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Does fire kill them?

They're afraid of fire, I know that from Dawn, but don't remember them ever being killed by it...

Edit: I found this great answer to the question!

As Max Brooks said in The Zombie Survival Guide, "The brain must be obliterated, by any means possible". Like any other being it has a central control organ, a brain, though it's brain is a human brain that has been infected to give the body new orders, and to not acknowledge pain, "Imagine a computer programmed to execute one function. This function cannot be paused, modified, or erased. No new data can be stored. No new commands can be installed. This computer will perform that one function, over and over, until its power source eventually shuts down". Zombies' bodies do not require the simple everyday things our own do, so to kill a zombie, you must destroy or severely damage the "brain," so that the body may no longer function. The infection of the brain is what causes the loss of motor skills and makes them slow. Take that advantage to hone for an accurate strike with any sort of weapon or shoot with any type of accurate single shot gun.

Two, three, and five round bursts are only a waste of ammo. Fire is a gamble. Using fire to burn a building with zombies in it, or making a "fire pit" for zombies are examples of appropriate use. Setting a zombie on fire while it is near flammable structures is an inappropriate use. Burying them deep below the earth so that there is no coming back, after so many feet, there is too much pressure for the body to even wriggle. You can try to force them all into a man made body of water and hope they dont come back, but event with 90 degree walls. the decaying withen the body and any flesh they may have eaten may cause bloating and they can float to the surface some day, still hungry for human flesh. What ever you do, don't assume removing the head from the body will stop it, the body may stop moving, but the head is still dangerous as long as it's lower jaw is intact and able to bite.

Edited by SaltyTON
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They're zombies, why would they not survive underwater? They don't need to breath!

Yeah, remember the classic scene in Zombie Flesh Eaters where the zombie was fighting with the shark underwater?

I was rooting for the shark in that scene even though it would eat you alive rather than thank you for your support over a battle with the living dead. sad.gif

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As Max Brooks said in The Zombie Survival Guide, "The brain must be obliterated, by any means possible". Like any other being it has a central control organ, a brain, though it's brain is a human brain that has been infected to give the body new orders, and to not acknowledge pain, "Imagine a computer programmed to execute one function. This function cannot be paused, modified, or erased. No new data can be stored. No new commands can be installed. This computer will perform that one function, over and over, until its power source eventually shuts down". Zombies' bodies do not require the simple everyday things our own do, so to kill a zombie, you must destroy or severely damage the "brain," so that the body may no longer function. The infection of the brain is what causes the loss of motor skills and makes them slow. Take that advantage to hone for an accurate strike with any sort of weapon or shoot with any type of accurate single shot gun.

Two, three, and five round bursts are only a waste of ammo. Fire is a gamble. Using fire to burn a building with zombies in it, or making a "fire pit" for zombies are examples of appropriate use. Setting a zombie on fire while it is near flammable structures is an inappropriate use. Burying them deep below the earth so that there is no coming back, after so many feet, there is too much pressure for the body to even wriggle. You can try to force them all into a man made body of water and hope they dont come back, but event with 90 degree walls. the decaying withen the body and any flesh they may have eaten may cause bloating and they can float to the surface some day, still hungry for human flesh. What ever you do, don't assume removing the head from the body will stop it, the body may stop moving, but the head is still dangerous as long as it's lower jaw is intact and able to bite.

Well that implies that the brain is still functioning, which means that it would still need oxygen!

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As far as I'm concerned, whoever makes the movie decides what kills the zombie.

The Thing ( 1982 )

This is madness. Doesn't take long to descend into this either, with the crazy Scandanavian folk trying to shoot dogs and then the guys in the camp. We then go into blood, gore, some big aliens and genuinely batshit mental scenes which make you want to both laugh and vomit. I can't go full marks for some reason. I won't deny that this is ridiculous fun to watch though.


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Saw 3d

Pretty good. You know what you're getting with a saw flick and you get it all over again here. It wraps the story up well.


You think? I went to see it last night and I thought it left it open for another quite easily.... I would only give it 6/10 at a push I wasnt thrilled by it and the 3D aspect just pissed me of tbh.

The Social Network

I thought this was brilliant, I like how they leave the conclusion to you for what to believe and I overall thought it was a brilliant movie.


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Saw 3D (2010)

Just awful for a 'final' part.

The 3D was completely unnecessary, the 'twist' you could see

as soon as Cary Elwes first showed up

, the traps were very tenuously linked to the individuals sins and there was very little actual horror.

I laughed out loud six times during a horror film, that is ridiculous for one that wasn't a comedy horror!

The key part was hilarious, he didn't have to do it as it was completely avoidable by the guy holding onto the rope as was the last part with the pectoral muscles, he could easily have climbed that (and wrapped the chains around his legs to allow him to connect the cables) without suffering the pain.

4/10 - purely for making me laugh, a lot! Especially the police officer (Chad Donella, Tod in Final Destination) who is possibly the worst actor ever (bar obviously David Caruso).

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As far as I'm concerned, whoever makes the movie decides what kills the zombie.

The Thing ( 1982 )

This is madness. Doesn't take long to descend into this either, with the crazy Scandanavian folk trying to shoot dogs and then the guys in the camp. We then go into blood, gore, some big aliens and genuinely batshit mental scenes which make you want to both laugh and vomit. I can't go full marks for some reason. I won't deny that this is ridiculous fun to watch though.


The Thing is a great movie would highly recommend it. They are making a prequel based on what happened at the Norwegian camp its out next year.

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Just watched "No Country For Old Men".

Hmm. Not sure what to make of that. Either it was utterly brilliant or it was terrible - no middle ground here. I'll opt for the former rather than the latter though. I did enjoy it but I can see why some would not. First things first, Javier Bardem is excellent (worthy of his Academy Award for "Best Supporting Actor"). He has a fair bit of screen time and whilst not saying much, he turns in a very good performance. Tommy Lee Jones has limited screen time, but I feel that he played his role well - his almost deadpan delivery (not sure if that is the correct phrase to use) of each line is seemingly typical of him, and it is good stuff to watch. Not sure what to make ofJjosh Brolin though. The ending is a bit strange and I'm not sure what to make of that part of the film, that said I did think it wrapped up the film well. It is a gripping film, and Bardem is exceptional (really, he is).

I haven't read the book, so I am treating it as if the film came first. I will give it a 8/10.

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Inception ( 2010 )

Definately a movie with ideas above it's station. It's certainly not a bad movie, but it's horribly over-rated. There were just too many times where I was left thinking "oh fuck off" at what I was seeing. Couldn't help feeling that it was a lot dumber than it thought it was as well. Still, Cilian Murphy is in it, which is never a bad thing and it looks stunning at times. The plot is shit but it's pulled off well.


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Saw Burke & Hare on the weekend, it was ok but not as good as I was hoping for and some of the accents were just embarrassing to be honest. 6/10 at best.

Why are they Northern Irish in the film, yet the story of them has them from Edinburgh?

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