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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw Contagion last night.

It drags on near the end and Jude Law is fucking horrific in this film. He has a shitty English/Australian accent and just grates on you the whole way through the film. The other performances were pretty solid.

The storyline is decent but the sub-plots just feel tacked on, especially the one involving Marion Cotillard. The film constantly feels like it is building up to something epic but it just doesn't quite reach it. When it finished I felt a bit sort of unfulfilled.

It's by no means a bad film but nowhere near as good as I had hoped it would be.


I felt the same as you about the ending, wouldn't really be that bothered if the "Day 1" bit had been left out tbh. The portrayal of human behaviour in that type of situation was spot on though and actually quite chilling, so I think the sub-plots were needed to show different perspectives and they did that effectively.

Once again, Matt Damon was superb. Marion Cotillard was looking good too. :wub:

Solid 7/10.

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Watched Contagion last night. Pretty much follows the same plot as every other disease/virus film, virus spreads kills a lot of people, scientists don't know how to control it, virus continues to kill may people, people start to panic, riot, governments can't control situation, scientists make breakthrough, virus is controlled, everyone lives happily ever after.


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Cloverfield (2008)

Thought I'd watch this again as I had originally given it 1/10 after seeing a cam version. This time on DVD it improved slightly.

It's not the worst by any means, plus it has Lizzy Caplan in it which is always a good thing, although she's far better as a psychopath...

I'm sorry but a giant lizard spouting arachnids, really? The smaller creatures are a pointless addition, and detract greatly from the terror of the distant creature when they are in the subway.

Also, the electrified rail (the power elsewhere in the station and the side lights in the tunnel were all operational)... that was conveniently forgotten about as they ran about in the dark...


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Went to see Midnight in Paris yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it even if Owen Wilson has one of the most annoying voices ever.

Out of 10? I'm curious for the general opinion on this one...

Last Days

More arthouse flamboyance from hit-and-miss director Gus Van Sant in the finale of his "death trilogy", heavily based on Kurt Cobain but entirely fictional. I prefer his personal low-budget stuff to the Oscar-bait he's recieved the Hollywood recognition for.

Much like Elephant the camerawork is what it's really all about, some of the stuff on show is to die for, the long dolly back about halfway through is a standout. It's very short but requires persistence and patience for the pay-off to work, any longer and it would probably start to drag. Personally I prefer Elephant but from what I've read on here and some film forums I think most people will like this a lot better.


Edited by Albino Rover
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The Pledge (2001)

Jack Nicholson stars as a retired police detective who becomes obsessed with a serial killer known as "the Wizard", at the expense of everything he holds dear. Okay, up to this point it sounds like Tapp in Saw, but without the torture and the games... but it's not really like that, although the descent into madness is fairly similar.

It's a rare film directed by Sean Penn (he makes about two a decade), and it's quite good. The cast is ridiculously well known for a film which seems to have been a bit of a sleeper, and which flopped pretty badly worldwide.

The cast was Jack Nicholson, Benicio Del Toro, Patricia Clarkson, Aaron Eckhart, Costas Mandylor (well there's another Saw similarity...), Helen Mirren, Robin Wright Penn, Vanessa Redgrave, Mickey Rourke... they could have made a decent profit without a few of those over-inflated wages!


Top film that is underrated by many I feel. Watched it the first time and hated it, second time round I thought it was near enough a masterpiece. Terrific all round, wouldn't give it 10 though a solid 8 from me.

Cloverfield (2008)

Thought I'd watch this again as I had originally given it 1/10 after seeing a cam version. This time on DVD it improved slightly.

It's not the worst by any means, plus it has Lizzy Caplan in it which is always a good thing, although she's far better as a psychopath...

I'm sorry but a giant lizard spouting arachnids, really? The smaller creatures are a pointless addition, and detract greatly from the terror of the distant creature when they are in the subway.

Also, the electrified rail (the power elsewhere in the station and the side lights in the tunnel were all operational)... that was conveniently forgotten about as they ran about in the dark...


