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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Human Centipede - 5/10

Fairly rubbish film, but when it ended I actually felt a bit disturbed. I thought after films like Hostel and Saw Id be immune to seeing stuff like this!

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The Human Centipede - 5/10

Fairly rubbish film, but when it ended I actually felt a bit disturbed. I thought after films like Hostel and Saw Id be immune to seeing stuff like this!

Where did you see it?

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A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010) - I went in the cinema with the mooses for this one and we were the only two in there. I was quite looking forward to it after enjoying the original. I was a bit disappointed with the way Fred looked. I think he looked more frightening in the original one. The film itself was very similar (obviously) to the original but I don't think it was that good. The 'jumpy' bits were only really because of the loudness of the sound not for the filming. I actually checked my phone to see what time it was for how long was left I got a bit bored. 5.5/10

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The Human Centipede - 5/10

Fairly rubbish film, but when it ended I actually felt a bit disturbed. I thought after films like Hostel and Saw Id be immune to seeing stuff like this!

Sorry but that's just a bigger budget film similar to Grotesque.

Looks worse than the Japanese effort...

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Just joined LoveFilm

First effort was Ghost Town - 2/10

What a bag of shite. Only spared a 1/10 for one or two good lines from Mr Gervais.

Despite really disliking Gervais, I thought it was just about passable. It got a bit repetative, but at least as you say it had a few good lines.

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American Pie: The Wedding

Seen it a million times before. Pretty pish...apart from Stiffler in the gay bar. Not as good as the second one and not even close to the first.

I prefer the second one to the first one if I'm being honest. The third one is horrific, Stifler is trying too hard and at times looks like he has special needs.

Jurassic Park - 9/10

Decided to buy the DVD as it is such an epic movie. For me the Lost World and JP3 didn't happen. Both awful movies but the first is an absolute masterpiece. Visual effects were ahead of its time much like Terminator 2, early 90s. Good acting, great story, great music and no other dinosaur movie comes close to this one.

Clever girl!!!

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Despite really disliking Gervais, I thought it was just about passable. It got a bit repetative, but at least as you say it had a few good lines.

I was more disappointed in that it was my first 'rental' from Love Film.

Not suer what I will get next in this game of Film Roulette.

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When a Stranger Calls (1979) - 6/10

The opening 15 minutes are terrific, genuinely frightening. The tension builds and builds, and the voice on the other side of the phone is really creepy. The problem is the lack of action for the remainder of the film, bar the last 10 minutes. Nothing really happens.

There's a great scene at the end though,

when the killer is lying in bed with Jill, face down pretending to be her husband, then proceeding to attack her.

I really didn't see it coming.

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