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Monday Night Raw Live


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Don't watch much these days because I find it too difficult to keep up with watching the shows back (can't watch live anymore now I work for the man). 

Was there last night and enjoyed the event for what it was but agree with the above there are no stars. I know Kevin Owens is popular but all I see is a fat guy with a crap beard.

Going to Smackdown tonight and looking forward to it.

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Kevin Owens is fucking brilliant. I also don't think he's your main guy but he has awesome matches and is superb on the mic. Will make a great babyface down the line.

Reading the spoilers, looks like it was a dreadful show. It's always more fun if you're there live though. Would certainly hope Fear and Loathing is better than that though.

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Went with my 15 year old son, who has assumed the bug from me, and the show absolutely pishes all over the house shows that come twice a year. Awesome crowd reactions (when was the last time Roman didn't say anything?) - and even from the cheap(aye right) seats at the back, the view was excellent.

Noam Dar, Cesaro, Enzo and Bayley got massive reactions, and Owens and Y2J were superb on the mic - especially post show. Seth cant say Glasgow properly, and although it will look like a poorer show on TV - it definitely made a difference being there in person.

Cant see there being another tv taping being in Glasgow for a while, so will enjoy the show last night for what it was.



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Yeah. Some serious crowd muting and editing. Probably the loudest part of the bayley chant was after Charlotte shouted 'are you finished now'. Cut that bit completely.


ICW chants around Noam were pretty loud but disappeared.



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25 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

Gutted I had to miss last night but going along tonight for Smackdown.

I really struggle to watch Raw live because of the amount of adverts you need to go through, what was that like live? Is it broken up or does it still flow well live?

You can definitely tell when adverts are on, but it also allowed the several ring and mat changes that take place. There's actually an awful lot goes on during the ad breaks, very little of it is actual wrestling. There were other times were the announce team were doing on screen segments, that only a keen eye could spot - well I was at opposite side. But all in all its a very professionally ran show - as you would expect.



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Poor show in terms of actual content and character or story progression. But a few fun segments. Overall you can tell it was a little smark-pleasing, 2nd rate show. Disappointed with much of it.

I think SmackDown should be better so bit gutted to be missing it.

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2 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:



Tbf I thought he did it for a reaction rather than a genuine mistake :lol:


Yeah me too - guys on fire just now.


If this is Jericho's last big run, we should enjoy him as much as possible. WWE will be a worse place when he decides to hang up the list and scarf.

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50 minutes ago, Tartantony said:

I really struggle to watch Raw live because of the amount of adverts you need to go through, what was that like live? Is it broken up or does it still flow well live?


It's worse.



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As a raw - it was poor. 70 odd minutes in before the 2nd bit of in ring action. Obviously, the live crowd had 2 superstars matches beforehand so they had seen a bit extra but for the tv viewer, that is poor. Was getting some flack on twitter for that.

The ad break stops at the live show were naturally very obvious. Basically, they showed adverts (wwe promos) on the screen during that time. I really didn't like them showing a lot of Brock vs Goldberg promos when there was nothing for that storyline on show. Worst parts when they were advertising 'live, face to face... next week'. That's only going to piss off the crowd that have paid to be there this week.

I don't know what they could do differently other than darkness and silence (or a little background music). This might get the crows to build excitement in advance of the next segment rather than them all just watching an advert.

As said above, a lot is actually going on during those parts so they are needed (none more so than the cruisers changeovers when they taped the ropes purple.


The Noam Dar pop was good and the ICW chants.

The New Day Braveheart monologue was cringe worthy at best - but funny when you were there. The Agnes chant was good.

The Bayley song hijack was brilliant. Charlotte seemed genuinely seething.

The boos when they showed Celtic Park were funny. Didn't bode well for them when there was to be a couple of huddles later on.

Lana's cheeky smile when she was doing her 'America rise...' bit.

The main event was alright. Bit of fun with Seth smacking Braun with the Kendo stick just in front of me and then the table spot. Fun funish with Owens pinning Jericho.

Disappointed with the level of Reigns heat.

Enjoyed the experience, even if the show wasn't the best.

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