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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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23 hours ago, JustOneCornetto said:

Glad you got to see this and your review sums up how I felt about it too, Definitely a film I'll want to watch again when it comes on the telly and will go with your suggestion of using headphones.

I try to avoid watching things with headphones wherever possible, but it can definitely make you notice the soundscape a wee bit more. 

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11 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I've mostly been watching Willem Defoe's stuff.

What an incredible range he has. His performance in Spiderman has been meme'd to death but he was great in it.

He should have at least one Academy Award. Madness when you remember Halle Berry got one just for having beautiful tits.

Dunno if that's entirely fair for Monster's Ball, which got a lot of acclaim, but when Swordfish turned out to be shite, Warner Bros paid her a bonus of $500,000 to film an extra scene with her knockers out. Think it was more because she was a huge sex symbol who'd never done a nude scene, rather than because her boobs were particularly notable.

Sting (cinema) - edgy tween girl finds an unusual spider and keeps it as a pet. It starts to grow. A lot.

Quite liked this; bit more of a comedy than I was expecting, and has fun with misdirection (it's the spider! No, just the shadow of a plant). Also isn't shy with the grue from time to time. It becomes quite saccharine and obvious towards the end, but it's a decent run up to that point. Maybe two acts of a good film, with a standard, predictable conclusion.

The Watched (cinema) - debut film from M. Night Shyamalamadingdong's daughter (not the acting one). After her car breaks down on a woodland trail, a young woman finds herself trapped in a cabin with some strangers while some unseen voyeuristic creatures monitor them through a one-way window.

You could have shown me this without credits and I'd have guessed it was an M. Night Shyamalan film - he's the producer on this, and either his daughter is his double or he basically directed it too. As late-stage Shyamalan goes, it's not bad, but you'll very much need to have enjoyed his post-Unbreakable work. Personally, I do; even if his films are hilariously bad, they're still often entertaining in their stupidity and obliviousness.

All the hallmarks are here - silly plot that demands to be taken seriously, moments of amusingly wooden acting, some utterly duff dialogue, characters who act in ways that make them unbelievable as human beings...and yes, there's a twist. In terms of quality, it's somewhere between The Village and Glass - not quite A-grade Shyamalan, but nothing like his (their) worst. No need to catch it in the cinema even if you like his films; if you don't, avoid like the plague.

I noticed that the original title in America was The Watchers, so I presume there's something with that title that's already well known in the UK. The only thing I can remember is that turn of the century Keanu Reeves film The Watcher.

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I'm a massive fan of Fury Road. As one of my favourite films of recent times, I was really looking forward to this. Fair to say I was a little disappointed. For a start it is too long, Fury Road was full on from the start and felt a lot leaner than this, and there was a few times I looked at my watch during Furiosa. I also thought Chris Hemsworth was awful. Every time he came on, I was dragged out the film and his prosthetic nose was ridiculous. There's always been an element of humour with the villains in Mad Max, but I felt it was far too much. Also thought the set pieces didn't match up to Fury Road, could spot the CG a lot easier in this than previous film. Nothing really had me on the edge of my seat. Anya Taylor Joy was good, but the Praetorian Jack character was just a Mad Max fill in, which was a strange choice. 

I really wanted to like this more but it was a struggle and I doubt I'll ever revisit it

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17 hours ago, BFTD said:


I noticed that the original title in America was The Watchers, so I presume there's something with that title that's already well known in the UK. The only thing I can remember is that turn of the century Keanu Reeves film The Watcher.

There was Watcher from 2022 which starred Maika Monroe who looks somewhat like Dakota Fanning. I don't imagine this is the reason, but I did think it was a tiny coincidence when I saw the trailer for this. 

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087 A Quiet Place: Day One -- Obviously not as good as the first one, and I honestly can’t remember enough about the second one to compare, but this is pretty good fun. I think the decision to have our heroine as terminally-ill was an interesting choice as her goal has to shift from survival to something else, and there were plenty of 9/11 flashbacks from the NYC setting. I guess none of these characters, tho, would have survived the first movie as they clomp around empty office buildings and subways, and I’m not sure it’s all that great a sign that my primary concern throughout was the welfare of a cat, but Lupita Nyong'o is as great as ever and Michael Sarnoski gets plenty of decent mileage out of the third version of this story while maintaining its emotional core. It’s good not to talk, sometimes. 7/10

088 Kinds of Kindness -- Artistically valueless sub Wes Anderson try-hard trash. 1/10

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