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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Nearly forgot about this.

The Skeleton Twins

Brother and sister reunite when the brother tries to kill himself and the sister gets a call from the hospital. It's a pretty fine movie. Tries a bit too hard to pull on the heart strings, but hey, if it works, I suppose you can't complain too much.


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BigFatTabbyDave, on 16 Nov 2014 - 21:04, said:

Fully expecting the Memento hate to kick in soon.

I actually think that's probably one of his two movies that I really enjoyed. That and Insomnia. I think he's tried to then go for a bigger approach and it doesn't really seem to be his thing. But he's persisting with it. As he should. It's making him a fuckton of money.

EDIT: Worth noting that I've enjoyed most of his movies, but they've all got the same problems. Apart from Inception, which is one big problem.

Edited by NewDomDom
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Comedy with De Niro and Stallone as a couple of ex fighters with a score to settle , of course both picked in relation to their famous boxing movies and their are some nice moments to connect the films, its one of those films which is enjoyable enough but never going to stay in the memory for too long, both actors seem to be enjoying themselves in the role which is perhaps the points of it, some funny enough moments and in fairness some old school movie fighting. 5.5/10

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Bit of an older film but just watched "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" on Netflix.

That was an outstanding film. I've never read the book but I think I will do after this. I've never been so taken back and in shock as the credits rolled in in my entire life. 10/10.

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Bit of an older film but just watched "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" on Netflix.

That was an outstanding film. I've never read the book but I think I will do after this. I've never been so taken back and in shock as the credits rolled in in my entire life. 10/10.

The book is even better, as the contrast between the boys perceptions and what the reader can work out is such that you wish someone, anyone, could stop the inevitable. You end up caring more about one innocent (from the "other" side ) than the millions, which is downright weird. Sorry if that's a wee bit spoilery, but obviously the story is the same and both book and film have been around for a while now...

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Bit of an older film but just watched "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" on Netflix.

That was an outstanding film. I've never read the book but I think I will do after this. I've never been so taken back and in shock as the credits rolled in in my entire life. 10/10.

Really? Obvious ending that is telegraphed from pretty much the beginning i thought.

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The Sixth Sense - 7/10

I've decided to go back and watch some of the 'must sees' and this falls into that category. I know it's not really considered a horror but it could've done with a couple more scares, watched it on netflix and it froze during two of the tense scenes which kind of ruined it :lol: The fact that I already knew the twist obviously had an effect on how much I enjoyed it, although my girlfriend who apparently didn't know guessed it after about half an hour. Still a decent watch that would probably be a lot more hard hitting if it had a better ending and I didn't know the twist because I watched it 15 years after everyone else.

Next is Psycho or Bad Neighbours. I've been putting Bad Neighbours off for about 2 months now because I just know it's going to be a run of the mill shite comedy.

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Mystery Road 7/10

Aussie thriller about a moider of a young aboroginal girl in some impoverished backwater in Queensland. One cop is trying to solve it, the others are a bit dodgy trying to cover things up. The neighbourhood is all hush hush for fear of getting their head mashed in by gangsters. Gritty but slightly slow.

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