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He's not had the same sort of INSANE reaction CM Punk had around that time, but Daniel Bryan's got more of a universal appeal and has had sustained popularity for a year and a half, meaning he's outlasted many flash in the pans who have come and gone in that time.

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I happened to be reading their Wiki page a last month or so, apparently one of them retired and so the other was forced to quit as well.


As for Bryan, I've not seen the reactions he's been getting but they must be pretty incredible if it is the same as what Punk had after Las Vegas and MitB a few years back. Keep in mind that it got a lot of people interested in wrestling again.

It's different. Punk's thing was so out of nowhere that it'll be talked about for years to come. I think Bryan is, generally, more over than Punk was at that time. (Chicago show aside).

I'm sure I remember someone on here saying that he'd never manage to get over in WWE. I think the creative have actually done well to make a few more interesting characters, or at least try to improve on ones which might not have been done as successfully.

Yeah, there was tonnes. I was thinking about that today, loads of people said he had no charisma and wouldn't make it. If I had time (read: effort) then I'd look back through The Wrestling Thread (I'd imagine it'd be in there) then I'd quote all of them.

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I was fairly unsure at the time. Don't think I wrote him off completely, but was sceptical. I don't think many could have seen the last 18 months coming though. This essentially came about because he got squashed in seconds by Sheamus. Lets not forget that.

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I was fairly unsure at the time. Don't think I wrote him off completely, but was sceptical. I don't think many could have seen the last 18 months coming though. This essentially came about because he got squashed in seconds by Sheamus. Lets not forget that.

Well done Vince? :unsure:

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Parscelona did say he had no personality.

I had quite a go around the time he was World Champ going into the squash match, although that was mainly down to the reverse push he was getting, and was basically asking why the f**k we should believe he can beat Show and Menry if he can't beat anyone else.

jay_7 basically said he couldn't do anything ever. djchapsticks I think was the only one who well and truly called this, although forehead and oor Shuggie here weren't underestimating his skills at all. They just kinda stopped short of saying "this guy's gonna be a fucking star!"

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Parscelona did say he had no personality.

I had quite a go around the time he was World Champ going into the squash match, although that was mainly down to the reverse push he was getting, and was basically asking why the f**k we should believe he can beat Show and Menry if he can't beat anyone else.

jay_7 basically said he couldn't do anything ever. djchapsticks I think was the only one who well and truly called this, although forehead and oor Shuggie here weren't underestimating his skills at all. They just kinda stopped short of saying "this guy's gonna be a fucking star!"

I would agree with most of this, from recollection.

I didn't think he'd be at this level but his run on NXT showed some character, the stuff with Michael Cole and Miz was great.

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I remember whoever it was (jay_7 apparently) getting quite heated about how shite Bryan was and that he would be gone inside a few months etc. Reminded me of when I seemed to be the only one who thought The Miz was utter shite. Pretty much everyone else had one big love in.

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Regarding the ring gear. His trunks have always had a naff 70s and 80s look about them in any match I've ever seen him in, this works fine in ROH etc, but in a company where selling merchandise is just as important as how technically gifted you are, he'll struggle. But I reckon this is all a ploy by WWE to put him intentionally in his old naff gear and give him a shit haircut then change his look about as the season progresses, evolving him. He'll be back to his classic shaven headed look in a few months I'd imagine and be given slighty better trunks. They must realise that his ring skills need no work and his ring attire only needs minimal tweaking, nothing gimmicky.

Pushed correctly, he'll be huge.

Well remembered, Dom. I actually had to go looking for this as although I've always thought it and have been a massive mark for him, I don't actually recall putting it down on here that I thought he was going to be massive.

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I remember whoever it was (jay_7 apparently) getting quite heated about how shite Bryan was and that he would be gone inside a few months etc. Reminded me of when I seemed to be the only one who thought The Miz was utter shite. Pretty much everyone else had one big love in.

I assume that was back when he started? I wasn't watching wrestling back then (probably wasn't on P&B at the time either) or I probably would've been right there with you. I can't go the guy, at all. He's an atrocious face and a poor heel.

Whits the Brooklyn Brawler waiting on?

Aye, I saw that too. Figured he was there purely for a cheap pop if Cena mentioned him as a potential candidate (why the f**k not use cult hero, JTG?) but nothing. Seriously weird.

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I assume that was back when he started? I wasn't watching wrestling back then (probably wasn't on P&B at the time either) or I probably would've been right there with you. I can't go the guy, at all. He's an atrocious face and a poor heel.

Aye, I saw that too. Figured he was there purely for a cheap pop if Cena mentioned him as a potential candidate (why the f**k not use cult hero, JTG?) but nothing. Seriously weird.

When he started all that "Awwwwwwwwwwwesome" shite when he was the MITB holder. P&B had a raging hard on for him he was "everyones favourite" before they all realised I was the only one making sense.

It was similar to when everyone had a boner for Punk only without the justification.

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