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May as well shove this in here and make this an NXT/Supertars type thread

Just watched Superstars and Gabriel/Kidd had a great match with Hawkins/Reks I thought, crowd were into it as well 8)

Interesting to note that Gabriel is no longer allowed to use his old finisher as it has fcuked him up too much in the past, I thought that would be it for him as that was his main selling point but I think in this tag team he certainly works


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Aye :lol: I actually find his character quite creepy, Im not sure why. I suppose that at least shows its a good thing.

He is IRS's boy aint he?

Aye, and he's the brother of the boy that opened the show Bo Dallas.

I really like the looks of the character and the vignette was really cool I thought and well made. I think the character is supposed to be similar to Robert Di Nero in Cape Fear.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Good Husky Harris knowledge sir 8)

Looks like he has also lost a few lbs as well, whilst still looking like a big guy

On the subject of him cutting some weight, when Bo Dallas walked out I thought "f**k me Husky Harris has lost a power of weight". Anyway based on the small video, he could become one of my favourite current WWE characters alongside D-Bry and Sandow (who was also tremendous on NXT).

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Matches for next week are:

Seth Rollins vs Jiro

Jindr Mahal vs Jason Jordan

Leo Kruger vs Aiden English

Richie Steamboat vs Rick Victor

Antonio Cesaro vs Dante Dash

Derrick Bateman vs Johnny Curtis

Do you know much about these lads Shuggie?

On a different note, Im disappointed to see they are persisting with Bateman/Curtis who have had a chance and proved they are pish

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Matches for next week are:

Seth Rollins vs Jiro

Jindr Mahal vs Jason Jordan

Leo Kruger vs Aiden English

Richie Steamboat vs Rick Victor

Antonio Cesaro vs Dante Dash

Derrick Bateman vs Johnny Curtis

Do you know much about these lads Shuggie?

On a different note, Im disappointed to see they are persisting with Bateman/Curtis who have had a chance and proved they are pish

Seth Rollins is the former Tyler Black from Guerrila and RoH, he was the ROH world champ at one point.

Richie Steamboat is, needless to say, the Dragons son.

I think Rick Victor is supposed to be one of the top guys in FCW.

Never heard if the other newcomers.

I'm surprised they didn't include Dean Ambrose in this.

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Yeah the Ambrose thing is strange, I like most thers thought the thing with Foley was all a work, but I'm guessing some of it was legit as it looks like the whole thing has just been dropped and Ambrose hasn't been seen recently at all.

Although there is talk of someone debuting on or around the 1000th Raw celebrations, so Im hoping its Ambrose attacking Foley

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Yeah the Ambrose thing is strange, I like most thers thought the thing with Foley was all a work, but I'm guessing some of it was legit as it looks like the whole thing has just been dropped and Ambrose hasn't been seen recently at all.

Although there is talk of someone debuting on or around the 1000th Raw celebrations, so Im hoping its Ambrose attacking Foley

He has been touring with RAW working dark matches as I saw CM Punk tweeted a photo of Ambrose entrance at a house show a few weeks ago and called him their "secret weapon" so I guess it's only a matter of time till he debuts. However, unless he debuts with something good then it would look kinda silly not to have him on this.

On other NXT news, I quite like Johnny Curtis, but that Bateman c**t might just be the shitest thing ever I don't want to see him next week, especially in the main event. It already looks worse than this weeks main event.....Tyson Kidd is the fucking man.

I just read the Bray Wyatt is now on the road with the RAW teambiggrin.gif

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Derrick Bateman is shite and kind of looks like Steve Coogan.

Apart from that, I thought that episode of NXT was great. I hope Kidd is given a decent gimmick and pushed onto the raw roster. He's great, and Sandow is already one of the best things in wrestling just now. Bray Wyatt looks a good character and Asencion looked intense too. All in all decent stuff.

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Admittedly I haven't seen him since season 3 (?) of NXT but I thought Derrick Bateman was potentially brilliant!

He also used to tag with Johnny Curtis so surely they could put a decent enough match together.

Liking the love for Tyson Kidd - looks like he'll be tagging with Gabriel though if he ever does make it to one of the big shows. Wasted.

Edited by #Gary
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Just watched it there. Great re-debut show.

Regal and JR are absolutely fantastic on commentary. Head and shoulders better than any of the commentary teams in WWE or TNA. They're smart, knowledgable, funny and it doesn't sound fake when they rattle off facts like some other do. You aren't sitting there, wondering why either one of them has said that like you do when Booker or the King are behind the desk. I fear that this show is just gonna be like Superstars(in that there won't be any PPV time for these guys) but I'd much rather these guys do PPVs, however unlikely it is that they'll drop any of three currently doing them.

- I quite like Bo Dallas. Not the best talker but he's good in the ring. Would like to see more of Rick Victor since he's a dungeon graduate

- Sandow was great as always

- The Ascension look quite good. Not a huge fan of Conor O'Brian, the intensity will only get him so far, his part in the promo was dull and consisted of him trying to be creepy but just coming off as a bit of a fanny. Kenneth Cameron looks decent though and I thought his speaking was good. Alright for a squash tag team match, nice double team finisher.

- I don't care for Derek Bateman or Johnny Curtis

- Kidd and McGillicutty had a great match.

Surprised they haven't had Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt come in as the same surname(the Rotundas), pretty obvious tag team right there and I think they'd have the right mix of speed and strength between the two of them. The latter's vignette was decent although he said that monsters under children's beds were real, that he was a monster and was real. Did he admit that he hides under children's beds? It was a weird one, the video part gave off the Deep South, yeehaw farmer vibe but the audio was creepy. I like it.

Cesaro and Rollins(pronounced Rawlins, weird Americans) packages were good as well.

As for Dusty, I'm not a huge fan of his. I can only presume that he's already on a Legend's contract and they decided to give him something to do. He only came out once. I can dig that if he's only going to be used sparingly. Love his music though(after the "Ammmmmeeeeeerrrrricaaaaannnn Dreeeeaaaaam" part). His accent is annoying as f**k though, thank god Cody Rhodes doesn't speak like an in-breeder.

Crowd seemed pretty shite though, they did seem very vocal in their "what" chants to Sandow though. That came out of fucking nowhere, however irrelevant their opinion may be.

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Just watched episode two there - few positives and negatives


Jinder Mahal looked better than I remembered

Leo Kruger has a great look

Richie Steamboat wrestles alot like his faither

Usos vs Ascension is alright, im buying into Ascension as a tag team

Another great Bray Wyatt promo


Seth Rollins finisher

Matches were too short 'squash like' for my liking

Bateman vs Curtis - get these two morons to fcuk, I cant take either of them seriously


Overall verdict - not bad, I'll certainly keep watching but don't think it was as good as first week


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