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Evil Neighbours Thread

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My sis has recently started having problems with a neighbour over her back fence using her garden as a thoroughfare to the corner shop across the road from her house.

To do this he has to jump over a 6ft high fence, walk the full length of the garden past the garage which has a security light, over another 6ft fence (when the gate is padlocked) past the kitchen window, along the drive past her car the out the front of her drive. This is to save him all of a 5 minute walk round the block. Her neighbours to the right have seen him doing this a few times and he also occasionally cuts through their garden, so they're obviously not happy either.

This morning my sister looked out her back window only to see this cretin lowering his 5 and 3 year old sons over the fence so that they could cut through to the shop. When she asked what the f**k he thought he was doing rather than receiving an embarrassed apology all she got was "What are you going to do about it, phone the police on the weans?". What an absolute scumbag. Because the kids were already over the back fence she had to lead them out the front and told them not to come into the garden again. Said arsehole didn't take kindly to this so he jumped the fence to confront her. This obviously scared my sis quite a bit so she dived into the house. Fortunately her neighbours had heard the commotion and came out which led to a mass argument with said scumbag and the other neighbours out the front.

How the hell are you supposed to deal with scum like this? Clearly calling the police is a complete waste of time as a) trespass is a civil matter and b) folk that carry on like this are scum and obviously cant be reasoned with!

Don't be a shitebag and go round and sort the guy out on your sisters behalf*.

*this is all very good advice for me to give someone else but I definitely wouldn't follow my own advice due to my own shitebaggery.

After a few experiences of terrible neighbours I bit the bullet and bought a nice house in a very affluent area (of Kilmarnock anyway) and no longer have these worries. My neighbours even brought some mince pies round at Christmas.

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Don't be a shitebag and go round and sort the guy out on your sisters behalf*.

*this is all very good advice for me to give someone else but I definitely wouldn't follow my own advice due to my own shitebaggery.

After a few experiences of terrible neighbours I bit the bullet and bought a nice house in a very affluent area (of Kilmarnock anyway) and no longer have these worries. My neighbours even brought some mince pies round at Christmas.

My sister's neighbour ended up going to the Police for advice and to ask about painting the fence with vandal grease. Their advice was pretty much, do it, it's the scumbags own fault if they get covered in it and hopefully their kids clothes will get ruined to teach them a lesson!

The fences were duly painted but not long after said scumbag and his family were either evicted or moved on.

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Neighbours have finally starting behaving, they tried everything but I think realised they were just being c***s. I think they are mentally disturbed due to their disability and staying in all day, every day. Feel sorry for them and hope they sort themselves out.

Absolutely no idea why they would rather stay in an effective prison upstairs everyday when they could stay in a nice ground floor flat with a ramp etc?

What benefit a dog brings is also beyond my comprehension.

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Big bump

Had an unfortunate clash with my neighbour earlier. She is a single mother of 2 in a council house next to my bought house that I share with my pregnant fiancé. We have already lost a child in the past few months but have been lucky enough to get pregnant again and it's going good so far.

I was at the back door having a smoke on the phone to my mum, her two kids 8 and 5 started climbing all over my fence and hauling it about so I asked them nicely to stop. They got a mischievous look and they started attempting to haul it down. So I shouted for their mum and then politely asked her to stop them from doing it. She went mental at me for it and started threatening me. Also said I should have stopped her kids from doing it. Other than a kick in the pie, what's my options here guys n gals?

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Big bump

Had an unfortunate clash with my neighbour earlier. She is a single mother of 2 in a council house next to my bought house that I share with my pregnant fiancé. We have already lost a child in the past few months but have been lucky enough to get pregnant again and it's going good so far.

I was at the back door having a smoke on the phone to my mum, her two kids 8 and 5 started climbing all over my fence and hauling it about so I asked them nicely to stop. They got a mischievous look and they started attempting to haul it down. So I shouted for their mum and then politely asked her to stop them from doing it. She went mental at me for it and started threatening me. Also said I should have stopped her kids from doing it. Other than a kick in the pie, what's my options here guys n gals?

What was the nature of her threats?
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33 minutes ago, grumswall said:

Big bump

Had an unfortunate clash with my neighbour earlier. She is a single mother of 2 in a council house next to my bought house that I share with my pregnant fiancé. We have already lost a child in the past few months but have been lucky enough to get pregnant again and it's going good so far.

I was at the back door having a smoke on the phone to my mum, her two kids 8 and 5 started climbing all over my fence and hauling it about so I asked them nicely to stop. They got a mischievous look and they started attempting to haul it down. So I shouted for their mum and then politely asked her to stop them from doing it. She went mental at me for it and started threatening me. Also said I should have stopped her kids from doing it. Other than a kick in the pie, what's my options here guys n gals?

Big Micky Philpott is the man to gain advice from in these situations.



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Depends on her personality, doesnt look good so far.

Have you interacted with her before and it was fine?

Or is she a roaster who can see no fault with her kids, no matter what?

A kick in the pie would be far more direct and get your point across but sadly life isnt that straightforward

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Depends on her personality, doesnt look good so far.

Have you interacted with her before and it was fine?

Or is she a roaster who can see no fault with her kids, no matter what?

A kick in the pie would be far more direct and get your point across but sadly life isnt that straightforward

In fairness.. single mother she's probably just wanting a shag
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1 hour ago, grumswall said:

Big bump

Had an unfortunate clash with my neighbour earlier. She is a single mother of 2 in a council house next to my bought house that I share with my pregnant fiancé. We have already lost a child in the past few months but have been lucky enough to get pregnant again and it's going good so far.

I was at the back door having a smoke on the phone to my mum, her two kids 8 and 5 started climbing all over my fence and hauling it about so I asked them nicely to stop. They got a mischievous look and they started attempting to haul it down. So I shouted for their mum and then politely asked her to stop them from doing it. She went mental at me for it and started threatening me. Also said I should have stopped her kids from doing it. Other than a kick in the pie, what's my options here guys n gals?

Sorry about you losing the wean and best wishes to your Mrs in her pregnancy.  Pitch in on the Parenting and Pregnancy thread - there are loads of good folk there and you'll get a lot of support.

As for the rats next door, assuming napalm isn't an option, I'd chap on her door and have a reasonable discussion with her.  Good fences make good neighbours etc.

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1 hour ago, grumswall said:

Big bump

Had an unfortunate clash with my neighbour earlier. She is a single mother of 2 in a council house next to my bought house that I share with my pregnant fiancé. We have already lost a child in the past few months but have been lucky enough to get pregnant again and it's going good so far.

I was at the back door having a smoke on the phone to my mum, her two kids 8 and 5 started climbing all over my fence and hauling it about so I asked them nicely to stop. They got a mischievous look and they started attempting to haul it down. So I shouted for their mum and then politely asked her to stop them from doing it. She went mental at me for it and started threatening me. Also said I should have stopped her kids from doing it. Other than a kick in the pie, what's my options here guys n gals?

Rather than shouting at the maw, going to the door and explaining things might have been a better option.

Probably best just to see if it blows over now and let it lie.


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What was the nature of her threats?

I said to her do you mind stopping your kids destroying my fence and she responded by saying it's my fence aswell (it isnt) why don't you tell them to stop it. To which I said they aren't my children so it isn't my fucking place, she said you better watch who the f**k your talking to, just wait n see what happens.

The previous owners had been in this house since it was built in the 70s, left after 2 months of them being next door.
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