was the highlight in the dire Psycho remake and this is another great piece of baddy playing. The movie isn't the best as there is holes that are too big for even me to ignore, but the plot is pretty good, and Steve Buscemi comes in with a cracking wee part as well, as he normally does.


Is he still back working as a fireman or was that just a publicity stunt that he kept up for a while??

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The Bank Job


It was alright nothing special, a watchable film.

I also watched Harold and Kumar escape from gauntanamo bay and was dreadfully disappointed. I enjoyed the first one but this one is just all the old jokes from the first one and i hate when films do that.

Anyone seen My Bloody Valentine 3D? Im unsure whether to go and see it as i went to see Scar 3D and it was the biggest load of horseshit ive ever seen.

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Solyaris (1972)

This starts slow, in fact so fucking slow I went and asked my Soviet (one Lithuanian, one Kazakh) friends if they'd seen it for some insight in to whether to continue watching!

But it gets very good, and very profound once they get on to Solaris. It has so much similar to the remake with George Clooney, but it's done so much better.

Definitely worth a watch, but be prepared for the most tedious 45 minutes of your life at the beginning!

It would be a full marker, but for the painstakingly slow beginning I can't give it that!


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Some Kind Of Monster "Rockumentary"featuring heavy metal dinosaurs Metallica trying to get in touch with their inner souls with the help of a $40,000 a fortnight psychotherapist. And what do you know, they come across as self-centred, utterly lacking in any self-awareness, and supremely egotistical and stupid. No surprises there, but it's pretty hilarious watching these guys demonstrate how spookily accurate Spinal Tap was. Excellent stuff. 6/10

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Some Kind Of Monster "Rockumentary"featuring heavy metal dinosaurs Metallica trying to get in touch with their inner souls with the help of a $40,000 a fortnight psychotherapist. And what do you know, they come across as self-centred, utterly lacking in any self-awareness, and supremely egotistical and stupid. No surprises there, but it's pretty hilarious watching these guys demonstrate how spookily accurate Spinal Tap was. Excellent stuff. 6/10

The frightening thing is that they had editorial control over it. You've got to wonder how they would have come across if someone had put it together without their clearance.

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