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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw V, watched it last night. 10/10, makes you think as well as disgusted.


The Saw series of movies are most certainly not intended to "make you think". Unless you have the mind of a shrew and think somehow torture porn is a damning indictment on society these days, or somesuch nonsense.

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I really, really liked that movie. It quietly passed under the radar, but it was pretty compelling.

Yeah, I thought it was fantastic, but was always going to struggle simply due to history. Who wants to see a crime thriller where we never fully find out who-dunnit.

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The Wind That Shakes The Barley

Excellent Ken Loach film set in County Cork in 1920 as the locals set up to drive the Black and Tans out of the country, and are then divided themselves. It centres around two brothers with differing views, there are strong performances and it's a very moving tale. Thoroughly enjoyed it, 8/10.

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Guest sideshow boabster

I enjoyed The Wind That Shakes The Barley too. It's typical Ken Loach though and I can understand why some don't like his work. It can look like there's no script with some of his stuff and the actors are just bluffing their way through the scenes. The Sun also said it was 'the most anti british film ever' - they should have used that for their ad campaign :)

I watched Eden Lake the other night. Pretty tense, gory movie about a couple that get terrorised by a group of local neds (of chavs seeing as its set in England) A kind of take on knife crime and what kids are capable of these days. 7/10

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Finally got around to watching Slumdog on tinternet there. Certainly not the "feel good smash hit of the Winter" as the buses in London would have you think. Pretty bleak at times, still a never less than riveting parable. All things considered, despite the superfluous montage at the end and one or two iffy lines, I enjoyed it very much. 6/10

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The Eiger Sanction ( 1975 )

Eastwood sure liked his thrillers in the 70s, didn't he ? This one was of the usual decent standard as he plays a retired hitman brought back because of the death of a former friend. It's got a big twist which is fairly predictable, but that's the only predictable thing, as the way things unfold is regularly making you think "which way is this going to go ?". Good way to spend a couple of hours.


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