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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Well it worked very well indeed. The standard of living rose and there was no unemployment. One man said even the rate of production almost doubled with no superior power. Free, proper education for all was applied. In some parts they even abolished money, yet there was not one case of selfishness. Basically every aspect of there life improved. There was brotherhood, solidarity. Everyone they interviewed from the time said it was tremendous all agreeing it is the only way humans can live freely and fairly where everyone is valued the same.

Unfortunatly, as there was a civil war going on, they eventually had to take up arms against the fascists. Sadly, due to costly errors and the disgraceful tactics of some of the oppisition, the government was reinstated and everything went back to 'normal.' Everyone was very sad about this.

Still, the 4 years they spent in anarchy proves to everyone that anarchy can work. No police men, no laws, no priests, no class divisions. Just brotherhood, freedom, freedom of the mind, real democracy and community spirit to create there own destiny.

Or, as i should have said, watch it youself and find out. :P

Sorry, I wasn't being quite serious. The anarchists , socialists, international brigade and assorted left wingers got fucked over by the Stalinists during the Spanish Civil War, who in turn got defeated by the fascists.

Look out for Land And Freedom by Ken Loach.


Ps are you mixing anarchism with communism?

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Sorry, I wasn't being quite serious. The anarchists , socialists, international brigade and assorted left wingers got fucked over by the Stalinists during the Spanish Civil War, who in turn got defeated by the fascists.

Look out for Land And Freedom by Ken Loach.


Ps are you mixing anarchism with communism?

i realised.

so your argument against anarchism is that they got beat by the facsists in the spanish civil war. You should fight for what you think is right, or more, against what is certainly wrong.

And no im not mixing anarchism with communism. What happened in spain varied in different places between libertarian communsim and anarchism i think.

Edited by jojo
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Midnight In Paris

Like a lot of people, I was a massive Woody Allen for many years and loved or enjoyed most of his films up until the late eighties. Like a lot of people, I don't go out of my way to watch his films when they come out now and I'm generally unimpressed when I see them. This isn't too bad at all. I was taken aback by the sudden plot shift, which I wasn't expecting at all since I hadn't read a detailed synopsis or spoilers, but I went with it and found it quite fun. I can't help but think that this would have been way sharper and funnier if he'd made it about 25 yards ago. Not a bad way to spend just over 90 minutes.


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I can't help but think that this would have been way sharper and funnier if he'd made it about 25 yards ago. Not a bad way to spend just over 90 minutes.

Most of his films over the last decade have been like that. He kept playing the lead man too long which started to look a bit creepy (especially with the real life context) but then when others played the lead they didn't match up to Allen at his best.

I was also a huge fan and it took a lot for me to stop automatically going to see his films but I watched one stinker too many. I was tempted back by Vicky Cristina Barcelona as I had a cineworld pass at the time but I found that a deeply irritating film.

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The Ides Of March

The jury's still out with me on George Clooney as a director; Good Night, And Good Luck was an ambitious debut but his next films don't really challenge it. This film is probably the best material he's worked with so far, the direction is nothing special though. A few nice moments and as usual with Clooney the camera pays favours to the cast, which by the way is a mini-constellation. Ryan Gosling really deserves to be the big deal he is at the moment. Philip Seymour-Hoffman and Evan Rachel Wood also stand out.



Not classic Spielberg but expectedly entertaining and a return to the type of film that made him a family favourite to the last generation.

The best use of 3D I've ever seen and some of the most stunning animation, too. Certainly the most advanced.



As an admirer of Steven Soderbergh I was very eager to see how he handled this film and it's no disappointment. Plenty of his trademark thrills and frills and fluid screenplay, delivered by another perfectly assembled cast, Matt Damon and Jude Law in particular give excellent performances.

What I really love about Soderbergh's films is the clever structure and plot development most of them exhibit, they're films with smarts. This one unravels itself very nicely keeping us second-guessing right to the very end (probably one of the film's finest moments). It is a little sentimental at times but not overly so, there's plenty of cold blood to balance the warm. Certainly terrifying, and gripping in the same way as, and part of the film alludes to it, Jaws. My second favourite film by "the other 'berg(h)" after Ocean's Eleven but most people will probably prefer this to it.


