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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I absolutely loved this film. Some ace moments. In my opinion it has totally rejuvenated and gave new ideas to the Zombie type films. Although, most zombie pictures have been decent recently this is one of my favorites at the moment.


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Black Sunday ( 1977 )

Basically, terrorists want to explode a bomb in the Superbowl. An okay thriller, and it has an amazingly tense climax, but there's so much wrong here. There's parts where they try and make us symphathise with the terrorists yet at the same time, show us that they have absolutely no remorse for their actions. They then make the authority figures look seedy. But then the terrorists want to blow up 80,000 people. All of this definately takes a bit of the emotional pull away from what could have been a great movie. It ends up just being decent instead, but with a point added for the terrific climax.


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Charlie Wilson's War ( 2007 )

I can live with seeing two 7/10 movies in a row. Had a good laugh at Philip Seymour Hoffman going mental initially and his character never loses steam. Tom Hanks also does a decent job of making the main character likeable when he really shouldn't be. Don't watch if you like things factual. I don't give a f**k and I enjoyed this.


Yeah, I have it on DVD, thought it was a decent enough film.

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Guest Garibaldi


I'm really torn on what to make of this one. On one hand it's so stupid, 300 men going at it against hundreds of thousands of men and living longer than 3 minutes, aye I'm sure that's what happened. Also an interesting trend in the film where the good guys (Spartans) are all strapping white lads and the bad guys (Persians) are either dark, horrifically deformed, plain ugly or a combination of the above. The one person who broke the rule was the deformed Spartan hunchback, but he was a traitor so that's OK. There was also some absolute belting continuity errors in there. Did the Spartans have dentists, because Leonidis certainly had fillings? :o

On the other hand, put that shit to the side and it was geniunely very entertaining to watch, and I normally hate these big epic films (Lord of the Rings is so shite for example). For that reason:


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I'm really torn on what to make of this one. On one hand it's so stupid, 300 men going at it against hundreds of thousands of men and living longer than 3 minutes, aye I'm sure that's what happened. Also an interesting trend in the film where the good guys (Spartans) are all strapping white lads and the bad guys (Persians) are either dark, horrifically deformed, plain ugly or a combination of the above. The one person who broke the rule was the deformed Spartan hunchback, but he was a traitor so that's OK. There was also some absolute belting continuity errors in there. Did the Spartans have dentists, because Leonidis certainly had fillings? :o

On the other hand, put that shit to the side and it was geniunely very entertaining to watch, and I normally hate these big epic films (Lord of the Rings is so shite for example). For that reason:



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Guest Ahma Gan Hame
The last film I watched was Collateral, with Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, and the DELICIOUS Jada Pinkett Smith wub.gif

I wasn't too sure of whether or not I fancied it to be honest, but it was on my blockbuster list and came through before I knew it. I was very pleasantly surprised. I thought it was superb.

Having said that, I'm a big fan of Michael Mann (Heat). Cruise was excellent, Foxx was even better, and it was very well shot. Very dark.

My only criticism, is that there's always a lot of background noise, and some of the dialogue was difficult to pick up at times.

However, overall 7/10. Very good.

I wonder if this thread will take off? tongue.gif

2012,special effects were tremendous but a weak story line(my opinion)

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Terminator Salvation (2009)

Switch your brain off and watch shit blow up. Poor plot with woeful acting at times, and they missed the chance to go down the spoof route and finish with a "we can rebuild him, we have the technology but we spent too much on another needless sequel" line.

The fact Joe 'McG' McGinty has only made this and Charlie's Angels says a lot about him, but he's remaking 20,000 Leagues in 2011, so that could be horrific!

This was fun, but had so many plot holes if you thought about them your head would probably explode...


God knows what they will come up with for Terminator 5 in 2011. :(

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The Fourth Kind

3/10. Crap, uneven film. None of it is based on real events btw - I don't know why that annoyed me but it did.

Went to see it last night at the terminal and i really enjoyed it. Thought the so called real life footage and split screen added to the intensity of it tbh. However, i didn't come out the film thinking " ffs their out there, i believe in aliens now", i just watched it as any other film and found it hugely entertaining


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I went to see Paranormal Activity on Friday.

Now, I'd seen the trailer with the audience reaction and I thought that there was no way it was real.

But it was.

One of the creepiest films I've seen - very well made, and the first film since [Rec] and El Orphanto to give me the chills.

And the female star has MASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIVE boobs.

For those, I'll give it an extra mark, up to 9/10.

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Scarface 2/10

Im sure i will get some comments for this but i honestly think the film is utter cack, Pachino is outstanding dont get me wrong but i just think the plot is drawn out and dull. These days it seems like every wannabe thug loves this movie.

Flags for our fathers 8/10

Ive allways had a soft spot for WW2 movies and i just finished watching on the telly and now im watching letters from iwo Jima. I really enjoyed this film, but the only thing i didnt follow is why the Native American soldier didnt want to be associated with the flag raising.

Hard Candy 9/10

Ellen paige is a 14 year old girl who gets friendly with a 32 year old man over the internet and decide to meet up and then go back to his place, but with a disturbing twist, excellent acting and proof that less can be more with a great plot.

Drag me to hell 7/10

Billed as a horror but i found it more funny than scary. Angry gypsy curses a bank teller for refusing her a loan(or something) towards her home. Unusual film but its to be expected from Sam Rammi

Dogma 10/10

I know Kevin Smith is regarded as a pretty terrible director and actor but this film is just pure entertainment, and any film that can piss of christians is allways good in my book. Great acting especially by Ben affleck (who would have thought?) and a excellent cast in all aspects. Totally love the film.

Blood the last vampire 0/10

As a fan of the anime i can truely say this film is utter pish, avoid.

Star Trek (2009) 10/10

Being a admitted fan of star trek but not of the shatner stuff, i can say i was amazed by how great and thoroughly entertaing this movie turned out to be. Great cast, plenty of entertainment and a few nods to the older series. A great film for a series that wether you hate or love it you have to admit is one of the biggest franchises out there.

and im spent..

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Scarface 2/10

Im sure i will get some comments for this but i honestly think the film is utter cack, Pachino is outstanding dont get me wrong but i just think the plot is drawn out and dull. These days it seems like every wannabe thug loves this movie.

You've posted two down from Gaz giving one of the ten worst films I've ever seen a 9/10 score, you should be safe! :lol:

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Harry Brown

Has been touted as a British 'Gran Torino' however I thought this was far better, helped in part by another excellent perfomance from Micheal Caine.

Some of the actions of the 'yoof' were a bit contrived though I thought, I dont think we've quite got to the stage of drugged up neds on dirtbikes shooting at pregnant mums yet :rolleyes:

An enjoyable watch nonetheless 8/10

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Twilight 8/10

My second time watching it, good story, the new one looks good too.

Same as you seen it twice and i think it was better the second time i watched it, cant wait for the second to come out on Friday as it looks better than the first.

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