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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Overnighter.

Comedy with a few actors who are known to me, but the type that I can't remember their names offhand. Piper from Orange is the New Black and the real brother in Step Brothers - anyways it was just a complete 'what the f**k' type film.

Very rarely am I stunned by how shite a film is, but when the ending is a 4-way orgy with the camera mainly focusing on a man on man handjob - to help reinvigorate the other male's marriage after knowing him for one night - well, that works.

Utter shite.


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Straight Outta Compton - 8/10

Thoroughly enjoyed this. Great performances all round, especially Ice Cube Jr and the guy who played Dre. Obviously a great soundtrack too.

Spotlight - 8/10

Another brilliant ensemble performance, albeit in a very different film. Sterling stuff from Michael Keaton once again.

The Big Short - 8/10

It took a while to get used to the off the wall style in this but I found it rather refreshing. Quite a few chuckles to be had in this which I wasn't really expecting - it's not quite Wolf of Wall Street levels of good but it's getting there. Powerhouse showing from Steve Carell as well (there's a gut-wrenching moment when he's talking to his wife about his brother.)

The Revenant - 7/10

It looks amazing and the acting is superb but I found it a bit of a slog tbh. Too long and the story just wasn't as gripping as it could've been. Reckon Leo will finally get the Oscar for it though.

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Coincidentally, the wife put on What We Do in the Shadows tonight - even better the second time. That film's absolutely magic. Up there with Spinal Tap IMO.

Now leave me to do my dark bidding on the Internet :lol:

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The Family Friend

Paolo Sorrentino directs this Italian film which centres around a sleazy old loan shark. It's very stylish, at times surreal and the humour is very dark. Very similar in style to Paul Thomas Anderson the film might not be to everyone's taste but I thought it was pretty good and it's one I'll want to watch again.


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Lone Survivor!

8/10. Great Film and based on a true story!

I've never actually noticed this thread before.

On Lone Survivor.......I just hated it to be honest. It's the exact genre of film I would love and I just didn't enjoy it at all.

Fury was a different matter though, sensational film.

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"What we do in the shadows" is really good. I put off watching it as I thought it would be shit "zany" comedy but it's well executed. The police coming by because of the noise complaints is brilliant :D

That's it, I think I misinterpreted the first few minutes on first viewing, and figured it was that zany type comedy, and tuned out of it a bit.

It does have some really funny bits: esp. the police walking into the room with the 'vampire fight', with one clawing at the ceiling and the other being held down by his feet, still makes me chuckle when I think about it.

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The Martian - very accomplished, well paced and a story which transcended the genre somewhat. I wasn't blown away by it the way some friends said I would be, but a solid eight nonetheless.

Trumbo - Now this was more my cup of tea. An excellent story, well told and based on facts which shine an unfavorable light on America and some of its recent history and popular icons.

Bryan Cranston is outstanding on the title role, and imho deserves to be picked for the Oscar. Shame it's going to go to di Caprio. best film I've seen this year*, nine.

* I got to see The Big Short at the back end of December.

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Deadpool 7/10

I wanted to give it more, but it just lacked have a 'OOMPH' so to speak. Watching all the trailers didn't help either. Apparently, they had to cut a good bit out of the movie that involved more of the expensive scenes, to get this movie green lit in the first place, and you can see they had to 'do more with less' so to speak.

The bigger the fan of Deadpool that you are, the more you will enjoy it. I think a lot of the one-liners will be lost on random people watching this.

The scenes from the Ice hockey court absolutely had me :lol:

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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