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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watching the Bourne trilogy this week, starting last night.

After the first two, I shall re-assess from previous ratings.

The first one is miles better than the second, although the second has a clever moment (my interpretation, may just have been bad camera work) when in the chase scene in Russia after Bourne is shot the visuals get a bit blurred as though he is start to fade from full conciousness.

I had previously gone 8-9-9 but on second viewing, I change this to...

The Bourne Identity (2002) - 9/10

The Bourne Supremacy (2004) - 8/10

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Guest tomjoad1984
The Last Emperor 10/10

What a film, just my type of film (Historical epic type). Just a truly beautiful film, wonderful setting, astounding costumes, some fairly decent acting and an emotional and intriguing story-line to boot. I had a wee cry at the end. :(

Edit: The music was fucking fantastic too, at times it just added to the film so much. When the strong emotional part kicks in at about 2:10

it can just bring out so many emotions. What a masterpiece. Definatly up with Das Boot and Dr. Zhivago as my favourite films. I have Lawrence of Arabia to watch in the next few days and I suspect it will live up to expectations!

You have just mentioned my favourite three films. The score to the last emperor is a personal favourite of mine due to the fact if David Byrne coughed on CD i would buy it!

Anyway just watched Taken 9/10 - simple enoiugh story no major plot twists still a very good film

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I thought Taken was utterly cringeworthy. Massively unbelievable (he killed that many people and just strolled out of the country no questions asked?), and Neeson was poor. The action scenes were decent, but the dialogue and general realism were awful.

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You have just mentioned my favourite three films. The score to the last emperor is a personal favourite of mine due to the fact if David Byrne coughed on CD i would buy it!

Anyway just watched Taken 9/10 - simple enoiugh story no major plot twists still a very good film

I believe great minds think alike, you have impecable taste sir. ;)

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RocknRolla (2008)

After Guy Ritchie's spectacular misfire with Revolver, he's back on familiar gangster turf with all the usual multiple plot strands. We've been here before but Ritchie directs this sort of stuff with panache and this film cooks nicely. Not a patch on Snatch (or even Lock Stock) but still a very watcahble movie.


Edited by centralparker
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Couple of oldies this weekend:

The Dead Zone - Christopher Walken is a teacher who spends 5 years in a coma and comes out of it able to see people's futures, deaths, etc. This leads him down some dark corners and fucks up his life, basically. It's a sort of horror with a twist, based on a Stephen King story and directed by David Cronenberg. Quite enjoyed it, 8/10

Time Bandits - a kid accompanies a troop of midgets through time robbing people, using a map they stole from the Supreme Being, but are enticed by Evil who wants the map to rule the world. A Terry Gilliam classic, seen it many times, it's dark and very Gilliam-esque, with some nice Monty Python cameos from Cleese and Palin. Awesome 10/10

a dictionary definition without doubt, absolutely.

he name checked them too in his bafta fellowship acceptance. :D its a fantastic film.

The princess bride, inconceivable that this was not Andre the Giant's finest performance. 10/10

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Mr Bean's Holiday :ph34r:

You know its funny :lol: 10/10 :thumsup2

It really is funny, I wouldn't go 10/10 funny, but I went 6/10 as without good comedy lines it loses a lot of it's strength.

EDIT: Forgot my hatred for child actors also plays some part in that...

Edited by SaltyTON
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The Last Emperor 10/10

What a film, just my type of film (Historical epic type). Just a truly beautiful film, wonderful setting, astounding costumes, some fairly decent acting and an emotional and intriguing story-line to boot. I had a wee cry at the end. :(

Great film. I've been to the Forbidden Palace and to see it as it would have been is quite thrilling actually.

Couple of oldies this weekend:

The Dead Zone - Christopher Walken is a teacher who spends 5 years in a coma and comes out of it able to see people's futures, deaths, etc. This leads him down some dark corners and fucks up his life, basically. It's a sort of horror with a twist, based on a Stephen King story and directed by David Cronenberg. Quite enjoyed it, 8/10

Time Bandits - a kid accompanies a troop of midgets through time robbing people, using a map they stole from the Supreme Being, but are enticed by Evil who wants the map to rule the world. A Terry Gilliam classic, seen it many times, it's dark and very Gilliam-esque, with some nice Monty Python cameos from Cleese and Palin. Awesome 10/10

2 great movies.

Time Bandits is my favourite Gilliam, I'll second the 10/10.

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The Relic (1997)

So ridiculously fucking stupid and with Penelope Ann Miller's god awful acting, so but so damn enjoyable. 100 minutes goes so quickly with so many faux-scientific stories in there that you can't stop watching!


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Gran Torino 9/10

Good film, well acted by the old man (prob his last acting part) and well directed. A must for Clint fans.

I watched a Clint directed/produced/acted number last night on five us. The one when he witnesses a murder/cover up by the president.

Good film. I need to catch Gran Torino some time soon.

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Guest dougalldogg
Iron Man

Awesomely entertaining, a spectacular action blockbuster!


:huh: Are you serious? 10/10 is a bit extreme, it was a good movie but surely you have seen better?

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