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This film: pretty predictable and a little dry but plenty of moments to make you laugh out loud- hats off to Mr. Firth and the Coens for most of it. It was neither a great heist movie nor a great comedy, it ticks the "average" box for both those genres.

I thought the ending was slightly surprising.

The sort of double bluff of him pointing out the fake but then taking the other one etc.

I also thought it was very funny, but seem to be somewhat alone in that respect. Rickman was absolutely fantastic though, such a dick!

I also saw The Master earlier. I really don't know. I want to like it but I think it's just too weird. Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour-Hoffman were absolutely outstanding though. I was wondering why it was a 15 like an hour into it as there'd only been like one swear word and nothing else major that would take it above 12A then

The Master starts singing and it turns into a nakedfest! laugh.gif

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Watched it last night, pretty much what I expected. The only laugh out loud bit for me was at the end where

the bear pretended he was retarded after being brought back to life.

Apart from that, very indifferent to it.

That was my favourite bit too. Expected the film to be much funnier but that bit i was howling at.

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End of Watch - 9/10

I really, really, really enjoyed this film. Didn't expect much, just a routine cop film. Was pleasantly surprised. The use of first person perspective was simple, yet incredibly effective: Really gets the adrenaline going. Gyllenhaal and Pena are fantastic. My only criticism of this film is the structure. Seems a bit loose. Still, an utterly brilliant film.

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End of Watch - 9/10

I really, really, really enjoyed this film. Didn't expect much, just a routine cop film. Was pleasantly surprised. The use of first person perspective was simple, yet incredibly effective: Really gets the adrenaline going. Gyllenhaal and Pena are fantastic. My only criticism of this film is the structure. Seems a bit loose. Still, an utterly brilliant film.

Really enjoyed it too. The only criticism I'd have is that it got a bit over-emotional at times. Pena should be up for an Oscar.

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Pena should be up for an Oscar.

Steady on.

It was a pretty good film but the camera work at times was diabolical - the personal camera stuff (in the story, Jake Gyllenhaal is filming it for a class) was woeful, unnecessary and really ruined some of the scenes for me. Spoilers for my reaction because it contains major spoilers.

I was pretty close to tears at the end. ph34r.gif When the two female cops found them, it started and then when the funeral (and Gyllenhaal's struggle to get up) it was really close. Thank f**k for the scene after or I probably wouldn't have been able to hold them back. ph34r.gif

The action was good, the performances good enough and the characters were well developed and really felt for them.


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The fugitive - 7/10 good , enjoyable and well made film although the plot was flimsy and almost ridiculous. It was made for audiences to enjoy and it was enjoyable.

seven - Really good film actually. Worth a watch. 8/10

The master - It was good but i wans't entirely gripped throughout. Plot line wasn't great, although the two lead actors more than made up for that. Absolutely stunning performances from pheonix and hoffman. 7.5/10

I'm starting to think films are more where it's at than music.

Edited by jojo
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I'm starting to think films are more where it's at than music.

jojo, I remember going through that exact chain of thought in my mid-teens. I used to be heavily into music and spent most of my wages on CDs. One of my friends' brother is a proper film guy- he spends every minute of his free time watching films, reading about them, writing, rewriting and amateur filming, and he goes away to masterclasses about editing and all sorts of things. He's my go-to guy when I see something I really like and he'll talk about everything, really openly too, which is nice- if he doesn't like something that I loved, he'll talk me through his thoughts and he encourages me to do the same. He's quite reserved about the stuff he writes and doesn't show it to anyone, but I'm pleased to be one of the people that he talks to about his ideas.

I remember I hung out with him one night when I was maybe 15 and he just showed me film after film after film, and between them talked about his favourite shots in those films, and what Kubrick did to get this effect, and how Scorsese's director of photography came up with this idea...it was fascinating. I then went through a phase of watching really great films, and some less great ones, and thinking about the technical side of it, putting the microscope over it if you like. Pretty soon I came to a conclusion that film is definitely the supreme art form- it combines craft and vision with precision and technology- it's so complicated and so hard to do, but the feeling when you've just seen something that 100% works for you is absolutely mind-blowing.

I reckon Scorsese summed it up best when he said: "Cinema's a matter of what's in the frame, and what's out."

