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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I have to say I find the scores given here are quite high. 10/10 for Training Day? I would never give a film 10/10, and certainly not Training Day which was a good film but certainly not an epic. No offence Sydney, but I think that's just too high a rating. QP Mental then goes on to give Layer Cake 8/10 while also admitting it he thought was a less funny Snatch. Surely that drops it's level (personally I would give LC a 6 or 7, say 6.5).

I'm not having a go here guys, and yes I gave Melancholia a 9 recently and after some though I am going to downgrade it to an 8 for the elements that were not done well (certain character expansion, no motive for characters to act the way they did).

It's all subjective, I realise this and I'm certainly not wanting to complain about people's ratings but we should all be careful of rating things so highly that when truly great films come out (and Training Day is not that) what rating are you going to give them?

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I would never give a film 10/10


Slightly agree with the rest of your post, there have been one or two almost laughable overratings, and it does cheapen the 10/10 status. This thread is great for recommendations for those on the search for a gem, but I have to say when Ice Age is getting 9/10 I'm a bit sceptical.

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How on earth could you find it boring? How was it a wasted opportunity? It answered nearly every single question it threw up and did so with some style.

Have to agree. The only thing I had a problem with was the build up to her 'achieving' martyrdom was maybe a few scenes too long. Anyone have any hypothesis on what she told the old wifey at the end?

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It's all down to personal opinion. I would rate Ice Age as a 8/10 because it's a thoroughly enjoyable film. However that doesn't mean I hold it in the same regard as another film I would rate 8/10 or even 7/10. You need to break it down into different categories. I might rate a certain comedy as a 9/10, but it doesn't mean I think it's better than a thriller I give 8/10 for.

People are going to think one film is worthy of a 10/10, others will feel as though they can't give a 10/10 for whatever reason.

FWIW, I feel that AlbinoRover is usually a bit pretentious about films in a very art student way - not a criticism just an observation because that's how you see and enjoy the film. The whole "cheapen the 10/10 status" thing is ridiculous. We aren't professional film critics (and even then they sometimes get it wrong IMO) and everyone enjoys different films and sees the film differently. Some people like The Shawshank Redemption or Saving Private Ryan but I find them very average films and don't enjoy them. I love Lost In Translation but a number of people think it's shit.

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I realise this is a complete Pandora's Box of pretentiousness I've opened. I'm not criticising people for rating films at 10, I'm just not sure if any film merits that.

Of course /10 is a restrictive rating. /100 and you can give yourself leeway. 96/100 is a great film but not perfect, you have trouble relating that to a /10 even though technically that is just 9.6/10

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I realise this is a complete Pandora's Box of pretentiousness I've opened. I'm not criticising people for rating films at 10, I'm just not sure if any film merits that.

Of course /10 is a restrictive rating. /100 and you can give yourself leeway. 96/100 is a great film but not perfect, you have trouble relating that to a /10 even though technically that is just 9.6/10

I would say spot on with this. I don't think I've ever off the top of my head rated a movie a full 10 or 100% because I would be calling it the perfect movie. And even though some have pushed for it, I can't say I could credit one with it...so far.

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To chime in on the 10/10 thing, I would give Remember The Titans a 10/10, but that is because I love the film. I know that there's holes in it and factual inaccuracies which might put people off, but it's one of my favourite films, along with The Departed which I'd give a 9/10 or 9.5/10. I think it is all very, very subjective and depends a lot on how a movie hooks you personally.

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To chime in on the 10/10 thing, I would give Remember The Titans a 10/10, but that is because I love the film. I know that there's holes in it and factual inaccuracies which might put people off, but it's one of my favourite films, along with The Departed which I'd give a 9/10 or 9.5/10. I think it is all very, very subjective and depends a lot on how a movie hooks you personally.

For me there's quite a lot of films that I'd give 10/10 if I was reviewing it on here.

If I was being totally accurate I'd probably have to give all of them 9.5/10, apart from Once Upon a Time in America.

The reason they'd only get 9.5 is because they aren't Once Upon a Time in America.

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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2011)

Took advantage of Orange Wednesday last night to go and see the new Guillermo Del Toro flick - and left pretty luke-warm. An interesting, if slightly cliched, haunted house style pretence. Obviously I know he was the producer rather than the director, but much in the same way as The Orphanage you could see elements of his influence in everything from music to exterior shots.

