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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Funnily enough the trailer made me think of both Drive and American Psycho. Which definitely is no bad thing, definitely going to see this.

I went into the film thinking it would be a mashup of the two and it kind of is and kind of isn't. A cracking film, beautiful and some of the best shots in a film I've seen this year.

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1/10

Even if it was any good, it'd be essentially redundant as a character piece, given he starts X-Men having had his memory erased and no memory of any of this and it therefore doesn't contribute whatsoever to his character. I mean, it explains how he gets the adamantium skeleton, but other than that it's a pretty pointless prequel.

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Nightcrawler - Jake G as an ambitious, sociopathic would-be newshound

The Babadook - scary as shit Aussie horror, more psychological but a few proper scares

Leviathan - worthy Russian movie that riffs off the Book of Job

Stick them all down as 8/10

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1/10

Even if it was any good, it'd be essentially redundant as a character piece, given he starts X-Men having had his memory erased and no memory of any of this and it therefore doesn't contribute whatsoever to his character. I mean, it explains how he gets the adamantium skeleton, but other than that it's a pretty pointless prequel.

I'm not defending the film - it's a garbage piece of shit - but events that happened in his past would still affect him subconsciously and whatnot. And he starts to remember things during the course of the franchsie, so he'd start to remember the stuff that he's "forgotten".

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine 1/10

Even if it was any good, it'd be essentially redundant as a character piece, given he starts X-Men having had his memory erased and no memory of any of this and it therefore doesn't contribute whatsoever to his character. I mean, it explains how he gets the adamantium skeleton, but other than that it's a pretty pointless prequel.

Shamefully, I'm a bit of an X-Men geek but yeah it's utter garbage. Small saving grace was Liev Schrieber playing a pretty good Sabretooth. I think I read that this film was kind of shoehorned in quickly because the studios decided they needed an origins film before they made The Wolverine (which was also garbage incidentally).

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The Borderlands - the Catholic Church sends a small team of investigators to a church in the West Country after reports of paranormal activity.

For the found-footage genre, this wasn't bad at all. There's little else to be said about the plot without spoilers, but it's nicely told and the details of the ending certainly wouldn't be guessed in advance. Gordon Kennedy makes a decent turn as one of the investigators; had never seen him in a straight role before, but would like to again. Pretty essential viewing if you like these type of films.

Thanks to NewDomDom for the tip.

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Willow Creek - a young couple venture out into the woods in search of the legendary Bigfoot.

This was directed and written by Zed from Police Academy, whose films I've been meaning to check out for a while, purely because...Zed? Directing films? :1eye In fairness, he's been getting good write-ups so far, but I made a bad choice to start with.

You'll be shocked to read that this is a found-footage film, but a particularly poor one. Most of the running time is spent exploring the deteriorating relationship between the leads, who seem blissfully unaware of their incompatibility, as they travel towards the site of the famous Bigfoot footage recorded by a couple of scammers loggers back in the '60s. The male has decided to make his own Bigfoot documentary, dragging his incredulous girlfriend along for the ride. Most of this footage is spent travelling and interviewing locals to the area, some of whom are mysteriously hostile, but it's all a little dull and would only be justified by a good second half.

Sadly, that doesn't happen. The couple's time in the woods seems to openly ape The Blair Witch Project, and is dominated by a looooong sequence in a tent, and some uneven acting. There are few chills (or even scares) to be had, and it finishes on a note that recalls an earlier scene in the film, which I didn't even pick up on because I was so bored by that point. This movie is 77 minutes long.

The film has a score on Rotten Tomatoes that appears mystifyingly high, until you read some of the reviews, many of whose writers appear to be big fans of Zed and regard found-footage horror in the same way that you'd consider a month-old mouldy tomato found at the back of your fridge. Zed's other films may well be genius, but this has an excusable poverty of ideas for someone considered an imaginative filmmaker.

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Frankenstein's Army - as the Soviet army tidies up the remains of the German WWII troops, a platoon stumble upon a distress signal from their own soldiers, and discover the nightmarish attempts to create an undead Nazi army.

