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Couldn't give a monkey's if stadium naming rights get sold, people will still call it East End Park. I do however think that it is naming rights for the stands that were being offered rather than the whole stadium tbh

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Couldn't give a monkey's if stadium naming rights get sold, people will still call it East End Park. I do however think that it is naming rights for the stands that were being offered rather than the whole stadium tbh

Ali's Cave?

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Yeah that's probably what was needed. Seventh in fucking League 1. Utter joke. Buchanan is the only one I feel slightly aggrieved about but he hasn't been playing good for a while now.

Looking forward to seeing who we bring in now, should be exciting! AJ obviously knows how to win this league so we'll probably see a crop of players that are able to win these leagues, not signing players that are 'best of the rest' and clearly aren't good enough.

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5 I think




Make up 3, can't remember the other 2.

Think the other 2 are orru and McClair. Leaving the team to start the season as.


Williamson orru Martin geggan

Faiss spence falkingham hopkirk

Wallace Moffat

Byrne Thomas crossan McClair

More than abit thrown together but obviously that's going to be expected.

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Look at me, look at me....everyone LOOK AT ME

^^^Gets it badly wrong about the players and managers he defended then can't see he's wrong and still creates scenes and trouble in every thread.

Nice alias too btw.

You are the attention seeker, what else would explain your constant dramatic defending of everyone at the club?

Strange person indeed.

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^^^Gets it badly wrong about the players and managers he defended then can't see he's wrong and still creates scenes and trouble in every thread.

Nice alias too btw.

You are the attention seeker, what else would explain your constant dramatic defending of everyone at the club?

Strange person indeed.

I've genuinely no idea what you're on about. I have the same name on .net.

"Why do some people ALWAYS look for the negative? I wonder if they are like that in all walks of life.

Most of the players not offered new deals were given plenty chances to nail a first team spot. Not one managed it convincingly in my opinion. The league table confirms that.

The whole squad needs overhauled anyone can see that. There can be no room for sentiment. I appreciate what some of these guys did when we went into admin but as a team we have to move on. There's absolutely no point bringing a new manager in then saying he's to go with the same boys. Let the guy put a stamp on the squad and hopefully it's a success."

Post by me from last night on .net. I'll criticise where I feel the need. I'll also call folk up when they talk shite like you. For the whole of last season you slaughtered most of the younger players, now you think they're hard done to because they've been released. Do you actually want the new manager to succeed? Are you a Pars fan? I find you a very, very, strange person. You almost seem unstable with your constant "I'm taking a break" rants only to return five minutes later.

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Couldn't give a monkey's if stadium naming rights get sold, people will still call it East End Park. I do however think that it is naming rights for the stands that were being offered rather than the whole stadium tbh

Probably a case of getting money for whatever they can but I think this makes it pretty clear the stadium name is up for grabs if anyone stumps up the dosh:

Stadium Sponsorship
East End Park is a stadium with an iconic place in Scottish Football, and DAFC is now offering the naming rights to a potential sponsor. The package on offer also includes prominent internal and external signage supported by a generous hospitality package.
The Sponsor will receive numerous name checks throughout the season via TV, Radio and written press which will highlight their prominent position as a major partner with DAFC whilst promoting their products or services.
East End Park is located on one of West Fife’s busiest arterial roads, and would be renamed incorporating the Sponsors name. The Press and TV would be notified of the change and would be asked to refer to the new name when reporting on DAFC.
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Quite a huge turnaround to get rid of the U20's coaches so soon. Does this mean we are scrapping the youth team perhaps?

Will we still have an Under 20 team?
AJ: "There is definitely still an Under 20s team, we just don't know what league we are going to be in because that has not been decided yet. We will find a bit more clarity in June to find out exactly what league we will be playing in."
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Pre-season friendlies have been arranged against East Fife, Berwick, Queens Park and Livingston. Enjoyed the trip to Berwick last preseason (Moffatt scored!) so if it's away again I'll probably fire down, but the others are pretty yawnsome. They said they're looking to arrange another one as well, so hopefully it's a decent away one.