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End of Watch - 9/10

I really, really, really enjoyed this film. Didn't expect much, just a routine cop film. Was pleasantly surprised. The use of first person perspective was simple, yet incredibly effective: Really gets the adrenaline going. Gyllenhaal and Pena are fantastic. My only criticism of this film is the structure. Seems a bit loose. Still, an utterly brilliant film.

Really enjoyed it too. The only criticism I'd have is that it got a bit over-emotional at times. Pena should be up for an Oscar.

Steady on.

It was a pretty good film but the camera work at times was diabolical - the personal camera stuff (in the story, Jake Gyllenhaal is filming it for a class) was woeful, unnecessary and really ruined some of the scenes for me. Spoilers for my reaction because it contains major spoilers.

I was pretty close to tears at the end. ph34r.gif When the two female cops found them, it started and then when the funeral (and Gyllenhaal's struggle to get up) it was really close. Thank f**k for the scene after or I probably wouldn't have been able to hold them back. ph34r.gif

The action was good, the performances good enough and the characters were well developed and really felt for them.


I also really enjoyed this but felt there was bits of the story that could of been expanded.

They never really got into who the 'Cartel' was and they black guy that Pena had a fight with early on was seen twice(?) after that, despite having a role to play in warning them.

Also why did the black gang not retaliate to the drive by?

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House Of The Devil: Retro 80's style shocker that moves slowly but builds the tension well to a gory climax. A young student accepts a babysitting job in a large country house to pay for her new accommodation. This takes place the night of a lunar eclipse and she finds her employers to be more than strange. It's really tense and becomes scarier as strange noises and happenings occur.


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The Campaign - 9/10 - yes really laugh.gif

I could just be simple or was in the right mood for this. I haven't openly laughed at a movie for quite a while.

Normally when you see two heavyweights of comedy face off it can be a horrible let down.

I thought Galifianakis was just brilliant and meant Ferrell could do his usual but it worked. I thought the Tim

and Mitch characters were brilliant.

It was silly and as usual had a rather typical 'moral' story as many of these big budget american comedies do

but it was so good i had to watch it twice :)

fav scenes where at Higgins dinner table when his family started confessing things, the Ferrell drink driving scene had me in stitches,

and of course the seduction of Mitzi biggrin.gif

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The fugitive - 7/10 good , enjoyable and well made film although the plot was flimsy and almost ridiculous. It was made for audiences to enjoy and it was enjoyable.

seven - Really good film actually. Worth a watch. 8/10

The master - It was good but i wans't entirely gripped throughout. Plot line wasn't great, although the two lead actors more than made up for that. Absolutely stunning performances from pheonix and hoffman. 7.5/10

I'm starting to think films are more where it's at than music.

I've gone through a fairly similar transition to Albino Rover, although via theatre first. I go see pretty much every new release at the cinema after work now, from only going 2 or 3 times a year until after I left Uni. I don't listen to nearly as much music as I used to. I've lost track of new music completely in fact.

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I'm Still Here, the documentary on Joaquin Phoenix's life after quitting acting and pursuing a career in rap.

Amazing, just amazing.

Seriously, it's worth looking out but don't try to read up on it, just know that it's a doc. that he and Casey Affleck made about his life post-films. It's superb.

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Resevoir dogs - Good, but not amazing as veryone always makes out. 7/10

Withnail and i - Absolutely superb film. A laughed all the way through. Now one of my favourite comedies. 10/10.

Pair of classics, particularly Reservoir Dogs. Amazing, groundbreaking movie that.

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Pishing myself at idiots going on about Ted, winning an Oscar and shit. You shouldn't be allowed away from a telly showing Jez Kyle. Mad men.

I loved that film- really nicely made for a debut director, right up my street in terms of content and humour and a stand-out for me that's gone under the radar is great music too.

I can't see it taking any Academy Awards, but at least its creative team will be represented on the night.

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Looper - 8/10. Definitely not what I thought it was gonna be. Totally turned the story on its head halfway through but was still really enjoyable. Not the best Willis performance but JGL was pretty solid as the young assassin.

Total Recall - 8/10. Got told by more than one person that this was really poor but I thought it was pretty decent. Good popcorn action movie.

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