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The girl next door 7/10

Based on the true story of a young teenage girl and her sister who live move in with their aunt. The aunt is a bit mentally unstable and starts off with small punishments for both girls gradually leading to beatings and torture, pretty grim.

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Jude Law is fucking horrific in this film. He has a shitty English/Australian accent and just grates on you the whole way through the film.

That's rather harsh. I'm no dialect expert but his accent was convincing enough for me, and he does play an unsympathetic character, we're not meant to like him. I very much rate Law as an actor, he has some fine work under his belt and this is no exception.

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Solomon Kane (2009)

This was one of those films that the concept was completely nonsense, but it was fun enough to cancel that part out. Medieval action films are usually quite entertaining and this was no exception.

The appearance of the late Pete Postelthwaite was good to see. :)


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Fear Island (TV 2009)

Far cleverer than TV whodunnits tend to be, fairly generic clues add up as the sole survivor recalls the events of the previous night, culminating in the eventual killer being found.

Decent watch.


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Zoolander last night, quality, never seen it before but it's hilarious. A good, solid 8/10

Watching Dead Set just now, it's a tv miniseries but the program is basically a movie. Pretty good. Basically a zombie outbreak happens when Big Brother is on and it's about them.

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Zoolander last night, quality, never seen it before but it's hilarious. A good, solid 8/10

Watching Dead Set just now, it's a tv miniseries but the program is basically a movie. Pretty good. Basically a zombie outbreak happens when Big Brother is on and it's about them.

There's two mini-series of five episodes; one from 2008, and one from 2010.

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Gnaw (2008)

A cross between The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Sweeney Todd, set outside Eastbourne... although I don't think the East Sussex Pitchfork Street Traders has quite the same ring to it as Gnaw, or either of the two films it has similarities with.

The acting's pretty crap, the lack of knowledge of the double tap clearly missing (even if happened once it would have been nice... the guy even fucking thought about it at one point!)

All of the directors, producers and writers are newbies, with only the main character having done anything I've heard of before (The Zombie Diaries).

This was pretty weak, but the links to the other films and the knowledge that they made TZD2 has made me quite happy as I liked the first one... so I'll give it 4/10

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Rec - 6/10

Just didn't live up to the hype for me. I did quite enjoy it, and the last 10 minutes were great, but it was more jumpy than "Scariest Movie Ever!" as the cover quote suggested.

Got this and Rec 2 from HMV for 7 quid which i thought was rather good value.

The Hole - 7/10

This is a "family-friendly" horror about a mother and her 2 sons who move into a new house and discover (after opening the multi-padlocked trapdoor) a seemingly bottomless hole from which their worst fears come out of and confront them over time.

This was great fun, and genuinely creepy. There were certain scenes that had me double-checking the 12 rating (a clown doll and creepy ghost girl), as some kids (and me!) could certainly be spooked by them. The first hour the tension builds, and you would think it was just an out and out horror movie. After that it gets more jokey and aimed towards kids, but it's a good mix.

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Schindler's List

I thought the film was done very well. Goeth was played very well by Ralph Fiennes. The part at the end when Schindler breaks down talking about the gold ring and his car which he could have traded was quite moving.

A couple of parts in the film I didn't fully understand what they were trying to get at - the officer screaming next to the burning corpses was one of these. Was he going mad at the sight of it? Why did he start shooting at the bodies?

The film lasted a little bit too long and I was growing impatient after about 2 hours 30 minutes (think it lasted something like 3 hours 15 minutes in total).

I'd give it an 8/10.

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The Pledge (2001)

Jack Nicholson stars as a retired police detective who becomes obsessed with a serial killer known as "the Wizard", at the expense of everything he holds dear. Okay, up to this point it sounds like Tapp in Saw, but without the torture and the games... but it's not really like that, although the descent into madness is fairly similar.

It's a rare film directed by Sean Penn (he makes about two a decade), and it's quite good. The cast is ridiculously well known for a film which seems to have been a bit of a sleeper, and which flopped pretty badly worldwide.

The cast was Jack Nicholson, Benicio Del Toro, Patricia Clarkson, Aaron Eckhart, Costas Mandylor (well there's another Saw similarity...), Helen Mirren, Robin Wright Penn, Vanessa Redgrave, Mickey Rourke... they could have made a decent profit without a few of those over-inflated wages!


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