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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Dark Knight Rises 6.5/10

I thought this was a pretty average film that went on a bit too long. Not been a massive fan of the modern batman trilogy, the dark knight was the best of the three. It's quite watchable, but some of the big stunt/action sequences were just a bit shit i.e. the bombs going off at the american football stadium. The characters were fairly one-dimensional, and the plot a bit daft really. Still it was decent enough watch for a hungover sunday.

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The Expendables 2 - Exactly as I expected it to be, an absolute cheese fest but very enjoyable with it. Stallone, Schwartzenegger, Willis, Norris, Lundgren, Van Damme, it's like a who's who of 80s/90s action films and although the majority of them are pensioners they still know how to pack a punch. 7/10

Quantum Of Solace - Decided to give this a go the other night even though it has had less than favourable reviews but I just found it boring and was glad when it finished. It's not a terrible film but I won't be watching it again. 3/10

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The Master

I really don't know what to make of this.

Three very good performances from Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams. I'll be surprised if Phoenix isn't nominated for an Oscar. It reminds me of There Will Be Blood in many ways: it's beautifully made (Sam Mendes called P.T. Anderson one of the few filmmakers who are "artists", and that's certainly the case here), although perhaps too self-indulgent at times; the score is good; the main characters are fascinating. Unfortunately that's where the similarities end. It's a film with great scenes dotted throughout, but it's quite incoherent at times - for every great scene which leaves you glued to the screen, there's another two which seems a bit needless/out of place and will have you looking at your watch. On one hand it's an intriguing experience, however on the other hand it feels dull. By the way, the director himself said there's no real narrative to the film which is a honest assessment.

I've had a bit of a PTA binge lately, in prep for this. He's certainly a director who has evolved (in style certainly) and he's one of my favourites: he's a craftsman, a good writer and someone who is technically very good. This is why it's difficult for me to not be biased. I'm going to give it another watch, I feel it needs another watch.

At the moment it's a tentative 6.5/10. The main characters are brilliant and they are well acted. The film is beautiful. The story - if there is even a coherent one - is dull though, there is very little narrative. That said, the concept is interesting, it genuinely is.

If you didn't like There Will Be Blood, I'd definitely avoid it.

Edited by yoda
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If you didn't like There Will Be Blood, I'd definitely avoid it.

This is a shame as I was quite looking forward to The Master for a good while. I didnt like There Will Be Blood (bring on the reds) I just didnt get it. I just thought it didnt really go anywhere. Which might seem stupid as its obviously about the rise and fall of Plainview but for me it just missed the mark.

Might still check it out.

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Saw skyfall in the cinema a few weeks ago. Really enjoyed it. I think Craig is the best actor to play Bond. He looks dangerous - he looks like he could break you in half, whereas Brosnan, say, could never carry that air of menace. I'd fancy myself in a scrap with Brosnan's Bond.

Silly moment in the film - when albert finney's character is leading M to safety away from the burning house why oh why does he use a flashlight which can be seen for miles across the moors with a load of bad guys looking for them? Braindead. Just a small gripe though.

Javier Bardem's character is suitably creepy but I don't think he'll ever surpass his Sigurh character in No Country.....

Relly looking forward to seeing Day-Lewis' Abraham Lincoln film that's coming out soon.

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Skyfall - 8/10. Good film, some decent action scenes and Daniel Craig is a pretty believable James Bond. The bad guy was believable too (as were his motives for being a bad guy which is always important). Up there with the best Bond films, I preferred Casino Royale myself though.

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Been watching a lot of mafia type films recently, so went for Donnie Brasco last night. Having seen a documentary about Joseph D Pistone's experience within the mafia, undercover name 'Donnie Brasco', I was looking forward to this one.

Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Anne Heche and Michael Madsen are all in top form in front of the camera in this one. Notably the relationship between Depp who plays Pistone and Pacino who is playing as Benjamin 'Lefty' Ruggiero.

Depp is an undercover FBI agent, who manages to infiltrate the mafia and then forms a strong relationship with Pacino, a soldier within the mafia. Not wanting to give to much away but if you enjoy your mafia type movies this is a must watch, for all others the performances in this make it worth watching in itself, excellent movie.


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Been watching a lot of mafia type films recently, so went for Donnie Brasco last night. Having seen a documentary about Joseph D Pistone's experience within the mafia, undercover name 'Donnie Brasco', I was looking forward to this one.

"What's fuggetaboutit?"

Love that film.

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The new twilight. Almsot feel asleep because nothing happened. My girlfriends a huge fan of the books, and the utter seethe when characters started dying was incredible as it doesn't happen in the book, she almost walked out laugh.gif for those who have seen it you'll know why I almost got dumped for the amount of piss taking I took out of her after biggrin.gif

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The Ward: John Carpenter horror set in the 1960's which is a unique twist on "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" in that the central characters are female. It begins with a young woman being incarcerated in a secure ward in a mental institution after she burns a farmhouse down. She then meets her fellow inmates and then they realise that they may not be alone. The twist is predictable but it's a scary, tense and relatively gory (for John Carpenter) horror. 7/10

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I love a good heist. I'm also beginning to love Colin Firth, whose midas touch seems to be ever-continuing, and growing in range- I still haven't seen him choose a film he can't handle.

Harry (Firth), a London art curator is fed up working for his "cad"/w****r of a boss, art collector Lionel Shabandar (Alan Rickman) so hatches a plan to recreate the painting he's longed to find, along with his expert forger "The Major" and their secret weapon, super-energetic Texan cowgirl P.J. Puznowski (Cameron Diaz). The plan was simple in Harry's mind, but what do you know, it turns out not to be as simple as planned...with some hilarious results.

The Coen script matches some of their lower-standard writing (see Intolerable Cruelty), but the cast make it work- three top-notch comedy players of our age leading the plot, with Stanley Tucci and Tom Courtenay in their immediate periphery. The situation comedy outweighs the dialogue for me, the thick-and-fast interchange we see in so many Coen films is absent for most of this, rather thin and medium-paced.

I'm starting to know what I'm getting with Florian Ballhaus on camera- nice stuff but nothing to challenge his father's work. It's a shame, but looking back Michael didn't actually start working with Scorsese until he was in his fifties, and he shot The Departed when he was in his seventies, so DoP Ballhaus, Jr. has plenty of time to catch up.

This film: pretty predictable and a little dry but plenty of moments to make you laugh out loud- hats off to Mr. Firth and the Coens for most of it. It was neither a great heist movie nor a great comedy, it ticks the "average" box for both those genres.


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