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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Congratulations on getting the CVA approved.

Without pissing on your parade though, it would appear that there is much work to be done.

From the info posted on here, you've comitted to;

£80k for the CVA

£170K for the Footballing debts

£120K for Administrators (assuming it's £100K + 20%)

As you've raised £114,500 that leaves a shortfall of £255,500.

You've presumably still got to find some cash for KPMG and their creditor and then you've got the running costs of a full time team and a massive white elephant, presuming you secure it.

Seems a little early to be giving it large on this thread IMO.

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Obviously pleased for Dunfermline fans, but it just goes to show that there isn't much point in "playing by the rules".

Motherwell, Dundee, Rangers and now Dunfermline have all had an easy way out of a huge mess that has been entirely their own doing. Any clubs struggling to make ends meet should just do the same.

Not meaning to come across bitter, i would be mightily relieved/pleased if it were my club.

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Congratulations on getting the CVA approved.

Without pissing on your parade though, it would appear that there is much work to be done.

From the info posted on here, you've comitted to;

£80k for the CVA

£170K for the Footballing debts

£120K for Administrators (assuming it's £100K + 20%)

As you've raised £114,500 that leaves a shortfall of £255,500.

You've presumably still got to find some cash for KPMG and their creditor and then you've got the running costs of a full time team and a massive white elephant, presuming you secure it.

Seems a little early to be giving it large on this thread IMO.

It's better than ten fucking million. I wish Airdrie had Jackson rather than Nimmo. It certainly highlights the importance of the major creditor. Barr could have did what Masterton did. I hope the old c**t gets a moment of lucidity tonight as his nappy gets changed.

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Congratulations on getting the CVA approved.

Without pissing on your parade though, it would appear that there is much work to be done.

From the info posted on here, you've comitted to;

£80k for the CVA

£170K for the Footballing debts

£120K for Administrators (assuming it's £100K + 20%)

As you've raised £114,500 that leaves a shortfall of £255,500.

You've presumably still got to find some cash for KPMG and their creditor and then you've got the running costs of a full time team and a massive white elephant, presuming you secure it.

Seems a little early to be giving it large on this thread IMO.

The £114500 is just what was raised by "ordinary" fans. There was a target of £400K for "Pars Patrons" who wished to contribute £5K and upwards. Don't know if it has been met though.

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Congratulations on getting the CVA approved.

Without pissing on your parade though, it would appear that there is much work to be done.

From the info posted on here, you've comitted to;

£80k for the CVA

£170K for the Footballing debts

£120K for Administrators (assuming it's £100K + 20%)

As you've raised £114,500 that leaves a shortfall of £255,500.

You've presumably still got to find some cash for KPMG and their creditor and then you've got the running costs of a full time team and a massive white elephant, presuming you secure it.

Seems a little early to be giving it large on this thread IMO.

That 114, 500 was from the donations target which was only 100, 000 and made up of donations between 100 and 4999 pounds. Their was a seperate unpublished target of 400,000 from larger 'patron' investment. We are lead to believe this has been achieved.

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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There are 'Pars Patrons' who have invested in Pars United that is outwith the total of £114,500 the fans have raised - that figure has not been disclosed.

That was a rollercoaster day and I'm thrilled that the CVA was accepted. Of course, I am sorry for those who lost jobs and have lost money - individuals and businesses - and it will take hard work for trust between the club, community and business community to be built up again. But I am confident we have the right people in charge to do that and take the club forward. The creditors must take real credit for voting for the proposal despite losing money in all of this.

We've got a difficult couple of years ahead, particularly on the pitch. But the main thing is having a sustainable club that is living within its means so we are never in a position like this again. Like I say, none of us wanted to be in this position but make no mistake, the Pars were very close to the brink so today is a monumental day in the club's history.

There was a lot of emotion there today and it is to the huge credit of those who fought this right from the start that we are here. When we drew 3-3 at Partick on the second last day of the season, the fans chanted "together, we can save the Pars." How right they were. The fans have united in a way I have never seen before in 20 years of watching Dunfermline and have achieved something massive.

But we all know there are huge challenges ahead. But the club has survived, and is in our hands. That is a cause for celebration. Time to look forward now and not back.


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3 players in on loan from Dundee United (including Ferguson) and Washburn from Torquay officially added to squad.


Looks like good additions, would think that's us done til January and you would think this means no contract for buchan.

I see washburns contract is 6 months, does this mean we can start signing up the players that are on monthly deals on longer contracts?

