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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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It was in this month's Empire's "masterpiece" section, after reading it I couldn't resist getting out the old DVD of Terrence Malick's debut, the story of two lovers on the run. Apparently Malick was really into Arthur Penn at the time, but denied he was trying to copy Bonnie And Clyde...

Anyway, it's much more conventional than his later stuff, and there's more killing and stuff, so for those that were too closed-minded to enjoy The Tree Of Life, maybe this is one to take a chance on.

It's very cleverly done: the quiet, sedate tone makes it seem more a romance than anything else, and the snowballing mass-murder almost passes you by. There's a lot of poetry in Sissy Spacek's voiceover, and the Malick cinematography is beautiful as ever. Spacek and Martin Sheen shine as the young couple, both perfect for their very different roles.

It's a brilliant film and very ambitious for a debut but in the end as a piece doesn't amount to the same as Days Of Heaven or The Thin Red Line- that's what I'll always compare it to.


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Strangers on a Train (1951)

Two strangers meet on a train, and one introduces the idea that they should dispose of each other's problem.

Not as entertaining as some of Hitchcock's other films, however the concluding scene is well worth the wait.


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Just watched Free Willy tonight - I expected shit and I got relatively watchable shit. I count that as a win

Was somewhat disappointed that young Jessy wasn't crushed to death by big Boaby the Orca at the end but oh well

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Strangers on a Train (1951)

Two strangers meet on a train, and one introduces the idea that they should dispose of each other's problem.

Not as entertaining as some of Hitchcock's other films, however the concluding scene is well worth the wait.


Possibly my favourite Hitchcock film, even though the roundabout scene doesn't work very well. Robert Walker is simply amazing in it. An interesting and tortured actor, he died while making his next film. His son Robert Walker Jnr looks almost identical to him and popped up in loads of TV stuff. I'll need to check out if Jnr ever played Jesus, he would have been good at that - in a sinister way.

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The Devil inside

Up there with the worst films I've ever seen. They couldnt even be arsed giving it an ending. Not even funny bad. Pure pish . 0 / 10

There hasn't been a good exorcism film since The Exorcist in 1973... they should just give up!

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Avengers Assemble, 9/10

For a Marvel afficianado (aye ok, geek) like myself, this was movie heaven. 3d as well! A few of the individual hero films haven't been great, but this was tremendous. The Hulk was a revelation in this, much more like his comic book self, and the best portrayal of the character on the big screen to date.

Canny wait for the next one. I want to see The Vision in a future edition... nerd.gif

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Avengers Assemble - 10/10

Just back from seeing this. Big superhero movie fan and this film admittedly has been on the backburner for me as The Dark Knight Rises has nearly all my attention. Well it used to..

From the get go this film is just excellent, storyline is excellently paced and plays out well, the only area they were a little vague on was Thor's return from Asgaard, but its acceptable. The fight scenes are numerous and varied, the action is everything you would want in a Marvel film.

Theres several references to prior events from all previous films that helps settle the film in the universe, and you truely feel all those films were leading to this point. All the cast get enough screen time on thier own and as part of the team to keep everyone happy. For me the two standout characters in this film were the villian Loki and not Bruce Banner, but his alter ego, The Hulk.

Loki works well as the films villian, he is bold enough and controlling enough during the events of the film, and when he smiles you know something is up. The Hulk steals it for me as he is surprisingly funny in his appearance's, and there is subtle hints that there is more to him than his rage. And when these two characters finally meet, its quite comical.

The films finale, in now way feels rushed or disapointing. One of the things that left me unhappy with Thor was that the films ending was far too quick and you didnt get a true battle as you should. That is definetly not the case here, the ending is marvelous. Watching the character's working together is done excellently and will be an absolute delight for all Marvel fans.

I generally dont give films a perfect rating, but there was no moment in the film that left me unhappy or puzzled. Thor's arrival is indeed a little vague, but in no way does it ruin anything.

Im still convinced The Dark Knight Rises will top this film, but its not gonna be easy.

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There hasn't been a good exorcism film since The Exorcist in 1973... they should just give up!

:o Repossessed :o

Edit for: Constantine as well...........

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The Good Girl

Quite a decent cast with Jake Gyllenhaal, Jennifer Aniston and Zooe Deschanel. Aniston plays a bored store clerk who is fed up with her life until she meets a young writer (played by Gyllenhaal) whom she strats an affair with.

Not a bad film but not great either. Jennifer Anniston is excellent though and it's good to see her in something different than her ususal rom com shite. all in all enjoyable but I doubt I'll watch it again.


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Switchblade Romance - 7/10

French horror film, not bad for what it was. Have to say though the twist was pretty obvious:

It doesn't take a genius to work out that the main bird would be the killer, and that the guy you see doing is just her split personality. First of all she fancies her mate, and the film's called Switchblade Romance. Secondly, when she talked about a dream when she's running away from herself two minutes in, it wasn't hard to work out what her running away from a serial killer would mean.

I'm sure it wasn't done on purpose, but the film could be easily mistaken as having an extremely homophobic message:

It almost looked like the film was comparing being a closet lesbian to having an imaginery big, fat, ugly murderous man inside you. Hollywood would love that shit.

Edit: I was watching the special features and there's a big long interview with the main bird Cecile De France, when she's not all skinny and lesbianish. My word as big Ray Wilkins would say.

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