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That moment when you discover Shinsuke Nakamura's translator is none other than





I was sitting thinking "I know that guy..." Eventually, one of the commentators mentioned it was Funaki - very excited, more so than at any point in the Corbin-Aries match.

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Finished watching takeover this morning and was a fantastic PPV - without seeing any of the build up all the matches were fantastic I thought.


Tag match had a late 80's early 90's feel to it - high energy faces vs the methodical heels (reminded me of the midnight express vs Anderson & Zybzko)

I enjoyed Ares vs Corbin, I quite like Ares (not a huge fan though) and this was a good match - would have preferred to see Corbin destroying Ares after the pin, to make it look like Ares skill had got the pin against the much bigger and stronger Corbin but keeping Corbin strong as well.

Zayn vs Nakamura - phenomenal stuff from the 2 of them - always helps when the crowd are really in to it but this was in MOTY contendership

Womens match was solid, better than most of the stuff the main roster has had.

Was really looking forward to Balor v Joe - the cut to Joe's eye really stopped them getting any flow going, still a good match but was ruined by the continual breaks to clean up the blood.

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Nakamura Styles was fantastic. Don't see the point in watching any other matches. Also, Sami zayns entrance is ridiculously catchy.


So the only match you watched was one that didn't happen....

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Kota Ibushi has joined the Cruiserweight Open. Apparently Ricochet is close to signing as well. This has the potential to be absolutely wonderful, as if it didn't already.


Crews vs. Drifter was a dark match apparently.


The word ricochet comes from an old footballer called Richard O'Shea who used to score loads of goals from deflections.

Edited by Tamdunk
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Apollo Crews, Baron Corbin, Enzo & Cass have all been added to the WWE main roster page, the Vaudvillains have also been added and are expected to debut on Smackdown.


Wonder what's going to happen to Carmella since she's not been added. Still being Enzo & Cass' valet whilst also competing in NXT? Imagine they'd have to work a timescale if that's the case.



Just noticed there's a few people on the roster (are you going by the WWE website or the Wiki page for the roster?) who I haven't seen in nearly a year. Diego and Fernando (even though they're being repackaged), El Torito & even Hornswoggle. I was going to say David Otunga as well but I remembered he's the Raw pre-show host... was there ever a reason given that he barely wrestles now? 

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Wonder what's going to happen to Carmella since she's not been added. Still being Enzo & Cass' valet whilst also competing in NXT? Imagine they'd have to work a timescale if that's the case.

Just noticed there's a few people on the roster (are you going by the WWE website or the Wiki page for the roster?) who I haven't seen in nearly a year. Diego and Fernando (even though they're being repackaged), El Torito & even Hornswoggle. I was going to say David Otunga as well but I remembered he's the Raw pre-show host... was there ever a reason given that he barely wrestles now?

Yes. He's not very good. He has the look and the brains but he's shite.

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