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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Senna 9/10

This was the second time I watched this film (can't remember if I reviewed it after the first time) but its absolutely brilliant. This was a different, shorter version than the one I watched first time, I think the original one I saw was from another country, but it had a lot of sit down interviews and a lot more from Alain prost. I thought that version was better and a lot more objective. Regardless, the film is a great tribute to senna, its very touching, but is also very hard to watch. The weekend at imola, sees the death of not only senna, but also ratzenberger. This all follows a horrendous crash from barrichello (i remember seeing that one on the news back when it happened) its a difficult thing for a filmmaker to show death like this in a film without trying to glamourise (for want of a better word) it, I feel this film handles it quite well. It's hard to describe the feeling it leaves inside you.

I think this is a film that could be watched by anyone, as senna was such a great personality, and while I'm an f1 fan, I think anyone would enjoy it. Some of the old on board footage is amazing, and the rivalry with prost story is fantastic. If you haven't seen it and enjoy biography/documentary films get it watched. (or watch it again like I just have)

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Bad Ass (2011) 3/10

Danny Trejo vehicle about an ex-Nam vet pensioner getting all vigilante on folk.

Pretty poor fare.

I'd have to agree. I quite looked forward to it but the whole thing is pretty poor. Roll on Machete 2.

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps

Literally one of the worst films i have ever seen, which is disappointing as it was made just as the economic crisis was hitting so had huge potential to be every bit as good and important as the first movie was.

There's about four different storylines going on at once, none of them interesting or believable. Shia Lebouf just isn't convincing as a wall street trader, and Carey Mulligan just cries a lot and not much else. There's also the most pointless 1 minute Motorbike race in the middle of the film, that is there for absolutely no reason. The soundtrack was terrible and the directing from Oliver Stone was so dated and poor. The ending was such a cop out and predictable in Hollywood, after it seemed for a second maybe Gekko was turning back into the interesting character he was in the first movie.

I would have given this a 3/10 because there are a couple of good performances and i at least made it to the end, but instead i'm going to give it a 1/10

This is because for absolutely no reason, Charlie Sheen shows up for 30 seconds in the most awful and pointless cameo of all time. You'd think that's bad enough, but instead of playing Bud Fox, the guy who saw the error of his ways, that money isn't everything and fought so hard to get back Bluestar Airlines for his father in the first movie, he turns up as Charlie Sheen playing Bud Fox, with two women on his side, a bottle of champagne in hand saying that he had sold Bluestar Airlines and was now a millionaire.

I say it's a pointless cameo, which is strictly untrue, as it's a cameo that does nothing except ruin the first movie, and the message it was trying to get across. I've never seen such a stupid attempt to sabotage a cult movie, especially by the same director who directing the original movie. His cameo literally has no bearing on the storyline, so i have absolutely no idea why it was there and just added to the absurdity of this movie.

If you've seen the first movie and loved it, but haven't seen the sequel then i urge you not to. It's a terrible movie in it's own right, but don't let that cameo ruin the memory of the original, as i will certainly never be able to watch it again and enjoy it knowing what becomes of the character.


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Saw Red Lights earlier. It was pretty good, up until the ending. Which was horrendously confusing and seemed a bit abrupt. De Niro was fantastic and Weaver and Murphy were great in it. A lot more thriller-y than I expected and there was quite a few times that I got a massive fright ph34r.gif

Won't even spoiler it but the ending leaves it a bit too ambiguous for me.

I totally guessed the twist though cool.gif

5/10 - loses two marks because of the ending, otherwise it was a good watch.

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Saw Red Lights earlier. It was pretty good, up until the ending. Which was horrendously confusing and seemed a bit abrupt. De Niro was fantastic and Weaver and Murphy were great in it. A lot more thriller-y than I expected and there was quite a few times that I got a massive fright ph34r.gif

Won't even spoiler it but the ending leaves it a bit too ambiguous for me.

I totally guessed the twist though cool.gif

5/10 - loses two marks because of the ending, otherwise it was a good watch.

Think im gonna download this when a good copy comes out, quite like the look of it.

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Deliverance for the first time ever, 7/10. Good film, not bothered about its 'lack of anything happening' as a lot of people have said because I think that's what makes it.

Have never quite understood where folk are coming from when they say that about Deliverance

Man gets raped by hillbilly, hillbilly then gets killed by man's friend with an arrow, man gets shot and killed in canoe by another hillbilly, man's friend climbs mountain to kill hillbilly. Surviving men then cover up everything

That's a pretty "happening" weekend away in anyone's book

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Saw the French film "Polisse" last week, a fairly gritty look at the Paris cops who deal with abuse of kids. Having seen a few decent French cop films recently, I was struck at how physical they get with the bad guys. This film is no different.

A wee bit uncomfortable at times, but definitely worth making the effort to see it. 7 out of 10.

Watched "Chopper" tonight, the bio of the Oz maddie, Mark "Chopper" Read. Just as good as the first time I saw it. Played with an eye for a laugh, which broke up how effin crazy the guy was. 7 out of 10. Watch this, then team it up with the hilarious spoofs of him on YouTube. Chopper's weather report is hilarious.

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Apocalypse Now

I'm not rating it because I just didn't get it at all.

Just.....what? Right over my head.

One of the best films ever made. Futility of war, destruction of a generation etc etc. Watch it again.

Plus "Charlie don't surf!" - classic!

Edited by Hampden Diehard
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