There are a lot of Zombie Nazi movies around these days, but this is a wee bit different, setting out to fill the screen with the most freakishly bizarre creatures that you could imagine. There are a few questionable creative choices (even for a found-footage movie, it doesn't do a very good job of convincing the viewer that the filming would actually continue, and it might have worked better in Russian with subtitles rather than English with dodgy accents), but the film works well enough as a freakshow to hold interest. Later on, things get so ridiculous that it works as a decent comedy, and there's (possibly) a little surprise too, although a bit more plot wouldn't hurt.

It's a ridiculous (and entertaining) comic book, with creatures that could easily be conceived by Clive Barker. Definitely worth a look when you're in the mood for a little OTT insanity.

FFS, there's a bit with safety tape on the sharp edges of one of the monsters' metal arms :lol:

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The Highlander 8/10. One of my fave all time movies.

Hasn't aged well I guess but gets such a high mark for quality of one liners, music, scenery and Clancy Brown is brilliant as The Kurgan. One of the most quotable movies around.

Which other movie could have a Scot playing a Spanish/Egyptian and a French/Canadian playing a Scot as the main roles.

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It is a typical Nolan mind bending, time altering type affair on a massive scale (after the Batman franchise he has basically been given the go ahead to do whatever he feels like). The film is good, it is interesting and it is one that has kept me thinking since seeing it (partly due to just trying to work out exactly what went on). I did think there were just too many big ideas though, and there are parts of the film that feel a tad forced and possibly unnecessary but for a big budget film with grand ideas it is good value.


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Bobcat Goldthwaite will always be Elliot Loudermilk from Scrooged before Zed from Police Academy.

Fair enough, but this just in from the Clackmannanshire School of Pedantry - chronologically, he was Zed first :P

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The Highlander 8/10. One of my fave all time movies.

Hasn't aged well I guess but gets such a high mark for quality of one liners, music, scenery and Clancy Brown is brilliant as The Kurgan. One of the most quotable movies around.

Which other movie could have a Scot playing a Spanish/Egyptian and a French/Canadian playing a Scot as the main roles.

Highlander is tremendous. Used to be my favourite film. It's still high on my list. As you say, the soundtrack is

When I first saw it I thought it ended after Heather died! Seemed like a very final scene.

Love the flashbacks McLeod has. Would like to have seen more of them (they do this in the not bad 4th one, but the whole thing had been killed due to the disgraceful Highlander 2 and the alright but story fucking Highlander 3, not to mention that Highlander 4 is a sort of reboot).

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Highlander is tremendous. Used to be my favourite film. It's still high on my list. As you say, the soundtrack is

When I first saw it I thought it ended after Heather died! Seemed like a very final scene.

Love the flashbacks McLeod has. Would like to have seen more of them (they do this in the not bad 4th one, but the whole thing had been killed due to the disgraceful Highlander 2 and the alright but story fucking Highlander 3, not to mention that Highlander 4 is a sort of reboot).

The second is a very different type of treat :P

Is the third really worth seeing? I remember renting it about twenty years ago, only to fall asleep during an interminable fight scene in Superman's Fortress of Solitude (or somethng). Might give it another go if the consensus is that it's worthwhile.

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The 2nd is one of the most disgusting pieces of garbage ever commited to film. I don't get why they fucked with the story. It seems like the entire film is designed as a huge 'f**k you' to the first film. How they got the actors to agree to it is a mystery.

3 is decent enough. It utterly ignores that the 2nd ever happened. The story is that McLeod isn't the last immortal as there is some Oriental warrior who was frozen in ice and gets out. That's the 'Fortress Of Solitude' you're remembering.

It has a lot of flashbacks that see McLeod visiting ancient Japan (in his kilt!) and getting taught fighting and sword styles.

Going back to the first one, I love how it starts. Connery's voiceover, slightly echoing, giving the backstory then 'Princes Of The Universe' (one of Queen's most underrated tunes) kicks in. Glorious.

Edited by DA Baracus
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