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Officially confirmed now that all 18 players who were out of contract were punted released. See http://www.dafc.co.uk/story.php?t=18_Pars_players_released_&ID=8488

The list in full is;

Ross Millen

Alex Whittle

Ryan Thomson

Gregor Buchanan

Allan Smith

Kyle McAusland

Andy Barrowman

Jim Paterson

Ryan Goodfellow

Scott Mercer

Declan O’Kane

Finn Graham

Gavin McMillan

Jamie Wilson

Jonathan Page

Andy Stirling

Stuart Urquhart

Paul George.

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I've genuinely no idea what you're on about. I have the same name on .net.

"Why do some people ALWAYS look for the negative? I wonder if they are like that in all walks of life.

Most of the players not offered new deals were given plenty chances to nail a first team spot. Not one managed it convincingly in my opinion. The league table confirms that.

The whole squad needs overhauled anyone can see that. There can be no room for sentiment. I appreciate what some of these guys did when we went into admin but as a team we have to move on. There's absolutely no point bringing a new manager in then saying he's to go with the same boys. Let the guy put a stamp on the squad and hopefully it's a success."

Post by me from last night on .net. I'll criticise where I feel the need. I'll also call folk up when they talk shite like you. For the whole of last season you slaughtered most of the younger players, now you think they're hard done to because they've been released. Do you actually want the new manager to succeed? Are you a Pars fan? I find you a very, very, strange person. You almost seem unstable with your constant "I'm taking a break" rants only to return five minutes later.

So much contradiction and backtracking there so don't know where to start.

Real fans care about the club deeply and don't just happy clap and sit back and watch things happen to cosy in with others to gain influence.This is what caused the Masterton issue and caused another total waste of money.

It's the same pattern every time.

Everyone is happy and positive

Football or results are going badly

Few point out the obvious - shot down by the same one or two who abuse them and question how much they actually support the club. Creates a division between fans and a nasty atmosphere on the forums. Admin back it up because it suits the club and covers up any issues.

Points that the few raised initially are emphasised even further when results continue to be bad, when brought up they are accused of being full of themselves or thinking they are crystal ball merchants etc. There is no recognition that they have been right or that the few abusers went too far. This creates more tension and results on people losing it, quite rightly, at the utter unfairness and bias of the original cover up.

Even when it's as clear as day the few 'defenders of the club' actually caused great harm overall they have the cheek to turn around and call into question the support of the few who maybe had it right to begin with.

There is good reason to be positive and support the team but when results and finances are suffering through bad management then it's only right to point this out. I think everyone gave the club one season of grace and fully supported the club despite Masterton's refusal to admit defeat and outright lying to the last minute.

Surely after this fiasco most people would realise that it's good to be critical and quite rightly would be pissed off and 'unstable' if they saw it happening again.

dot net is a toxic poisonous avenue for the good of the club and it needs completely overhauled.

Several people are effectively covering up any wrong doing at the club and it needs to stop.

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Officially confirmed now that all 18 players who were out of contract were punted released. See http://www.dafc.co.uk/story.php?t=18_Pars_players_released_&ID=8488

The list in full is;

Ross Millen

Alex Whittle

Ryan Thomson

Gregor Buchanan

Allan Smith

Kyle McAusland

Andy Barrowman

Jim Paterson

Ryan Goodfellow

Scott Mercer

Declan O’Kane

Finn Graham

Gavin McMillan

Jamie Wilson

Jonathan Page

Andy Stirling

Stuart Urquhart

Paul George.

Only really bothered about Buchanan, Ryan T and Graham. They all had something to offer. Hopefully they are the players coming back for pre-season.

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As a Raith fan, I think you have the best manager available. Something I think had to change at East End. We definitely lost out on that score. Hopefully with AJ in charge you will see the benefit, whoever you bring in to replace the players dropped will get you back to where you belong. Although we are the best of enemies, I seriously want you back in the Championship.

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