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f**k sake. How can they do that?! They invest all their time in it, building it well and subtly, then just suddenly waste it all in one fell swoop?! Pish, fucking pish. Did Vince Russo do this?

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f**k sake. How can they do that?! They invest all their time in it, building it well and subtly, then just suddenly waste it all in one fell swoop?! Pish, fucking pish. Did Vince Russo do this?

Sort of my thinking as well. It's more annoying than anything else. I mean... okay, they get a one time massive deal out of it, but then what?

And the thing is as well, do we even know how long this is for? Is it a one shotter? f**k knows. It'll be tremendous to watch though.

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So next weeks Raw has already taken place by the looks of it - just saw the results online.

Some MASSIVE news from it. Don't click on the spoiler if you don't want to know - you have been warned!!

I'm only kidding - just quote this with lots of shocked/excited/unbelievable comments and smileys

Fucking hell. I didn't think we'd EVER see that happening!

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Gonna stay up and watch this live for the first time ever!! Usually I record it and watch it a day or two later because I despise adverts. Well, I'm going record it until like half hour in and start watching it from then, so I can skip adverts for the first hour or so then it'll be live.

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Cena on his phone tonight talking about "I'm having a busy night too" and Maddox on his phone last week "I'm taking care of it".

Anyone thinking what I'm (wishfully) thinking?

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Cena on his phone tonight talking about "I'm having a busy night too" and Maddox on his phone last week "I'm taking care of it".

Anyone thinking what I'm (wishfully) thinking?

Hadn't even considered the link there but you might be onto something there.


The commentary team is poorer for JBL going climbing mountains. Upsides of the taping, more time in the ring and less doing backstage skits. Downside, it just doesn't feel the same and you could tell when the cheers and boos were being piped in (i don't watch SD so i'm not used to that).

The Fandango buzz seems to be well and truly finished, he seems to have been dropped from any kind of a push if he's going to bail on matches agianst the likes of RVD.

Don't buy the line we're being fed in the Big E vs Ziggy feud that they are former 'best friends'. He was a hired heavy, nothing more was ever shown of their relationship. Weak build up to whatever they are throwing together at SS for this one.

Del Rio-Christian was much better than i imagined it would be, especially for a match so long, considered skipping this one but glad i didn't. Give it a bash if you missed it, as someone above did.

Watched the second diva's match of the night in the hope of more Bella breast (usually skip these, and skipped the first one tonight until DZ appeared). Yeah, stupid stuff with the interference and no nipples, waste of my time.

Curtis Axel is getting better on the mic, can they stop with the cheesy 'perfect' lines though, let him do his own thing. I guess we are going to see the Punk-Lesnar build up focus on Punk chasing Heyman around, wouldn't be surprised if there is no sign of Lesnar again now until right before Summerslam if at all.

I guess Wade Barrett's latest little push is over, no idea where they go with him next. He's really in limbo putting other mid-carders over at the moment, shame.

Hard to tell with the episode being taped but Bryan seems to be getting the crowd more and more behind him, also he asked if the universe want a new champion and it was pretty much unanimously cheered/'YES' chanted, no negative reaction from the pro-Cena mob at all. Unless that was edited. They are obviously teasing a change to the Summerslam card (Orton added is most likely if they do, given the stuff from Vince about 'what a WWE champion should look like'), or some kind of McMahon involved interference in the match (again an Orton MITB cash-in probably), even if they do end up screwing Bryan it'll only lead to an even bigger winning moment down the line, and i like heel McMahon so it's all good whatever they go with here. The run up to this should be fairly interesting. A couple of people on here have mentioned they think it will be a boring build up as there is no animosity between Cena/Bryan, both faces etc. But it's proving anything but for me.

Good show

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I guess Wade Barrett's latest little push is over, no idea where they go with him next. He's really in limbo putting other mid-carders over at the moment, shame.

Latest push? I can tell you from the stats I keep for the wrestling manager thing that he hasn't won a match since the night after Wrestlemania on April 8th when he beat Miz for the IC title :lol:

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Yeah he is a lost cause at the moment, I reckon they should pair him and Sheamus up (who is also going nowhere at the moment) and have them as sort of bully boy British/Irish hooligans in a sort of APA type way. Would probably work as faces or heels that sort of team. Plus it would add a credible face tag team to the current roster

Edited by DavidMcG
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