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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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What We Did On Our Holiday.

Written by Guy Jenkin and Andy Hamilton and featuring three primary school age children - sound familiar? But it's good fun if heavily contrived. Wonderful photography and locations and enjoyed our wee jaunt up to the GFT - my kind of place! Great music (Waterboys tracks). Don't know why they needed Ben Miller to play a Scotsman though.


Edited by Bold Rover
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A Walk Among the Tombstones

Pretty easy to dismiss this as another Taken given the trailer and a quick look at the plot, which sees Liam Neeson play a P.I. asked to hunt down the men who took a man's wife and killed her. It's a good movie this, with Neeson providing another cracking action performance, with lots of comic moments, and a good supporting cast, most notably Dan Stevens who, once again, is a total scene stealer whenever he's on there. He's gonna wind up making a fortune in the States. The stuff with TJ has been mentioned on here, and I actually enjoyed it a fair bit, and provided some effective comic relief moments, although given Neeson himself was giving out some cracking lines, it was never short on that. It was welcome all the same.

Then we come to the main point, which is the hunt, and we're never left in much doubt as to who these people are, and then it doesn't take much longer to find the pattern, but the sheer sickness of the guys unfurls as well as Neeson getting closer and closer, and it's that side of things that makes this movie worth watching.


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Untouchable - The apparently true story of a wealthy paraplegic dude who hires a young buck from the projects who had only turned up to the interview to get his benefits book signed. They become great friends and all that and it's quite a nice wee watch. Not the most orginal story - in fact most French comedies I've seen seen to be based around class - but the performaces of the main two actors are really great. Very believable and enjoyable.

Was already a big fan of Audrey Fleurot from Spiral, so was delighted when she turned up in the first scene. pinilla.png

Superbad - three American high-schoolers attempt to get laid before they graduate.

Doesn't get much more generic than that. Good movie, although quite why the makers seem to think they were creating something new or unusual is beyond me. Definitely has its moments, but I think a lot of people found it much funnier than I did.

Think you've been severely whooshed tbh.

'Gingers you wid' thread per chance? :lol:

See above.

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Think you've been severely whooshed tbh.

On the DVD extras, there's a whole bunch of talk from Rogen & co about how they didn't think a lot of comedy being released was aimed at them, so they decided to make something different. They weren't kidding, but I've got no idea what they thought was original about their film. Dick pictures, maybe? :huh:

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On the DVD extras, there's a whole bunch of talk from Rogen & co about how they didn't think a lot of comedy being released was aimed at them, so they decided to make something different. They weren't kidding, but I've got no idea what they thought was original about their film. Dick pictures, maybe? :huh:

I ken they bring out various editions and what not but on the DVD my flatmate had, the extras included an interview where Jonah Hill, Michael Cera and Christopher Mintz-Plasse get in a seething argument. I wouldn't read too much into it.

Point is, the whole teenagers trying to get their hole thing quite clearly isn't some edgy attempt to be original. Superbad is just a nod to that sub-genre, going back to National Lampoon, Dazed And Confused, American Pie etc etc, adapted to the Rogen/Apatow style. It definitely doesn't have any pretence of originality.

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Alive - a condemned killer survives his death sentence, and is given the opportunity to be a guinea pig for a shadowy government organisation and a mysterious, supernaturally talented girl they have confined.

Well, this was interminable. The first hour is essentially just our hero trapped in a cell with his backstory flashbacks and a moronic fruitcake, before things get a little bit Matrix/Kill Bill for a few minutes later on. Unfortunately, it goes back to being diabolically ponderous immediately afterwards. The whole thing is visually gloomy, presumably to hide the cheap sets, one of which looks like a big bunch of scaffolding. There's also a bit of the annoying Japanese cheesy-sound-effect-and-zoom thing that turns up in some of their films (Flower of Flesh & Blood springs to mind), but thankfully not too often as there's hardly any action. Pretty poor stuff in all, despite a final showdown with what could best be described as The Incredible Hulk on heroin.

