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There's a fantastic scene in that, where Berry is in a car with Willis, and he threatens to punch her by raising his fist and screaming real loud in her face. I was laughing like f**k.

That was the only thing of note in the movie. It's honking.

Halle Berry does a cracking line in films that are just the right level of poor to tickle my fancy (see also: Gothika).

I really need to give Catwoman a watch sometime; that's looked fucking dreadful anytime I've caught a clip of it.

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Room 7.5/10

Nae bad, nae bad at all.

would you not try and smash that skylight out though, or try the door combo. Could probably try every possible combination within a year. Conversely the actual escape was a bit far fetched but I don't mind going along with that as it was such a good film

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Play It Again Sam 7/10

Weird watching this after having seen Manhattan/Annie Hall, Allen's character in this is like an even more exaggerated version of the 'Woody Allen' he plays in those, the humour is a bit more slapstick too. Funny though.

Throne of Blood 7/10

Not quite as good as Seven Samurai, maybe on a par with Ran.

The Seventh Continent 7/10

Bleak as f**k

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Room 7.5/10

Nae bad, nae bad at all.

would you not try and smash that skylight out though, or try the door combo. Could probably try every possible combination within a year. Conversely the actual escape was a bit far fetched but I don't mind going along with that as it was such a good film

The latter plan occurred to me too - but it also occurred to me that Old Nick was probably clever enough to change the code regularly.

FWIW I think this is an extremely good film, in my top 3 of the year, and Ms. Larson thoroughly deserves her Oscar. Other cast members should have been nominated.

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Wall-E is absolutely fantastic for thirty minutes and then turns to utter horseshit once the main plot begins. I'm astounded that people like it so much.

Same goes for Up. A Bergmanesque study of the cruel futility of life for the first half-hour, only to turn into some mental nonsense about balloons and talking dugs.

We all know the film should've finished with Carl slowly dying alone in some bedlam care home, alternately crying Ellie's name in fear and confusion, while cursing the pitiless celestial architect of such a bitter, fruitless existence. Utter horseshit :angry:

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BigFatTabbyDave, on 24 Feb 2016 - 21:51, said:

We all know the film should've finished with Carl slowly dying alone in some bedlam care home, alternately crying Ellie's name in fear and confusion, while cursing the pitiless celestial architect of such a bitter, fruitless existence. Utter horseshit :angry:

See how Pixar have their short films before the feature btw? That'd have been an utterly sensational one.

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See how Pixar have their short films before the feature btw? That'd have been an utterly sensational one.

I love Up and WALL-E but their openings would both be incredible short films (obviously WALL-E's would have to be condensed).
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The Rise:

A British heist movie with Neville from Harry Potter and Simon from Misfits. It was OK but nothing more. It didn't really manage to give us a sense of intertwining the fact it was a story about 4 mates planning a heist and turned into a story about 4 mates who happen to be planning a heist sometimes. There's really no need for the heist and they could simply have a revenge story if they wanted to focus on the 4 leads or they could just have a heist with 4 random people (the former would be much better as that's when the movie's at its best). I didn't hate it and enjoyed the opening of it and the establishment of the main character's life prior to his jail time but the end's all over the place and it really just all falls apart.



I quite liked it but I think it would've been more impactful if I hadn't seen people I know go down a similar path that John does in this as I felt as if it wasn't as insightful as it could've been for someone alien to how shite the west of Scotland can be. The fact it was a period piece gave it a bit more weight as it did show something a bit different. I loved the colour scheme and the way it was shot even if they were all pretty natural and the soundtrack added to putting something that doesn't belong there into such a shite environment (representative of the main character). His turn to become a NED was a bit rushed, though.


Edited by accies1874
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See how Pixar have their short films before the feature btw? That'd have been an utterly sensational one.

It's going to be the heartbreaking opening montage to Up 2. Eventually Carl will float up to heaven and battle angels to rescue Ellie from the clutches of the cackling loonball Jahweh.

No doubt it'll have turned into some keich about talking cars and eco space robots by the end. Fucking Pixar hippies :angry:

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Recent movies at the cinema....

The Hateful Eight - 3/5

Bloodiest Agatha Christie film that I've ever seen. Had this been as tightly constrained as Reservoir Dogs, then it might just have ranked among Tarantino's finest movies. But as it runs towards three hours, the experience becomes a little tiresome, particularly early on before the whole main cast are united on screen. It's over-long for seemingly no decent reason. There is an interesting subtext to the script relating to race that clearly has odd resonance with America today, but that is ultimately secondary to his trademark sensationalism, with the violence in the closing stages becoming so overdrawn and splattery that it almost descends into slapstick.