Actually really liked this despite the bad name it receives! Mind you I'm into the whole shaky-cam thing. Just bought Blair Witch Project out of Tesco for 3 quid, is that any good? The second one is decent, despite being panned, but it's easy enough to watch and I know it's more 'film' based than the shaky cam one.

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Just bought Blair Witch Project out of Tesco for 3 quid, is that any good?

I left after about 45 minutes and nothing had actually happened yet, so couldn't tell you. I had motion sickness worse than ever before, it was ridiculously shaky and they kept going round in a circle! :barf

Owen Wilson has one of the most annoying voices ever.

And doesn't change the tone, or the pitch, at any time regardless of the emotion he's trying (and failing) to portray!

Edited by SaltyTON
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Red (2010)

Action comedy about a group of retired assassins, and a pensions clerk, who have to survive a massive CIA cover-up.

Great fun, and Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich) is the greatest comic relief character of all time. "I mostly get shot" :lol:


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Red (2010)

Action comedy about a group of retired assassins, and a pensions clerk, who have to survive a massive CIA cover-up.

Great fun, and Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich) is the greatest comic relief character of all time. "I mostly get shot" :lol:


Pretty good review of it, Willis and Freeman are amazing in it.

Saw Midnight in Paris earlier.

Fantastic film. The acting isn't fantastic, although I don't get all the Owen Wilson hate, the story itself is great. Ending was a bit weak for me, but I'm not much of a romantic film fan.

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I just find his voice quite irritating at times but he was actually okay in the film, I was being a tad harsh in retrospect.

I did really enjoy it though, Ernest Hemingway is a total legend!

Aye some fantastic performances. Hemmingway, F Scott Fitzergerald(Tom Hiddleston) and Salvidor Dali(Adrien Brody) were all really fun from the past.

Rachel McAdams, while being sensationally hot, was so annoying in it. I guess that's what she's meant to do. Martin(Michael?) Sheen was a dick as well, "the pedantic man" laugh.gif

As I said, the acting wasn't amazing, certainly not Oscar winning, but I could definitely see the screenplay getting nominated as the story was really good.

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Aye some fantastic performances. Hemmingway, F Scott Fitzergerald(Tom Hiddleston) and Salvidor Dali(Adrien Brody) were all really fun from the past.

Rachel McAdams, while being sensationally hot, was so annoying in it. I guess that's what she's meant to do. Martin(Michael?) Sheen was a dick as well, "the pedantic man" laugh.gif

As I said, the acting wasn't amazing, certainly not Oscar winning, but I could definitely see the screenplay getting nominated as the story was really good.

Holy spoiler alert, Batman!

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Red Dragon (2002)

For me this was far superior to The Silence of the Lambs, that may be partially as it didn't have the awful Jodie Foster in it, but the story was much more interesting and I actually believed that Graham could crack the case far more than Starling.


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The Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest

Last of the Steig Larsson trilogy. I enjoyed it but mainly because of the knowledge of the characters from the previous two films. It was definitely the worst of the three films with a real sense of I've seen all this before - people getting killed, computer hacking, long lingering stares from Lisbeth. Even the action scenes felt a bit ponderous. Overall it was more interested in tying up loose ends than standing alone as a film in its own right. Like the Quincy explaining the plot at the end of his show transferred into cinema. So if you've watched and enjoyed the other two films it's worth a look. If not then don't bother.


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Red Dragon (2002)

For me this was far superior to The Silence of the Lambs, that may be partially as it didn't have the awful Jodie Foster in it, but the story was much more interesting and I

actually believed that Graham could crack the case far more than Starling.


As I say to everyone who will listen (and those who don't want to), watch Manhunter. The bad guy is scarier without you seeing him do a whole lot for a start. There is a back story between Graham and Lecter which, in Peterson you believe. He looks a broken man.

Oh and Brian Cox is brilliant as a less hammy more menacing Lecter.

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