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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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3 hours ago, Caveman said:

Donnie Brasco

Great wee gangster film here. Not a fan of Johnny Depp but he is excellent in this along with Pacino. Pretty simple storyline but very enjoyable and unexpectedly funny too.


I've heard that's a good film but I'm so fucking bored of Gangster films I can't make myself watch

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Don't Breathe - 7/10. Enjoyed this. Built the tension really well and the twist was great. Some uncomfortable scenes to watch, particularly towards the end.

Shocking movie, typical American shite. As if the postmortem wouldn't let them know that the blind guy was the father and that the girl was friends with the other two robbers.
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Nice guys.....honestly trailer looked great (sadly it had all the amusing bits in the entire film)....crowe is just fat the plot is awful and the number of scenes with child actors either watching / interacting / discussing stuff inappropriate was pretty Saville tbh. 3/10

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Belly of an Architect 6.5/10

Continuing the Peter Greenaway filmography is one where he casts the b*****d sheriff from First Blood  in the lead as an obsessed, decaying architect travelling to Rome to construct an exhibit to an obscure dead architect. Don't get too excited!

Again all the shots look brilliant, wrenched from Renaissance imagery and sculpture (quite literally in some cases). The central performance is brilliantly acted. It's kind of hard to care about it for some reason though, as our main man becomes stricken with an illness and obsessed with the fate of his forebears in Rome. His wife is shagging his rival and mostly you think "good for her". I'm definitely giving it plus points for being completely original, even in pursuit of a fairly opaque end point.

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The Man Who Knew Too Much 9/10

The original 1934 version with Peter Lorre, not the later American remake that Hitchcock did.

75 minutes of pacy action, fun dialogue, little character idiosyncrasies, solid acting, good technical bits of directing, wrongfooting turns of events and general wonderment that has hardly been improved upon in 80+ years. Lorre is great, everyone ricochets off his presence well, nothing feels missing or extraneous. The last 10 minutes are a little silly but it ties up nicely.

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The Magnififent Seven 7.5/10

Ethan Hawke is brilliant in this and so is Vincent D'Onofrio. The girl is cast because she looks like Jennifer Lawrence I assume because she can't act, but she has got magnificent décolletage. Really good fun old-fashioned western, none of that po-mo Unforgiven bollocks.

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I had to turn it off after an hour as was on Daddy duty and it didn't seem child friendly. I'll resume viewing tonight. Not sure if I like it yet.

I've watched it all, and I'm still not sure I liked it or not. Felt like you had to see it through, kind of thing. Glad to have watched it, anyhoo.

In other news: the new Ghostbusters isn't as bad as I'd feared (still not brilliant, mind), and Dirty Thirty had a few laughs.
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The Magnificent Seven ( 2016 )

Pretty sure I enjoyed this more than most as I absolutely loved it to bits. My only real gripe with it is just how panto villain Bogue was. It was taking too much away from almost every scene he was in. The seven themselves were all great in their own different ways. Think I enjoyed Faraday the most, although Chisolm was probably the highlight of them. The climatic battle was long but worth every minute as I felt as if there were big stakes. Bogue basically focused on his own empire, and for all of their own reasons, the seven really invested in things as well, as well as the townspeople and it led to some proper edge of the seat stuff.

Absolutely loved this.


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Ghostbusters (2016)

Tried to look at this as a purely new film , not a reboot or a re-imagining or whatever. 

It is terrible. Usually you can rely on Kristen Wiig , but , looked lost in this. Melissa McCarthy played her usual character. 

Liked Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones's turns. 

Relied too much on special effects and not enough on comedy. Still can't see why all the nutters are harassing the people in it , though. 



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