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Impact Wrestling senior official Earl Hebner posted an inappropriate message on his Twitter account Thursday night—likely meant as a private message to a user he is following.

The message stated, "I Will take ur blow j when u are ready 2 give it 2 me."


Looks like auld Earl has swapped screwjobs for blowjobsph34r.gif

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Not enough for TNA. Probably enough for pretty much anyone else. It's not like their Knockout division is filled with amazing characters. Velvet Sky going is a big blow to that division because it's one less woman that people care about in a genre of wrestling that's already losing viewers fast.

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Velvet asked for her release didn't she?

Did anyone else see last week's Impact? Storm and AJ had a fantastic match. Loving the Aces and 8s stable as well.

That match was a cracker. PPV standard at the least. Aces and 8s has the potential to be good, but I'm worried that they'll f**k it up by making it about Bischoff or some shite. Clearly some of the (taller) guys are known as they are totally covered, whereas guys like Pillman (the one who looks EXACTLY like Brian Pillman save for the mask) isn't as covered up (no tats) so may be a bit of an unknown.

The whole AJ/Clare/Daniels thing really is awful though. I still can't beleive that they're going with Clare raped AJ. What the f**k is that all about?! In fact I can't see where they're going with this storyline now at all.

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Clearly some of the (taller) guys are known as they are totally covered, whereas guys like Pillman (the one who looks EXACTLY like Brian Pillman save for the mask) isn't as covered up (no tats) so may be a bit of an unknown.

Thank f**k you put the brackets in, I thought I'd missed the news where Pillman came back and joined TNA laugh.gif

Aye, I hope they don't f**k it up, I know we talked earlier but I hope it isn't full of people like Gallows or Joey Ryan or people like that. I don't think it will happen but I hope that they'd have some star power in the group but it seems unlikely that they'd be able to pick up a star without it being known on the dirt sheets.

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It WILL be full of Gallows and Ryan and people like that, with one big name as the head guy. Considering how many of them there are, having even half of them as big names would be stupid, given that TNA hardly has anyone with actual name value anymore. Most that did have name value going in had it drained out long ago.

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Aye, I hope they don't f**k it up, I know we talked earlier but I hope it isn't full of people like Gallows or Joey Ryan or people like that.

Joey Ryan's set to have a match with Al Snow somewhere down the line, Taz won't wrestle again so they've nudged it to Al Snow.

Another good episode of Impact, could get used to this! :D Highlights for me were the Barry Darsow references from Dakota Darsow and A-Double.

"Well, he was kinda Russian for a while but that's all in the past".

"Tell your dad all the best with his repo business".


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It WILL be full of Gallows and Ryan and people like that, with one big name as the head guy. Considering how many of them there are, having even half of them as big names would be stupid, given that TNA hardly has anyone with actual name value anymore. Most that did have name value going in had it drained out long ago.

If one of them isn't a Gallows or Ryan then it's not full of those level of guys wink.gif

I just meant that if it was just mid level guys then it'd be a bit disappointing

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I think they just started the storyline with no idea where they were taking it, and ended up booking themselves into a corner.

Kind of what I think too. I think they started off with the AJ/Dixie thing and for whatever reason, it had to be changed and they've gone down this car crash road.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So AJ wasn't raped after all! It turns out, and bear with me here because this will come as a massive shock, Daniels made her fake a pregnancy and drug AJ Styles in order to take the photos. Who would have thought?! Not really sure where they can take this now though, as AJ scored the big win over Daniels at Hardcore Justice. Perhaps Kazarian turning on Daniels and a feud between those two?

Hogan really should never be involved in any physical capacity ever again. He's knackered. His attempts at brawling with A&8s was laughable, although so were some of the others' attempts. Sadly there are talks of him in a match at BFG, most likely a big many-a-side type against Aces & 8s I would imagine. Talking of BFG, the BFG series is nearly over. I assume they'll take the top 4 again and have them face off in a playoff? I reckon it'll be Joe, Storm, RVD (who looks like he cares again) and Ray. Can't see RVD winning it, but can see any of the other 3. Actually I've just had a look and it seems that the top 4 will face off in some form at No Surrender.

Sting is rather irritating at the moment, and I nearly cried with despair when the crowd kept chanting for Hogan at the end. Aside from that, another decent show, and things are coming along nicely.

Also Wrestletalk is now on after Impact. Caught it last night and it was good. They had a god interview with Y2J.

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Kaz turns on Daniels for No Surrender and then a three way at BFG?

Hogan attempt at acting angry (what was he growling?) was almost as bad as Claire's, almost.

Good re Hogan at BFG, I've got him on my Deadpool ph34r.gif. If they do that then it means that Aries won't be on Team TNA (since he'll be defending the title). Probably means that Storm and Ray won't win the BFG series as they're integral to the Aces and 8s story. So is Angle(sorta).

Joe or RVD to win the series then? I still can't stand RVD.

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I'm glad they shitcanned the Claire and AJ nonsense. That angle was rotten from start to finish.

I'm a bit concerned that the Aces and Eights reveal is going to be a letdown. I reckon it's going to a bunch of jobbers like Jesse, Festus and Domino, led by Jeff Jarrett.

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