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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Fright night 3D 77%

I was pleasantly suprised by this. First 20 minutes were nothing special but it picked up. Tennant wasn't half bad as was the 3D, which I'm never big on, but it worked pretty well for this. Decent watch

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe ( 2010 )

Cracking first installment to what I HOPE is a good series of movies. I certainly have my hopes up after this. Quite disappointed that...

... it appears the Ice Queen is done for, because I thought Tilda Swinton was amazing, but I suppose given how good she is this shouldn't be a surprise.


The films get better as they go on, just like the books. Prince Caspian is my favourite of the books, and the best of the films thus far.

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Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Well, I'll give them credit. They know how to make consistant movies, even when they change the director. There's a bit more going on here. They don't waste any time speeding up the pace of the movie, but they don't seem to compromise on the characters with Eustace creating a lovely change of pace, annoying but at the same time a good comic presence who you can kinda warm to BEFORE his major change. The fight/battle scenes were all better done here too. Wasn't as big a fan of the plot because the threat didn't seem as big as before so I could never really buy into it, but everything else is made up for it.


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Jonah Hex ( 2010 )

Does anyone wanna see a movie with John Malkovich being good and Josh Brolin being even MORE cool than usual, yet is still shite? Here it is. The plot is absolutely horrible. Played for laughs originally and that makes it work. However, things then take a turn for the serious and that is when things go downhill quickly.


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The Guard

Really funny, even if the story was all over the place. Loads of ridiculous lines from Gleeson. I love the character, and he's got loads of offense lines from him which are just amazing.


I'm also watching this weird film just now, it's called Miss March. Some kid ends up in a coma and is going across country to find his old girlfriend. Loads of bullshit but they end up in a big RV and one of the guys is hooking up with a girl. She opens the window(it's a massive window) and the RV goes over some bumps the girl goes flying out the window laugh.gif

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Jonah Hex ( 2010 )

Does anyone wanna see a movie with John Malkovich being good and Josh Brolin being even MORE cool than usual, yet is still shite? Here it is. The plot is absolutely horrible. Played for laughs originally and that makes it work. However, things then take a turn for the serious and that is when things go downhill quickly.


I gave it higher purely for the funny/cheesey lines. But the ending was fucking atrocious. By far the worst comic book adaptation I've seen. It had litterally f**k all to do with it.....they may as well just have created an entirely different character and made the movie.

I thought Brolin was pretty good in it.

But did anyone who has seen it feel they ripped off scenes/lines from other films a bit? I mean the bit with the sheriff and the coffins is straight from a Clint Eastwood film is it not?

As I also said a few pages back when I watched it, was there any need for half the film to be taken up by people just saying the name "Jonah Hex"...."Jonah Hex"?

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I'm also watching this weird film just now, it's called Miss March. Some kid ends up in a coma and is going across country to find his old girlfriend. Loads of bullshit but they end up in a big RV and one of the guys is hooking up with a girl. She opens the window(it's a massive window) and the RV goes over some bumps the girl goes flying out the window laugh.gif

I actually quite liked this as well, even though it was weird and easy watching. The firemen bit was my favourite.

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Kill List - 2011

Well, as the credits rolled, I just sat there stunned at the final scene, trying to make sense of it all.

I'd need to see it again but it is slowly paced, really well acted, really bloody violent and, well, shocking.

Reminded me of The Wicker Man, Jay was marked out (almost literally by the mark on the back of the mirror) as a possible "recruit" and had to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Not sure what to score it out of 10, would need to see again.

Watched it loved it,

I enjoyed it, if you can say that. It's a well acted, clever film. I enjoyed the way they built up the tension by almost emphasising the banality (a word you'll see in a lot of the reviews) in the first acts. There's an underlying sense of unease about the whole thing, mainly because the audience knows what Jay and Gal do for a living and also because of some of what happens. The actual scenes of violence are really quite shocking and I've seen plenty violent films. The bit in the kitchen is just horrific. I saw it in the same cinema that I saw 'The Killer Inside Me' in and it reminded me of the Jessica Alba scene in that, really quite difficult to watch. It's great acting from Neil Maskell, I think he really conveys the unravelling of his character well.

The final act and the ending are interesting. Obviously what's happening is building up to this but you coudl argue that the change in the film is too jarring and doesn't quite fit. Personally I thought it pulled it off and the scene in the tunnell is fist chewing. The final scene was horrific but actually quite predictable, although the absolute final payoff gave more of a twist to it.

All in all, I'd recommend going to see Kill List, 8/10.

Edited by ICTChris
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Animal Kingdom ( 2010 )

I was tempted to go full whammy on this one, but decided against it as it didn't quite draw the emotion that a perfect movie should for me, but it's about as good a 9/10 movie as I'm ever going to watch. It's about a young guy who goes to live with his criminal bank robbing family who seem to be getting away from that, but this doesn't stop the police coming for them, and it becomes a bit of a game of, literally, life and death. It's an astonishing piece of work and is also quite brutal at times as well. I can't recommend it enough.


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Hobo with a Shotgun (2011)

Despite the obvious there's a lot more to this film than you might expect. It's almost a parable within a Grindhouse film, and a well executed one at that!

That and it stars Rutger Hauer, one of the greatest actors of all time.

8/10 - not as good as Machete, but then it's not really as much of a comedy so relies on much more imagery to get its point across, which in a film like this is a lot harder.

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The Social Network

Quite enjoyed this film. Good storyline and a few moments that made me chuckle.


Read up about it after the movie wondering how close it was to the truth. It turns out that Eduardo actually got Ben Mezrich to write the book - which in turn made the film - to make Zuckerberg's image look bad. The complete opposite of the film and wasn't what I was expecting.

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Went to go see The Troll Hunter tonight and have to say, it is one of my movies of the year, if not THE movie of the year so far!.

It was just a great movie, the action scenes were brilliant, I thought it was really hillarious at points. It even went into great detail at times.

A great watch and a movie I am going to see again next week!


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Bonded By Blood - 4/10.

Usual LondonGang caper starrin Tamer Hassan & Terry Stone. Drugs, Gangs, Drugs, Clubs, Drugs, the overuse of the word c**t :lol: . Same old story.

Inception - 10/10

Bloody loved it. Dreams within a dream within a dream. Has Di Caprio done a bad film yet?? I prob wont watch it again tho coz ill end up thinkin too much into the whole dream thing :lol: . Very enjoyable. Best film ive seen since The Dark Knight Premiere. Mr C Nolan - Take a bow!

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