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It's better than ten fucking million. I wish Airdrie had Jackson rather than Nimmo. It certainly highlights the importance of the major creditor. Barr could have did what Masterton did. I hope the old c**t gets a moment of lucidity tonight as his nappy gets changed.

Agreed on all fronts.

The £114500 is just what was raised by "ordinary" fans. There was a target of £400K for "Pars Patrons" who wished to contribute £5K and upwards. Don't know if it has been met though.

That 114, 500 was from the donations target which was only 100, 000 and made up of donations between 100 and 4999 pounds. Their was a seperate unpublished target of 400,000 from larger 'patron' investment. We are lead to believe this has been achieved.

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Even if this "Pars Patrons" target has been achieved, you still have to reach an agreement with KPMG and the bank. With over £250,000 already comitted that'll leave around £150,000 for the bank and KPMG, assuming thay accept around that figure then all the funds are gone, you've a stadium with huge running costs and a full time team to run. It's going to take an enormous effort to run your club sustainably, especially as many of those who have given, will have given as much as they are willing or able.

As I say, it was a good effort to get this far, may of us didn't believe you would, and you should be congratulated.

This season, you'll be carried along on a wave of good will from your support, but if you don't go up this season, and the Rangers money is gone, the following season could be a different matter altogether

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Good news about the CVA, Looking forward with a bit more security is good but fans will need to remember this day and the day as the administrators moved into as how close we came to going to the wire when we are getting fucked aff brechin in this division in a couple of seasons time.

Come on ye pars

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Good news about the CVA, Looking forward with a bit more security is good but fans will need to remember this day and the day as the administrators moved into as how close we came to going to the wire when we are getting fucked aff brechin in this division in a couple of seasons time.

Come on ye pars

It'll be this season!

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It will disappoint you to know that we are almost out of debt and that we do balance the books by living within our means.

Why would Rovers almost being out of debt disappoint me?

I assume you know next to f**k all about the Rovers finances and have just made that up. We are nowhere near being out of debt.

Don't let the truth knock you off that high horse though!

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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not bitter at all and why is todays news good for us.unless we draw them in the cup or relegated at the end of next season unlikely to have an impact on us


yes we have a history of been unable to balance or books but not to the extent of shafting everyone left right and centre by entering admin and no alternaqtive acceptance offer of  zero in the £ .,we are or having at least been trying to balance our books.we have cut staff and wages,given up our rights to ownership of our stadium in an attempt to do so.nobody is claiming we live within our means dignity line but at least some are attempting to do something about it.if your comfortable with their situation and how the have done it it says more about you


agree regards scottish football as a whole need to find a solution but an equally bigger responsibility is on those running clubs  

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My point is the mess we're in is as much the ordinary punters fault at Starks as it was at East end. Today a bunch of football fans dug deep to save their club and that pleases me. The way the business was run is disgusting but I don't feel we have the right to throw stones from our glass house.

I can remember when we thought we were Billy Big time in the mid to late nineties. Had we not been relegated the season before the Spl started I dread to think the financial mess we wouldve got ourselves into such was our cavalier approach to finance at that time.

We're still paying for it now!

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Agreed on all fronts

This season, you'll be carried along on a wave of good will from your support, but if you don't go up this season, and the Rangers money is gone, the following season could be a different matter altogether

Is that Newco or Berwick Rangers your talking about. If its Newco, I'm hoping we'll be challenging up at the top as we have a good fan base that will come out in numbers, unlike Airdrie who obviously have a keen interest in Newco

Edited by Yankee_Dollar
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Is that Newco or Berwick Rangers your talking about. If its Newco, I'm hoping we'll be challenging up at the top as we have a good fan base that will come out in numbers, unlike Airdrie who obviously have a keen interest in Newco


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Obviously pleased for Dunfermline fans, but it just goes to show that there isn't much point in "playing by the rules". Motherwell, Dundee, Rangers and now Dunfermline have all had an easy way out of a huge mess that has been entirely their own doing. Any clubs struggling to make ends meet should just do the same. Not meaning to come across bitter, i would be mightily relieved/pleased if it were my club.

Lol at this being the easy way out. You been living in a cave for the last 6 months?

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Interested to know from Pars fans if there has been any shift in feeling towards Masterton? Obviously he was the main player with regard to you going into admin but it seems his abstention played a huge part in the cva approval.

Is he still public enemy no 1?

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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