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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Avengers Assemble (2012)

Really brilliant film, so much going on - like a Bay CGI-wankfest, but actually good!

Can't give it full points as there were holes in it so big that even the main cause of them (Mark Ruffalo's character) could fit through without touching the sides!


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My ex-burd and I bought this last year and never got around to watching it but managed to get a look at it on Monday. Entertaining enough but some things went unexplained.

For example, it was pretty apparent, going by the scene in the art gallery, that Neeson and January Jones were in love...yet Frank Langella explains that they are simply a professional couple and then the film totally ignores the fact that Jones was decimated by the bomb.

I still find it strange that Neeson is considered an action hero of sorts now but he is pretty good at it.

As I said, an entertaining watch but flawed and it'll always be compared to the superior Taken.


Edited by Armand 2
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Kill List ( 2011 )

For the most part, this is quite a gripping thriller. Then it... well, if you've seen it you know. Those initial scenes of the final scene are incredibly unnerving and then it just moves into madness. I absolutely loved this anyways even if I was completely fucked by the end of it.


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Stage Fright (1950)

Definitely the worst Hitchcock film that I've seen. Pretty boring film about a woman who seems to have set up her lover after he goes to tidy up the murder of her husband.

Funny death scene gives it a slightly better mark than it really deserves. That and having the legendary Scottish actor Alastair Sim in it as Commodore Gill.


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The Avengers 7/10.

Quite disappointed actually. Can't quite put my finger on why I didn't love it but yeah I wasn't blown away. Wasn't as funny as folk were making out and it started very very slowly.

Only got really good when they got on the ground and started fighting the forces coming from the portal

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The Prestige (2006)

Had to watch this due to the high score on IMDB. Kept me up a long time last night thinking about it.

5/10 if

The Tesla machine did indeed transport and duplicate. Really such a copout ending.

9/10 if

Tesla played Angier into believing the machine worked. When Angier got the machine back to England and found out it was just a lot of pretty lights and again employed a double to perform the illusion. The night he knew one of the Borden twins would be there he had his blind lackies move the tank below the hatch to drown him. He also filled the tanks in the warehouse with dummies.

Yeah, that all sounds like pish so I take it the above answer is correct. What a crock of shit. Just like watching 3 hours of a period drama to have an alien invasion destroy them all at the end.

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The Grey 7/10.

Decent flick. Pretty slow at bits but generally a decent watch. Shit myself at it a few times :lol:

Try the recent The Hunter, similar in that it is one man hired to kill wild animals for big corps, but leagues ahead of The Greys standard pishy script and acting.

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We've meant to go a few times since it came out but couldn't be arsed either. I'm not really bothered about two and a bit hours of folk jumping around and the inevitable tenuous loose-end that means we have to endure another 5 films or whatever.


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Try the recent The Hunter, similar in that it is one man hired to kill wild animals for big corps, but leagues ahead of The Greys standard pishy script and acting.

I'm really wanting to see this. But can't see it anywhere :(

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Inglourious Basterds

Gets better and better, rather more and more admirable, every time. Amazing cinematography and editing, exploiting the shamelessly eccentric fictitious action beautifully. It's a work of art, and I think technically it is Tarantino's masterpiece. It does exactly what it's designed to do, better than anything else. Watching the making of, it looked like constant hard work and pressure. Watching Brad Pitt talking about it, it sounded like a lot of fun, and a great thing to be part of. Exactly what film production should be about. Loved Tarantino starting a take of the Basterds shooting at the camera not with "action", but with "KILL THE NAZIS!"

Can't talk about this film without the inevitable buttering up of Christoph Waltz's performance as multilingual menace and jew hunter Colonel Hans Landa, a P&B T.V. & Film forum favourite.

Because it fulfils its purpose perfectly it could easily be a 10, but the falseness and fantasia (which QT denies!) goes a little too far for me, so it sits a close second to Pulp Fiction.


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Corpse Bride (2005)

Tim Burton takes a similar idea to his story The Nightmare Before Christmas, but this time as well as writing it chooses to direct as well. A good decision as it ties up a few of the mistakes made in 1993.

How this didn't win the Oscar, instead of the awful Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, I'll never know!


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