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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Ah, pants. The wife wants to see this for some reason, and I was hoping it might be quite good.

It was my missus turn to choose the movie. I fancied The Guest she fancied As Above So Below. To be fair the trailer made it look like it was a decent watch.

It was not. It was fucking dreadful.

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Watched part 2 of Mesrine last night - true-ish story of French "public enemy number one" in the 1960s and 1970s. I love French films and this one was pretty good. Outrageous facial hair, stunning chicks with (funnily enough) sexy French voices, and enough shoot em up stuff to keep the interest going, plus it's a great story. So funny to see cops and robbers haring about in the chase scenes in pishy wee French cars. Better than the first episode. I'll give it 7/10.

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Aye, that's the one.

It has got one of the most memorable opening dialogues in a long time.

Highly recommend it. Melancholic, rather than funny, but also quite dark all the way through.

I've seen a couple of clips for it, seems pretty good, been meaning to get a hold of it.

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Albino Rover, on 16 Sept 2014 - 23:11, said:

Worth buying.

And the commentary by Michael Powell and Martin Scorsese is worth listening to!

I need to be getting rid of DVDs, not collating more! Anyways, I found it. Here's a link if anyone is interested: Link.

Will definitely check-out the commentary, thanks!

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The Signal (2014 not 2007!) - 7.5/10

Erm. Incredibly hard to say anything about this without giving anything away. Starts with three college kids on a road trip across the USA, two of the kids being hacker types involved in some shenanigans against some other rival hacker. And really, I can't say any more about the plot other than shiit gets freaky and surreal.

Gorgeous cinematography throughout (some epic slowmos too) allied with somehow disconcerting sets and strange characters and situations make this a discomforting but very enjoyable watch. If you fancy it don't read anything more about it, just get a hold of it and watch.

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Dark Circles ( 2013 )

Reasonable effort at a horror, using tiredness and lack of sleep as a way to crank up the tension along with the usual horror aspect of things. The two things combined certainly worked in it's own way and there are some pretty effective moments in here. It's not spectacular or anything, but it's a good effort.


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Dark Touch ( 2013 )

Horror movie 2 of 3 before I call it a day, and this one is a touch better than the last one, and definitely ups the stakes in the "fucking hell" category, as a girl has telekinetic powers and the movie basically takes us through how she copes with this, and her past. The movie definitely takes some unexpected turns and had me hook, line and sinker with the way it ended up going. Good stuff.


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Enders game:


Succinct and accurate.

I had to endure this in the cinema - the sole bright spot was that there's a scene where Harrison Ford has a bit of food at the corner of his mouth that keeps appearing and disappearing. His character isn't eating at the time.

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Succinct and accurate.

I had to endure this in the cinema - the sole bright spot was that there's a scene where Harrison Ford has a bit of food at the corner of his mouth that keeps appearing and disappearing. His character isn't eating at the time.


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Win A Date With Tad Hamilton

A good-natured young woman from small-town America gets the chance to spend a night with a young, sexy movie star whom she perceives to be the man of her dreams, just like the thoughtful, sensitive men he plays in the movies. He’s actually all over the LA tabloids as a Hollywood bad boy- that’s why he agrees to the titular publicity stunt.

Her name is Rosalee: she works in a supermarket with her two best friends, Cathy and Pete. Of course, Pete is our hero- he’s longed for Rosalee since they were children but always lost his battle with bashfulness. He uses his influence as a trusted friend to advise her to be careful on her celebrity date, but when she turns Tad down for sex her unattainability only makes her ten times more attractive to him. Another thing that happens on the date is that Rosie assumes, out loud, that Tad is too mature to prioritise things like fame and money. By saying this she seems to be the first person to make him consider the morality of his playboy lifestyle, and when he pursues her we’re not too sure whether he wants her body or was genuinely moved by her statement. Whatever the case, his two agents, both named Richard Levy, make sure Hollywood keeps a hold on him.

One thing that I thought might be left for the viewer to contemplate was the irony that it was Pete’s advice not to put out that made Rosalee so attractive to Tad in the first place; that he’s a prisoner of his own jealousy, but surely enough that was forced down my throat for the entire middle act. It's a film that insults the viewer's intelligence by doing all the thinking for us, nothing is left to the imagination, but it's not all trash- in the first of the inevitable “I love you” scenes, Tad has already BS’d his way to Rosalee’s heart, but to win her complete trust he does something heart-wrenching, which raises the stakes completely. Maybe by this point the situation has given him genuine feelings for Rosie, and maybe all’s fair in love and war, but the character can’t think for himself, and he can’t bring himself to admit he deserves her less than someone who's not a movie star. Even though I could see it coming it managed to bring out a real emotional reaction in me, it was a moment of brilliance.

A lot of the goofy comedy pays off too, but those great touches are weighed down by scene after scene of lame acting, tedious cliché and some really shameless product placement. I’m not sure whether the first act was more interested in introducing me to the characters or trying to sell me Pringles. It doesn’t take itself as seriously as some rom-coms, but that’s not an excuse, and like so many of them, my biggest problem with this film is that everything is needlessly force-fed. It lacks ambition and originality just as much as it lacks depth or unspoken subtext. The only profound irony is that at the beginning of the film Pete, in the cinema with Rosie and Cathy, criticises predictable romantic comedies, and for the next 90 minutes he’s in one.


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Bloody Mary - a group of psychiatric nurses invoke a murderous spirit by chanting her name into a mirror in the hospital basement.

Silly and nonsensical tosh that looks like a student movie. Difficult to sit through. Not even a fair smattering of tits (they have to be naked when chanting, don'tchaknow) could improve the interest levels. Seems like Amazon Instant Video contains nothing but this type of cack these days.

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Seth Rogen does his schtick well enough, and thought Bad Neighbors was definitely one of his better efforts. Really enjoyed it.

The Den ( 2013 )

Right. This is a found footage movie, but this one is incredibly frustrating. There's always improbable camera holding in every single one of these types of movie, but this one really does take the biscuit in this regard. However, it DOES do well with the premise which isn't a bad one, so I'm more willing to forgive it for it's horrendous flaws. The first 10 minutes do great things with the idea, which makes the following turn in tone a bit of a sucker punch, and it works. The rest of the movie doesn't really live up to that, but there's enough of a good thing here.


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A Hard Day's Night

This is a landmark film. One of the biggest products of the sixties was a music revolution, and that gave birth to the mass use of popular music in movies. The Beatles were a massive part of that, and they are the subject of this film, the original mock-rockumentary, following the band on gig day. They get into all kinds of incidents trying to get out their boring hotel room, attending Paul's trouble-making granddad, getting chased by girls and going AWOL just minutes before the concert...will they all make it to the show on time? That's not worth giving a second thought.

It plays almost like a sketch show- the "plot" is absolutely bizarre, involving some very cheap and cheesy comedy, and John, Paul, George and Ringo can't act but that doesn't matter: this is an embodiment of an important and iconic part of our cultural history, wonderfully shot in black-and-white by a very commercial director, Richard Lester. It's also non-stop fun to enjoy, even 50 years after its release, but all of that plays second string to the main attraction, and the thing I enjoyed the most about the film: the music.


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