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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Went to see Despicable me 2 with the gf at the weekend.

We were both laughing throughout and left with a smile on our face. Amazing how the wee minion characters can cause so much hilarity with very few words.

Animation is great, great voices.

Most will see it as a kids film, but fellow adults will love this aswell.


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Watched lawless the other night really enjoyed it infact its the best film I've seen in a while

Lawless was my favourite film of 2012, thought it was fantastic.

Thoroughly enjoyed Lawless too. For me though, Shia LeBouef was the weakest part of the film. I just couldn't take him seriously when he tried to step up to the plate like his brothers.

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Had a day at the cinema with the missus yesterday.

Behind the Candelabra

Very funny in places, and Douglas is excellent as Liberace. Rob Lowe steals it with a few scenes though. Actually very touching towards the end. 8/10

Man of Steel

I really enjoyed it, with a few provisos. The scenes on Krypton look gorgeous and Russel Crowe was probably the best thing in it (along with Kevin Costner). I liked the flashbacks showing Clark slowly coming to terms with his powers and Michael Shannon was great as permaraging Zod.

Once the fight scenes started, it went on a bit. 8/10

There was a few plot holes I thought too. They made out that Clark's powers revealed themselves over years as he grew up on Earth, but Zod and his mates show up and 5 minutes later they're bounding about and have all the same powers as him. None of them seemed to age either (Zod's wee grey beard aside) despite the fact they'd been kicking about for 33 years looking for him.

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I went to see After Earth last night. All I'd heard about it was that it was pretty rubbish and a little cringeworthy, so I wasn't expecting much at all (I only really saw it because WWZ was sold out). I'll be totally honest though, it entertained me and was much better than I thought it would be. Some of the acting wasn't great and there was maybe some bits where it tried to get a bit deep, but I think it was a decent premise behind the film and I wouldn't scoff at the idea of watching it again. 6.5/10

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Doublebill of Monsters University & Iron Man 3 at the weekend

MU was exactly as expected from Disney Pixar - Great film

IM3 - 2nd viewing and enjoyed it all the more. Still feel there is just to many suits flying around though

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Before Midnight 2/10

A bunch of people sit around and have a really boring conversation about drains/their kids/the weather. Highlight - when the dad nicked his daughter's half eaten apple whilst she was asleep. Can't believe how they spun this shit out into a trilogy. Left after 45 mins and went to pub.

War War Z 2/10

Not really into Zombies and shit and I can't see the point in CGI - it's like watching a computer game. Left after 60 mins and went to pub.

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The Hunter ( 2011 )

Willem Dafoe plays a guy sent to Australia to hunt for the last Tasmanian tiger. He runs into some unruly locals. It's a fairly low key affair this one. That doesn't stop it being a gripping watch though. Touching at times, incredibly menacing as well. Dafoe is magnificent.


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Just back from seeing WWZ. Give it its due i thought it would be shite but 6.5/10 for me. I still dont like that the zombies swarm but redeemed itself

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I found it strange that in most movies/tv series that zombies are involved its always in "alternative universes" when no one seems to know what a zombie is. Tho in WWZ right from the outset they use the term zombie a few times, which despite the rest of the films faults I did like.

The 1st half of the film seemed to focus on showing the carnage and globetrotting where the 2nd part was more focused on how to combat it. Liked how they didnt just find a cure and it was a happy ending

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Really? I find it much better when they just refer to them as the victims of whatever epidemic is going on in the movie. Makes it seem cheap and almost "hammerish" to be throwing the word zombie about in the actual dialogue.

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I think its more from my point of view that they seem oblivious to what they are but when it comes to other horror films (vampires, wearwolves etc) they have no problems relating it to whatever is eating their mates

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Really? I find it much better when they just refer to them as the victims of whatever epidemic is going on in the movie. Makes it seem cheap and almost "hammerish" to be throwing the word zombie about in the actual dialogue.

But if a real world epidemic occurred that led to the undead eating people surely almost everyone would label them as zombies?

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But if a real world epidemic occurred that led to the undead eating people surely almost everyone would label them as zombies?

Yup, seems the only genre of horror film where they seem dumbfounded about what zombies are

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But if a real world epidemic occurred that led to the undead eating people surely almost everyone would label them as zombies?

I don't think you could skeptical of the possibility unlike the tragic "No, they've only wiped out half the population but f**k off with the zombie tag" line that has to be inserted to every film regarding them.

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