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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Haywire - 2011 2/10

Female operative contracted out to CIA, MI6 etc is double crossed on a job.

Thats it.

Apart from what were Messrs MacGregor, Banderos, Douglas doing taking this gig?

Edited by wunfellaff
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Rightly so, it's a pile of shit.

Have you seen it? Piven is fucking excellent in it.

Ok went to see cabin in the woods this afternoon.

First off really enjoyed it and would give it a 7/10.

I didn't know anything about it going in and hadn't even seen a trailer for it. I knew there was a 'twist' as saw some people mention on here I think somewhere. My question is what was the twist? I may have missed something but I don't think so, I kept waited for a twist that didn't come. Or is the twist that there is no twist?

I don't watch a lot of 'horror' films as in general they ain't my cup of tea. Perhaps regular horror fans can tell me if this is classed as a horror? I didn't think it was scary at all but I don't think that was the intention? I think it meant to be more funny in a sort of Zombieland type of film.

Thought it was a decent enough watch anyway

The twist is that the whole program is to feed the Ancient Ones.

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Edit to say Fornicus lord of bondage, the guy who had the saw discs stuck in his head. good job they never picked him or the film could have lasted three weeks!! he never really got going though.

Question for all those who've seen Cabin in the Woods;

Favourite monster that could've been used in the cabin?

I'd have to go killer robot. The dragonbat was cool but that killer robot would be ace. The unicorn was a great death scene as was the merman(blood through the blowhole was hilarious)

Edited by Nkomo-A-Gogo
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The Avangers, 9/10,

It was a riot from start to finish with some really funny gags in it and the action set pieces were fun and well put together.

The thing that they could have got very wrong but didn't was screen time for all the Avengers, it felt like everyone got enough and were happy with it.

I wish I could be more eloquent in my review but it's just gid and you should go and see it.

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Is Ray Liotta too big for anything these days?

Given his last film before it was pretty successful and with a big name cast (Smokin' Aces), I'd say so!

If there was anyone to debate in that list it would have been Ron Perlman, the white Danny Trejo, who will do anything for money these days!

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Avengers 9/10

I've not been that impressed with the individual films bar Iron Man but this is excellent. The story is quite simple Loki, Thor's brother, is trying to take over the Earth with an alien army but all the Avengers are great in it with them all given a decent length of time each in the film. The fight sequences are great and the some of the jokes are quite funny.

Bascially the same review as Stimpy!

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Is Ray Liotta too big for anything these days?

He is appearing in Cogan's Trade / Killing Them Softly. Apparently this will be the start of him doing some half-decent work again.

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Rear Window (1954)

Seriously, did Hitchcock make any bad films?

A guy with a broken leg (the legendary James Stewart) sits all day watching his neighbours, until he thinks he may have seen a murder... but his policeman friend doesn't believe him. Was there a murder, or something more sinister?

Grace Kelly is unbelievably hot in this! :wub:


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Fight Club

I finally got round to seeing this. It's good but I feel it's over-hyped. It explores a few different themes (I like how it doesn't nail its colours to any one theme), and it kept my interest throughout with a few splashes of humour thrown in. All three main performances are solid but not spectacular. It's not a criticism of the actors (although Norton is one who I associate with being "solid but never spectacular" for the most part). IMO the best part of the film was the cinematography, and I really like how Fincher styles his films. The film cuts about but it flows very well.

It's an enjoyable watch but I don't think it's worthy of a higher rating.


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(although Norton is one who I associate with being "solid but never spectacular" for the most part)

Also, Ed Norton was excellent in American History X.

Beaten to it. American History X is brilliant and he's amazing in it.

Quick question but how does Cameron Diaz manage to look worse and worse in every film yet is portrayed as some sort of sexual goddess? She's absolutely haggard and ropey these days and is just not suited to the roles she's given.

I dunno. She looked pretty damn fine in Bad Teacher.

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Probably my favourite 'shock' film. Has decent themes rather than just going out to shock, which it also does pretty well. A lot better than the likes of A Serbian Film & The Human Centipede and it shouldn't be categorized with them.


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Avengers 7/10

This was cool and good fun. 3D was good too. Had the right amount of laughs with some great CGI. The Hulk is awesome. This is how big budget comic book movies should be.

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Nightmare Concert (A Cat in the Brain) (1990)

Lucio Fulci is making a horror film within this film, and a copycat killer is carrying out similar murders in real life at the same time.

Normally Fulci's films are pretty bloody, and with dodgy special effects... but they tend to work given they were made in the 70s. This doesn't though, it's a 90s effort that cost $100k... and it looks it! I know it's meant to be a 'self parody', but it doesn't work at all!

It was banned for over a decade, but is available now uncut. Don't waste your time with this one. :(

4/10 - mainly as I like the concept, and the scene where he sticks a woman's head in microwave yet you can see it's just her standing behind a cut off bit of cardboard, and her fully clothed shoulder is visible, made me laugh!

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Warrior. 7 or 8 out of 10 (finding this hard to mark)

This was great and a must see if you like films like Rocky and The Fighter. Basically this is a film based on mma. A broken family forced to confront through the sport. As these types of films go its quite predictable but the story outwith the fight scenes is emotional and that's down to the excellent acting. Highly recommend.

Edit: Deserves an 8.

Edited by young_bairn
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