This is the first of Del Toro's Hollywood releases that I've seen, having missed both Hellboys, and I felt it's glitzy appeal and star cast may have diluted the overall effect of the film. Gone is the usual twisted morality, and explanatory mitigating circumstances that usually go through his movies - and they're replaced with a much more black and white dichotomy between the goodies and the baddies. Also, Guy Pearce and Katie Holmes are at no point a believable couple - one of the poorer castings I've seen in a while.

A good set-up let down by a so-so script, it eventually descends into 'Critters' only without the laughs. Katie Holmes remains a bit better than her career to date would have you believe though, if only her husband would let her out the house a bit more often...

Very MOR 5/10

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DRIVE (2011)

Just finished watching it and holy f**k that was awesome! The way it was filmed, the performances, the soundtrack. Everyone should watch this film. You may not rate it as highly as me but I'm sure you'll find it very enjoyable!

Plot is about a stuntman driver who also drives for criminals as the get away car. Opening scene sets the tone quite well although admittedly it does feel as if things are moving at a slow pace with little dialogue to begin with. This however changes as the film progresses. Without giving too much away there is a heist which then involves Gosling with the wrong people.

The action scenes and violence are also superb. Really, just go watch it now!


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I've got Drive waiting to be watched but the plot puts me off. That's a couple of really positive reviews now, I suppose I'll need to bite the bullet at some point. Might wait until I've got no Internet access though..

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Versus (2000)

Japanese kung fu gangsta zombedy... mixed with Highlander!

Utter, utter fucking nonsense, but soooo good! The true definition of so shit it's amazing!

7/10 - can't go any higher, as they just kept throwing random shit in which made so little sense!

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Green Lantern - 2011

I'm guessing I'm not really the person to review this; I don't like blockbusters, I don't like super hero movies and I've never read the graphic novels. Then again maybe that makes me the perfect person. I'll start out by saying if you want a couple of hours of decent effects with a dreadful storyline, plot holes and character motivations that don't add up at all then this is the perfect movie for you. I suppose it's not the film's fault it's lumbered with the bunkum of the graphic novel's setup. Blah, blah, immortals, far away planet, green energy good, yellow energy bad, top bloke on Earth chosen as the new defender of his area in space. OK, that might have flown in the 50's or 60's but it's ridiculously cheesy now. The whole "don't give in to fear"(the yellow energy) idea is delivered in such a ham manner it harks back to Jim Cunningham from Donnie Darko (where are you on the love/fear line).

Anyway, the rough plot is fighter pilot ace and all round good egg is chosen by "the ring" to be the new defender of his sector of space (there are 3600 of them all with their own lantern). He goes through the usual "wtf?", then training, then quitting, then realising his own worth, then returning, then doing deeds of daring do. I'm not giving away the plot here, and trust me I would love to as there are some doozies of "er... wtf?" moments. One thing I can say without getting into the storyline is that everyone around him seem to accept that their are aliens, he is now a superhero and (when the time comes) the Earth is under threat. Hardly a Roger Moore-esque eyebrow is raised. They greet all this with the same level of interest as they would if he said he had just got a new thermos flask.

Maybe I am asking too much? Maybe superhero's and graphic novels are meant to be unbelievable. Maybe I'm completely missing the point? Maybe. But even though I am no great fan of the genre I liked some of the X-Men films, and Watchmen, but this is an altogether different category and not in a good way.

So, er good things about it? Hmm.. the effects are decent, the film moves on at a decent pace, it won't tax you in any way at all and fair play the main character's love interest recognises him in his get up almost immediately despite him wearing one of those 1930's buglar masks - which makes a change for these sorts of movies, but that's about it for the good points. Oh, and one of the bad lot (you know he is to become bad because his hair is mental in the way only scientists who go bad can have it) does a fair enough impression of John Malkovic, even if you do wish they had got Malkovich instead.

Personal rating? 4/10. P&B rating? 6/10. Seems only fair to bump it up a little, after all it's not utter shit and it is my fault for watching a movie that I sort of knew I wouldn't like, but for me it would be nice to have the 1 and a half hours of my life back.

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