That said, I enjoyed the performances - Walton Goggins especially - and there are stretches of the film that are genuinely compelling, with a terrific score from Ennio Morricone, but I do feel that it's at least 50 minutes too long. Much like Django Unchained. Quentin needs a ruthless editor as the indulgences are undermining the good stuff in his movies. However, no one else produces mainstream films quite like this, and for that alone they are worth seeing. But it's certainly been a while since I loved one of them.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 4/5

Enjoyed this immensely. It is comfortably the best entry in the series since The Empire Strikes Back, and though it may seem more than a little derivative in its plot and structure, I felt that it was done in a slightly different and more engaging manner than in the original. The success of this was always going to rest on the new characters, and they are excellent. Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are fantastic, with Adam Driver's conflicted villain being the character that the young Anakin Skywalker should have been in the prequels.

Harrison Ford brings that considerable movie history to the screen, while the dialogue felt more human than before, with the jokes being funny and utilised at just the right moments, without ever infringing on the drama. When it was serious - it was. That was always my main criticism of The Return of the Jedi, which is tonally a complete mess. This always felt spot on in that regard.

What most impressed me, however, was the physicality that the movie had in terms of its violence. We saw burns, pain and blood, which gave the action sequences a dramatic weight and sense of threat that I don't feel was present in any of the previous six films. It succeeded in rebooting Star Wars with terrific new leads and providing a level of fun that had been absent in the prequels, which had taken themselves too seriously without anything to justify it. This was a genuinely thrilling cinematic experience.

Room - 5/5

Brilliant and profoundly moving film that is deserving of all the plaudits it is receiving. Though set amongst horrific circumstances, it is a movie about the relationship between a mother and her son. And it is beautifully done. Brie Larson is extraordinarily good, with Jacob Tremblay giving what may just be the finest child performance that I've ever seen. Their bond is strikingly convincing.

It would have been easy for the film to overindulge in sentimentality, but it never did. I was moved to tears on a few occasions, and they were earned by the strength and sheer power of what was on screen. I was struck by the cinematography at key moments in the enclosed space of the room...which somehow made it seem large, just as it was in the mind of young Jack. While much later in the film, it was the exact opposite. It felt small. That was a little thing that worked extremely well and once again underlines the magnificence of it.

For anyone who may have qualms about the subject matter, don't hesitate to watch this. In a way, as the mother protects her son from the nightmare of the situation, the film does the same for the audience. But it is never over-laden. This is a genuine masterpiece from Lenny Abrahamson.

Edited by Davis Love III
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Memento - 5/10. I know im going to get slated for this one but seriously, what an absolute let down. f**k all happened really it just kind of stumbled about which makes sense as it highlights the characters affliction but as a story it didn't work for me.

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The wee goth guy from hollyoaks gives a few mates a lift to a local pizzeria and ends up involved in a murder.

Wasnt expecting much from this as had never heard of it and just appeared on Netflix with no fanfare, plus it had someone from Hollyoaks in it, but turned out to be really good. The chubby one from This is England is also in it.


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Memento - 5/10. I know im going to get slated for this one but seriously, what an absolute let down. f**k all happened really it just kind of stumbled about which makes sense as it highlights the characters affliction but as a story it didn't work for me.

I thought the premise was great and the acting superb. It was also darkly comedic which I'm a fan of. I just couldn't get over the enormous flaws in the plot which basically render the entire film nonsense.

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The Green Inferno - Eli Roth's attempt to pastiche the Italian cannibal movies of the Seventies and Eighties. A group of college students take a weekend break to the Amazon in order to save the rainforest from destruction, only to find something nasty lurking within.

Unfortunately, this feels more Cabin Fever than Hostel, as Roth again falls victim to his need to combine horror with his wacky attempts at humour, which are very much an acquired taste. The film has a reasonable premise in holding a mirror up to the folk who think a post on Facebook, or signing an e-petition, does anything other than release dopamine, but it's also one of the film's weak points, as there's no incentive to care for any of the characters. This isn't helped by occasional acting so poor that random folk off the street couldn't have been worse; Sky Ferreira being a particular lowlight.

Overall, there are a couple of quite unpleasant scenes, but Roth seems more interested in providing gore that the hardcore fans will consider cool than in doing something actually disturbing, and does notably pull back from the brink on several occasions. As a result, his film is more of a staid Ferox than a balls-out nihilistic Holocaust.

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