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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Friends With Benefits - 7/10

Quite enjoyed this and pleasently suprised. Had some funny one liners, the lead girl is stunning beyone belief, timerlake puts in a good shift in the lead male role, woody harrelsons character is quality. Thought this would be a shite chick flick/romantic comedy but it was def worth a watch.

I got forced along with the burd to go see this.

But I actually quite enjoyed it.

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The Change-Up

I wasn't sure about this film to be honest. It was ok, I suppose, a few laughs, but nothing really hilariously funny. There were a few booby shots if that makes a film for you, but apart from that, there wasn't much to it.



30 Minutes or Less

This is a love it or hate it film. A few folk walked out during it, others (like myself) laughed through it.

I went in expecting a low-brow film with a few cheap laughs, and that is exactly what it was. No surprises.

If you're unsure about the trailer, you won't like it, but if you do fancy it, you probably will.


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A Serious Man (2009)

After The Big Lebowski, I would say this is my next favourite Coen brothers film. Just a standard black comedy from them. About a good, honest, hardworking guy who's life, through no fault of his own, turns to shit. Some of the subtle humour in it had me in stitches though! Highly recommended!


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Source Code - 7/10

I rather enjoyed this film. It has a nice idea for the story and keeps you guessing throughout to a certain degree. I liked the ending however I did not enjoy having to explain to my missus what it meant and 'how it all came together' its one of those types of films (either that or my missus is just thick) An enjoyable watch nothing more nothing less.

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The Man from Nowhere - 7/10

Described as 'Taken meets Oldboy'. Well, it's not a patch on Oldboy, and i didn't enjoy it quite as much as Taken, but it's worth a watch. The main actor is very good in it.

The Lookout - 6/10

Hadn't heard of this film, as much as i love Joseph Gordon-Levitt, so was intrigued when i saw this on Amazon. Again it's decent with some good performances (loved Jeff Daniels), but it's very slow at points.

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I've just purchased Lord of the Flies (1990). I read the back and it says something like 'A group of American kids get stuck on an island' - what!? I thought it was about a ring and elves??

But joking aside, it angered me saying about the Americans when it was English lads.

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I've just purchased Lord of the Flies (1990). I read the back and it says something like 'A group of American kids get stuck on an island' - what!? I thought it was about a ring and elves??

But joking aside, it angered me saying about the Americans when it was English lads.

:blink: That's one of the main themes in the book, how they stay quinticentially English and act with proper decorum until the end, well sme of them. Thats a massive down point for a stupid, look at us, we don't obey classics, we ruin them by making them American movie.

Anyway do let us know how it is. No doubt a classic has been massacred by some American halfwit.

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I went and saw Tinker Tailor Solider Spy tonight. Probably gonna take some stick for this but I thought it was only alright. I thought that it dragged on at too many points. And as such, I felt it could've been shorter. I read it was 124 minutes long, not that that's a problem for some films. The likes of Lord of the Rings are longer but they maintain the interest of the viewer better than this film.

The performances were, on the whole, good. Strong and Cumberbatch were good. I thought Oldman was only alright. Firth didn't really do it for me. I was expecting more, but then again, I didn't think he was Oscar-quality in the King's Speech. Hurt and Hardy were also pretty good.

It was a really well shot film (the shot where Percy's at a table and you can see his and the wall's reflection on the table was amazing) but I felt the plot got a bit lost within it (the cinematography) and the cast.

I was expecting this to be amazing, and I was thoroughly underwhelmed.


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Inbetweeners Movie

I'd never really been a fan of the series, but I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the movie. It didn't matter that I had never watched the series, as I still found myself laughing my head off anyway.

There's only one thing to do, and that's make sure that I watch the previous three series. I've heard some say that the film wasn't as good as the series, which can only mean that more hilarity will soon be coming my way.


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The Signal (2007)

£50k budget, cross between 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead and The Omega Man. I know it was American, but it really had a British feel to it, in how black the comedy was and how gritty the storyline was...

There were three segments, telling different aspects of the same story, which all tied together in the end. There was no explanation of the events which proceeded the finale, but in this instance it works as it was far too much of a scifi tale to try and rationalise.

Really worked, definitely worth watching.


EDIT: Forgot, to cross that lot with The Ring, just to make it all the more illogical!

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Submarine - 9/10

Really brilliant. It had me laughing in all the right places, the poignant scenes were done really well and the ending (whilst cliched) was done tongue in cheek as was the rest of the film and the icing on the cake was the superb soundtrack provided by Alex Turner. The clincher was the excellent acoustic version of Piledriver Waltz as the credits rolled as it's one of my favourite songs. I even identified with a lot of it, which probably meant I was a little weirdo in school as well. laugh.gif

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:blink: That's one of the main themes in the book, how they stay quinticentially English and act with proper decorum until the end, well sme of them. Thats a massive down point for a stupid, look at us, we don't obey classics, we ruin them by making them American movie.

Anyway do let us know how it is. No doubt a classic has been massacred by some American halfwit.

Don't bother watching this film. It makes a mockery of the book! With regards to your comments, here's what happens at the end.....

When they are chasing Ralph at the end, he stumbles upon the beach and there's a whole group of Yanks fully decked out in combat gear and a couple of choppers flying in!

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Tucker & Dale Vs Evil

Very much a one gag movie that unfortunately shows too many of the good bits in the trailer. BUT, it's a hoot and a good way to spend a silly 89 minutes. There're far, far worse films to spend your money on. If you can see it without having seen the trailer beforehand you'll find it way funnier.


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Red Riding Hood (2011)

A 12A rated version of French fairy tale, so much more like the Grimm version than the original!

This version has been moved more into popular culture by making the Big Bad Wolf into a werewolf... adding in Gary Oldman (Dracula) really didn't work though as he overacts so badly in this, and his death was the worst bit of acting I've seen from him!

Was watchable, but the way the Grimm tales are written, they suit more to horrors and much more violent films than this watered down attempt!


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Jurassic Park

I've seen it countless times before, in fact it was a childhood favourite of mine. However on big screen this evening it got even more spectacular. I recommend it to everyone who loves the film, it's showing in Cineworld all week.

Yes, it is a CGI revolution and a family blockbuster extravaganza, but I prefer to look at it as an epic adaptation of the classic "haunted house" story, combined with the devious thriller edge that Steven Spielberg can conjure up deliciously. It's Spielberg that spares no expense; everything about the film is jaw-dropping. We jump right in at the deep end and seldom slow down, indeed when the action does lose pace it's to make room for the breathtaking special effects, John Williams' magnificent score or spectacular acting from the dream cast particularly Sam Neill and Laura Dern. I don't often find myself nodding my head along to film but this film does it for me. It seems to flow effortlessly with tension, humour, scares and thrills. This is what pure entertainment is.

I prefer it to Jaws, E.T. and Raiders. It's my #2 'berg film, 10/10

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