Edit 'cause I can't type these days.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Frank ( 2014 )

This is brilliant. About a kid who wants to join a band, and winds up with Soronfrpbs or something like that, fronted by Frank, who wears a big paper mache head. All of the time. It's a fun ride this, sometimes hilarious, sometimes sad and sometimes just outright bonkers, but I'd be surprised if everyone doesn't at least get SOMETHING from this movie.


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Fantastic Four - a team of hot, young, sexy scientists (and Michael Chiklis) travel to space in order to do hot, sexy things. When a CG storm hits, they all go wibbly in different, CG-tacular ways.

Jeez-o, what happened here? This manages the feat of doing the traditional superhero backstory-with-not-a-lot-else-happening movie while simultaneously feeling like the plot is being desperately rushed, with everything happening very fast and people pulling explanations out of their asses at the speed of light. A bigger problem, however, is the horribly misjudged tone, which has more in common with Superman 2 than any of the other Marvel movies, with slapstick and wisecracking galore. It's OK for a mindless way to kill a couple of hours, but no surprise that Marvel have a reboot planned for next year.

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Not the best adaptation of the comic but it'd be impossible to be IMO. Perhaps in the top 5 greatest superhero films though?


I love it. The extended version's worth a watch as well, especially if you've read the graphic novel.

Anyway, Big Fish (2003

Pretty magical, I loved it. Beautiful film to just sit back and enjoy. If you haven't seen it already give it a watch, especially if you like fantasy films.


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+1 to the Watchmen love, although it'll always be the film that I once terrified my wife with when she was paralysed in hospital, hallucinating (unbeknown to me) and unable to communicate :shutup

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Anyway, Big Fish (2003

Pretty magical, I loved it. Beautiful film to just sit back and enjoy. If you haven't seen it already give it a watch, especially if you like fantasy films.


Does Ewan get his knob out in that one?

Saw Young Adam in the cinema, and it was the best communal movie experience I've ever had. The audience were pishing themselves by the end, as practically every time a female character appeared you knew that Ewan's knob wasn't far from making an appearance :lol:

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Noah - 7/10

Started this with pretty low expectations but was quite surprised.

It's difficult to define this film, but I thought it can be best understood as non-biblical telling of the Judeo-Christian flood story.

There are some allusions to evolution, there are fantasy elements, and it can fit into a post-apocalyptic genre. Admittedly, I'm a bit of a fan of Aronofsky's films, and this clearly isn't a film designed to appease the majority so I think Aronofsky should be commended for such a distinctive approach to something that could have ended up as a worthy biblical epic.

Pompeii - 3/10

Just finished watching this and glad it's over.

There is clearly a good movie to be made about Pompeii, but this is an afternoon, Channel 5, budget attempt and it fails on so many levels.

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Gone Girl

Exceptional stuff here. Every strand has you hooked, and there's some absolutely brilliant "WTF?" moments here, whether it be surprises, or just shocking scenes. Brilliant performances, and given everything that's going on, it's a credit to those making the movie that it all goes along so fluidly. It's a brilliant movie.


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Enter The Void - an American drug dealer living in Tokyo experiences aspects of the Tibetan Book of the Dead after a drug deal goes wrong.

This is definitely a cinema film, and I kinda wish I'd seen it in that environment, as it would certainly work better as a sensory experience. Forget about narrative, because there's very little and what's there is poor and obvious. This is all about the neon backdrop of Tokyo and the inventive drug hallucinations, which brought to mind Ken Russell's Altered States. That said, the film is almost three hours long, and is interminably dull when viewed on a small screen.

Ghost Rider - a young motorcycle stuntman is tricked into selling his soul to the Devil in exchange for becoming his supernatural problem-solver.

I can't stand Nicolas Cage, so I avoided the hell out of this, but it has a great deal of comic value for the patented 'Cage Hysterical Freakout' scenes that litter the running time. I like to think that these are just shots of Cage between takes, just being himself. Sam Elliott's presence amusingly highlights Cage's lack of charisma, while excellent PG use is made of Eva Mendes' assets. The film itself is fluff, but is made more entertaining by the silliness of the plot, so it definitely qualifies for a bad movie night. Shockingly bad CG too.

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what if (2013)

The movie about boring life of some feminized british faggot and his highly unattractive female friend.

Absolutely dreadful film. 0/10

Something like this, perhaps?



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