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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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House of Wax - 5/10

Your typical American horror a group of teens break down on route to a football game and end up exploring a seemingly abonded town with a large wax museum. One or two decent scenes of brutality but apart from that it was pretty meh.

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The Woman in Black ( 2012 )

I don't think I've ever seen a movie quite so reliant on jump scares in a while. However, thanks to the atmosphere, you can kinda get into it and some of them are effective. The real highlights come when they heighten the creep factor though. The plot is dull though, and there's only so much smoke and mirrors you can add to it to make it seem better. I'm willing to point the thumbs a wee bit up because it's effective a lot of the time.


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Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)

It looks amazing, but in reality it's fucking cack! A bad episode of CSI mixed in with action scenes...

You can't really go wrong with Downey Jr. but when the rest of the cast are horrendous and you have Guy Ritchie intent on trying to abuse the third dimension, he really has no chance in this film.


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Chronicle ( 2012 )

Too many people saying too many movies will reinvent genres. Apparently this will do it for found footage movies. It won't of course. It doesn't stop this movie being a whole lot of fun though. It's basically about three guys who get superpowers and then one of them goes off the rails a bit. While the first two thirds of the movie are slow, they're pretty crucial to what comes at the climax. And what a climax it is. I can't remember being this involved watching the climax to a movie since the first time I seen Cop Land. Could have been higher had the first two thirds did all they could. It's still a hell of a ride though.


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Idiocracy - 8/10

One of these comedy films that relies almost exclusively on stupidity for its laughs. Although I'm not usually into this type of film, there was something different about it, I enjoyed it and would definitely watch it again, I think the idea is to indulge in the ridiculousness (Terry Crews as the president is frickin hilarious). Definitely worth a watch

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Submarine - 10/10

Really lovely wee film, has that true indy feel to it. Really it's faultless in my opinion, about 50% of it genuinely makes you cringe, but thats all part of its charm. Some cracking lines in there aswell ("Don't call him a ninja Oliver, thats racist" "But he's white...." :lol:)

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Yeah I watched the road as well I normally like survivor movies but this one was just too bleak and hopeless. 4/10

Apocalypse of the dead. A Serbian zombie film where half the actors speak English including zombie royalty ken foree and the rest are hideously dubbed. Its fairly pish 3/10

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Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Made decent use of the darkness of Grimm, keeping it in the fantasy genre without going all the way into the horror realm.

The dwarves were made up of some well known faces like Nick Frost and Bob Hoskins; with the main negative point being Kristen Stewart, she really is a dreadful actress. It took until the last scene before she showed some sort of emotion (a slight smile).

I'm not really sure why Thor (Chris Hemsworth) played the Huntsman with a Scottish accent... although it was pretty decent as foreigners pretending to be Scottish go!


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I'm not really sure why Thor (Chris Hemsworth) played the Huntsman with a Scottish accent... 7/10

Does his character not have a drinking problem? They probably flipped a coin between us and the Irish

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No Country For Old Men (2007)

The Coen Brothers are my favourite directors, so I was never going to give this a bad rating anyway :P However, this film is amazing. I can't do it justice in words. Some of the scenes are so intense, you can't predict what will happen. The character of Anton Sigur (sp?) is one of the best in the Coen Bros. film history. Very, very enjoyable film. I would say this is their second best, their best is The Big Lebowski, without a shadow of doubt.


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Does his character not have a drinking problem? They probably flipped a coin between us and the Irish

Yeah he does, they used up the Irish on one of the dwarves. Have to have a Celtic balance in Hollywood, remember everyone in America believes they are of Scottish/Irish ancestry.

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Remarkably underwhelming and in many ways bland. Even allowing for the fact it's a sci-fi film, there's too much nonsense in this. I won't bother being specific about the problems as some of them amount to biggish spoilers but I felt it was a waste of 2 hours and surely the end of any Alien related films (until the first one is inevitably rebooted).


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DeadHeads (2011)

Pretty average Michigan attempt at making a no name version of Shaun of the Dead... it didn't really work, had a few funny moments but nothing worth mentioning!


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Having watched Drive, hoping for more of a, well, chase type movie, forced me to dig out

Vanishing Point (1971) 8.5/10

Kowalski is a car delivery guy who has to take a car to San Fransisco before a certain time. Thats basically it.

Using speed to keep awake, he gets caught offguard by a couple of patrol cops who he forces off the road. Cue long chase. Stonking soundtrack provided by Cleavon Little afore Blazing Saddles fame, as a blind soul dj.

Flashbacks to his past as a speedway/stock car racer/policeman give hints to the endgame.

Good sheeet.

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Safe House

Pretty enjoyable but no great plot or character development. Just a daft action film. Thought Ryan Reynolds was pretty good and Denzel Washington can always be relied upon.


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