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Breaking Bad


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Started season four last night.  It's not quite on the same level as The Wire or The Sopranos but it's not far off it.  I'd rank it alongside Band Of Brothers.



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The Wire is wildly overrated, faded badly by season 3. BB is up there with Sopranos and Six Feet Under, and possibly Game of Thrones (we'll see how the tv adaptation pans out to conclusion).

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The Wire is wildly overrated, faded badly by season 3. BB is up there with Sopranos and Six Feet Under, and possibly Game of Thrones (we'll see how the tv adaptation pans out to conclusion).

Yep, The Wire is something you watch and think "err, is that it...?". A good show, but the way people go on about it is ridiculous.

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I've finished it. Great way to end it all.

I am now on Episode 4 of Season 5 and have just said to my boss that I felt it could have ended after Season 4 as I am not sure where Season 5 can go from here...

None the less, I am still enjoying it and will finish in the next 2-3 days.

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I am now on Episode 4 of Season 5 and have just said to my boss that I felt it could have ended after Season 4 as I am not sure where Season 5 can go from here...

None the less, I am still enjoying it and will finish in the next 2-3 days.

Just wait till you get to the last 8 which aired in August/September last year. I nearly shat myself at least three times during "Ozymandias".

Edited by Miguel Simao
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Just finished the final season last night with a 5 episode sesh. Probably the most tense and exciting thing i've ever seen. I would describe myself as a bit of a fan boy of The Wire but I do think Breaking Bad surpasses it. Just brilliant tv and i am incredibly jealous of anybody who is about to start watching it.

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For whatever reason I've never got round to watching this..

It's on Netflix, all 5 seasons. Is it worth watching it all?

It takes a couple of episodes to settle into but once you do any social life you have will vanish

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I finished season four on Sunday. A thrilling finale but I get the feeling that season five will just be kicking the arse out of it. I did start season five yesterday and one episode in pretty much makes it clear how the first half is going to pan out.

Mike is probably my favourite character, alongside Hank and Gus. Skylar is definitely from the Carmela Soprano School Of Female Characters, although I initially had sympathy for her, I grew to hate her (the opposite of Carmela actually) and now find her a frustrating character. I don't like Jessie. Walter is a difficult one to pin down, I don't find him a particularly likeable character but you understood his actions. He's Tony Soprano-esque, you want to like him because he's the main character but he's just a total c**t.

Hector Salamanca is a good. Fun fact: he's Ace Ventura's landlord (Satan).

Edited by yoda
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The ending to Season 2 btw

The ending to season 2 was the worst thing they did. Still think that was a poor bit of writing - and totally unnecessary as well, the human drama alone was more than sufficient to sustain the finale.

Just finished watching it last night and found it very underwhelming. The end of series 5 and the first couple of the final season were class but i felt the end just petered out and found myself feeling disappointed.

Third and fourth series were the best for me. Fifth series didn't quite live up to it, with the great exception of Ozymandias, which was the best 45 minutes of tv drama I've ever seen.

And yeah, the ending was a little bit flat and divided opinion. (Me, I prefer to go with the alternate interpretation much discussed / derided earlier in the thread, but I'm not starting that debate up again.)

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For whatever reason I've never got round to watching this..

It's on Netflix, all 5 seasons. Is it worth watching it all?

Yes definitely, i never watch much tv and always find it a chore to get into watching things but its just brilliant, i can't see why anyone wouldn't like it

It takes a couple of episodes to settle into but once you do any social life you have will vanish

Seriously? I thought the first episode was as encapsulating as you could get! So much happened in it

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The biggest problem I had for the first couple of episodes was reminding myself it wasn't a comedy as I had only ever see Bryan Cranston in Malcolm in the middle, once I got passed that i was hooked

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The biggest problem I had for the first couple of episodes was reminding myself it wasn't a comedy as I had only ever see Bryan Cranston in Malcolm in the middle, once I got passed that i was hooked

I am one of those people who would get bored during the first episode of something and never watch it again and was the opposite with breaking bad

The first time it was made aware to me was in 2008 so it must have just started and my first reaction was that it wouldn't go far as it was Hal from malcom in the middle becoming a drug dealer i thought it would just be silly so didn't think much about it until 4 years later we were in Australia and wanted to watch a box set of something so remembered that and picked it off the shelf and we got hooked and watched up til 3 rd season then our lap top packed in so didn't watch any more of it for about another year til we had netflix and watched it again from scratch. The starting scene when he's in the middle of the desert making that recording we thought that was how the first season ended as there couldn't have been that much drama in first episode but were pleasantly reminded as to how action packed it was.

Think the season 4 finale was the best part of it, season 5 you were just waiting for so long for stuff to kick off and it dithered about a bit. Thought the ending coulda been better but was left feeling pretty empty when it was all over, much like the feeling you get at the end of the world cup

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